《It's Gonna Be You || jjk ff》Daddy To You



You can't do it.

As much as you want to call off the bet you can't. For the past week you've been telling yourself to just spill it to Jimin already, to call everything off and except your fate, but every time you try you choke up and make an excuse to not meet with him, thoughts of next years work load horrid enough to make you dizzy.

How selfish.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" You grumble to yourself, clinging onto the straps of your heavy backpack as you exit campus from your last class of the day.

"A lot, where should I start?" Jungkook's voice causes you to stumble back in fear, almost toppling into another student in the process.

"Sorry," you bow your head at the other student before glaring up at Jungkook's amused expression. "Don't sneak up on me like that!" You whine, heart thrumming fast as you try to catch the breath you lost.

"I can't help it, you're easy to tease. Besides, you look cute when you're angry," he winks and removes the backpack from your shoulders to carry it himself.

Butterflies flap, tickling your insides and you try to ignore them and be serious.

"Yeah, well I'm not so fond of surprises after Corn Chip Teeth," you watch as Jungkook's face flashes with regret, mind traveling back to last week when you we're basically almost kidnapped in the alley of the ice cream parlor.

"You don't have to worry about creeps like him when I'm around, never have, never will. I'll keep you safe with me forever."

Your legs keep pushing forward but your mind becomes a swooning bowl of jello.

Jungkook has been giving you more compliments than usual, maybe even a bit of flirting. Since you've confessed you can't help but to find it admirable that he's actually trying, thinking about it like he said he would.

A chance. That's way more than you had expected from this playboy anyways.

It's also strange to think that he could possibly develop feelings for you, or maybe you're just over reacting. Jungkook isn't the only one who feels weird in this situation, there's still this unspoken tension whenever you're both alone, almost as if you're both waiting to see who's going to make the first move this time.

"Earth to Y/N!" Jungkook rings in your ear, brings you back to reality. His hand lightly brushes yours as you continue your way back to the apartment. You stare down, hand twitching, the want to lace your fingers through his shooting electric currents out your finger tips.


"Did you hear anything I said?" Your eyes snap up to meet his narrowed stare, twisting your mouth to one side guiltily.

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

He snorts, squinting up at the clear sky before gleaming down at you. "About my birthday? It's coming up you know."

"I-I know that!" You say with furrowed brows, trying to subtly shake yourself out of the love struck fog that clouds your mind.

Shit, I haven't even gotten him a present yet. I've been so distracted with--

"Ahh, I'm that distracting, huh? You really need to get me off your mind; I'm not gonna let you go anywhere by yourself at this rate, you'll walk straight into traffic or something without even realizing it!"

You try to hide your smile, giving him a playful nudge with your elbow. "Who says I'm thinking about you?!"

"I'm too handsome to not think think about."

His hand brushes yours a second time and you can't help but to wonder if there's an extra meaning behind it, they way he's looking into your eyes with an emotion you fail to decipher, it's all too confusing.

"Jungkook," you mumble nervously, barely able to make eye contact as you stop in the middle of the sidewalk.

His hand swiftly captures yours, fingers banding together as he pulls you closer to his slim figure.

"If this is what you wanted all you had to do was ask," he teases, lifting to indicate your joined hands before dropping it down to swing back and forth, making you giggle as he proceeds to bounce on his feet like a kid, guiding you the entire way.

"You don't feel weird holding my hand?" Your head curiously tilts to one side, taking the time to admire his sharp jaw line, cute nose, how something as simple as a hat makes him look even more perfect, sexy and mysterious.

How can someone look this naturally beautiful?

His smile is warm as his thumb rubs the back of your hand. "There's nothing weird with holding my best friend's hand, is there?"

"No, not unless that friend... well... you know," you say and he laughs.

"I told you I'm willing to try for you."

You huff a small laugh and agree although it doesn't really reach your eyes.

How does he makes this so easy? Almost too easy...

The jingling tune of his phone disrupts the strange aura surrounding and he reaches into his pocket with his free hand, checking the caller ID before wincing, eyes closing tight. "Hey, sorry I forgot I was supposed meet you, I uh... " He glances at you before looking straight ahead. "got caught up! Yeah. Ahh, I'm sorry, I'll go right now. See you there," his call ends abruptly and he instantly tongues the inside of his cheek, a tick he does when irritated, before staring down at your questioning face apologetically.


"I completely forgot I had a tutoring session today," he says sadly, giving your hand a squeeze for good measure. "You know I can't fail any classes this semester and math isn't really my strong suit and now she only has a couple hours because... " Jungkook's voice trails off as he takes in your panicked appearance, blood draining down from your face into your gut.

"Oh no, you're not mad are you? I know we haven't spent much time together but like I said my birthday is coming up so-- "


Jungkook blinks once, twice, three times before busting out into a fit of laughter, dropping your hand to hold his stomach for good measure.

"Yah!" You smack his shoulder and he almost topples into a menu sign propped in front of a cafe, thankfully his strong body and impressive balance wouldn't allow it and he dodges it swiftly. "What's so funny?!"

Jungkook wipes the tears that fall, attempting to stand up straight again as he continues to chuckle. "You're cute when you're jealous too."

"I-I'm not jealous! Just... " you sigh, looking around before forcing your eyes to connect again. "Worried."

"Worried? Don't you think you're overthinking?" he asks with a lop-sided grin, not missing the opportunity to jumble your emotions and charmingly brush some hair off your shoulder in the process.

"I think I have the right to overthink," you complain, feet now dragging as you round the corner to the last stretch of sidewalk to your building.

What am I saying?! He's not my property, I don't own him! He can be with whoever he wants, the whole damn campus if he wanted to!

You shudder at the thought.

That's the problem, minus the flirtatious act he's recently brought to the plate, he still gets girls numbers and makes advances when he has the chance. He literally exchanged numbers with a senior at lunch today. He offered a bit too quickly to ditch you and help carry books for the pretty red head he always flirts with in the halls. You feel as if slowly you're losing your title as best friend forever and more along the lines of Jungkook's new play thing, a play thing that's waiting around twenty-four seven.

"I'll be home late, make sure you eat dinner."

You don't want to let him go in fear of him sleeping around again. That's the only thing he's changed, no more one night stands; at least none that he's brought home besides Holly and that didn't go very far.

Jungkook sees the way you rock on your heels, hands behind your back with your head hanging low.

"Ugh, Y/N what the hell are you doing to me?" he mumbles in irritation, hands wrapping around your figure to pull you against his chest. "I used to be able to leave without a second thought but now-- " his lips lightly press against the top of your head and you can feel his chest rising, breathing in the scent of your shampoo. "you make it so hard for me to leave you."

Tears sting behind your eyes as you take in his words but you push them away, not allowing him to see how overwhelmed all this is truly making you feel. "If you keep saying stuff like this I'll misunderstand," you push slightly, giving him the queue to drop his arms which he hesitates briefly before sadly obliging.

"I'm sorry," he whispers, to you or more himself you're not sure. Jungkook glances up at the building before turning his sparkling eyes to your face. "Please make sure you eat. Text me if anything happens."

"Okay, Dad!" Your smirk is small but it doesn't reach your eyes as you turn to leave, hoisting your bag higher up in the process.

"That's Daddy to you."

"I think I might throw up."

"Hey, don't knock it till you try it!"

You wave a hand dismissively in the air before looking over your shoulder to see Jungkook already getting into his car to drive off.

With a deep sigh you pull out your phone, checking the time to see it's around four o'clock. Reluctantly, you skip the text and going straight for a direct call as you walk into the elevator.


You take a deep breath, leaning against the cold metal bar. "Jimin, we need to talk. Are you hungry?"


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