《It's Gonna Be You || jjk ff》Kiss me, I'm Sober



You roll over in bed, hand scrambling to find your cell phone to mute the blaring alarm hurting your eardrums.

You didn't drink last night yet your body feels like you were out all night painting the town red.

You regret listening to Jimin's shitty advice, Jungkook's sullen face ricocheting off the darkest part of your mind like bullet and you hold your head in guilted pain. Making Jungkook jealous was the initial plan, a stupid plan at that, but you never wanted it to result in kissing Jimin. You made it clear that wasn't supposed to be part of the strategy and you can't help but to feel bitter about his absurd tactics.

Was he really trying to help or sabotage everything?

Last night you were drunk on power and determination over a bet you absolutely regret by this point, and it resulted in Jungkook resenting you.

Heaving a sigh, you drag yourself out of bed, ignoring the splitting headache and sore joints to shower and get ready for uni. You change into a simple hoodie and black jeans, too mentally and physically exhausted from the constant tossing and turning last night to put in any effort for today. This bet is starting to be the reason behind the many hours of sleep you're losing each night.

The guilt is slowly eating you away.

You grab your phone off the bed, reading a text from the last person you want to hear from.

Our plan? Thank me later?!

You delete Jimin's name and change it to Volde-- *Backspace backspace* HeWhoShallNotBeNamed.

"The plan worked my ass," you grumble to yourself while lumbering out of your bedroom, expecting to find Jungkook in the living room waiting for you.

You look around the quiet vacant room before checking the kitchen.

Still no sign of Jungkook. Not even his usual dirty breakfast dishes in the sink.

Maybe he over slept.

You knock twice before opening the door and stepping inside.

"Jungkook, you're going to be-- " You see the bed is empty and already made, no muscle bunny to be found. "late," you finish in a monotone voice.

He left without you. He never ditches you like this, at least never intentionally.

Jungkook must be really upset.

"This wasn't supposed to happen... great," your eyes close as you pinch the bridge of your nose.

Park Jimin, what the hell have you done?!


Are you serious? He's that mad?!

You can't believe your eyes as you walk to your seat in the classroom. Not only is Jungkook clearly upset but he's obviously decided on an 'eye for an eye' strategy as he no longer takes his usual spot beside you.

Oh no, he wants to take it up a notch today.

Instead he sits next to Sana.

You try not to stomp up the steps, eyes too focused on Jungkook who refuses to meet your irritated stare. You notice the smug look Sana throws in your direction as you pass by. Heart beating irregularly, cheek internally stinging as if you've just been slapped in the face, you grudgingly take your seat beside Jimin not making eye contact as he turns his beaming smile in your direction.


"Good morning!" You want to slap the smirk from his face visible in your peripheral.

You scoff, pulling out your notebook in one swift angry movement. "Does it look like a good morning to you?"

"Whoa, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," he teases, leaning to rest his hand on the back your chair. "I'm waiting for that thank you, you know."

Finally, your head slowly turns to meet his cocky gaze. "You're kidding, right?"

Jimin raises an eyebrow. "Why would I be kidd-- Oww!"

Your hand grabs Jimin by the hair and pulls, forcing him to turn and look in the direction of Jungkook's new seat, watching Sana try to make conversation as he scrolls away on his phone, disinterested in whatever she has to say.

"You took it too far last night, Park Jimin!" You whisper harshly as Mr. Min scrambles into the classroom.

"This is all part of the plan! Were you expecting him to be sunshine and rainbows watching you kiss another guy?!" he whispers back, irritation clear on his face as Mr. Min starts to dim the lights for a movie.

Thank goodness, I don't think I'd be able to concentrate on a lecture at this point...

"Kissing wasn't supposed to be a part of the plan! And forget this stupid plan if it means risking my relationship with Jungkook! He practically hates me now!"

"Miss Y/N, is there a problem?" Mr. Min's monotone voice echoes around the room and a few students turn in their seat, one of them being Jungkook.

His eyes are dull, face blank but you've known him long enough to see through his indifferent facade. You can't make someone jealous who isn't interested in the first place. All you've done is cause an argument and hurt Jungkook's feelings and it's killing you inside. You're letting your feelings for Jungkook get in the way of the bond you created and you hate it.

"Sorry," you mumble, sinking down into your seat to mope silently, dramatically arguing with yourself if you should leave town, make a new name, start fresh.

Jimin speaks quieter this time. "You mean you haven't realized you're putting your friendship on the line anyways? What's going to happen when you finally confess, huh? What if he completely rejects you, what will you do then? You think your friendship will stay the same, that you can just act like nothing happened?" Jimin shakes his head sadly.

The truth is that you never thought about what would happen when the time comes to confess. Maybe for him to sweep you away, confess his undying love as well, and ride off into the sunset? As much as you hope, in reality this isn't a fairy tale. You're not a princess and Jungkook's not your prince.


How ridiculous was it to think that he could actually have potential feelings for me when he's never shown interest unless he's drunk out of his mind and irrational, which he's willing to be with anyone when he's like that. This is probably a one-sided feeling, not mutual in the slightest. Was that actually jealousy, or was he simply trying to protect me last night?

The more you think about it the more you realize you're being delusional, Jungkook is still the same person he's always been, it's you who has changed, mind a warped and disgraceful mess after agreeing to basically mess with someone else's heart, someone you care about. You have to admit you never would have recognized your true feelings for Jungkook if you didn't accept the bet in the first place, but a growing part of you despises the new found feelings.

You're trying to form a new kind of relationship on top of lies and deceit. Tears threaten to spill as your eyes guiltily drift to your best friend throughout the rest of class, arms aching to hug him like you used to whenever you were stressed or upset.

You miss him, the way things used to be, how easy and comfortable being together was before everything started to crash and burn. You wish you could go back to not caring who Jungkook slept with, back to nights spent together where you didn't think twice about it being a date, being able to talk and laugh without any worries.

Jungkook went from being a life long friend to your crush and for some reason you can't accept the two together.

You jump as the lights flicker on, not realizing you dwelled on your disruptive thoughts the entire time.

"Y/N, I-- "

You stand from your seat, dismissing whatever Jimin has to say as Jungkook exits the classroom quickly with Sana on his tail.

Ignoring Jimin who keeps calling your name you leave class in a hurry, straining your neck around the moving bodies with a sliver of hope left in your system that Jungkook waited for you. Tiny pricks form around your heart as you come to the conclusion he won't be waiting any time soon as he's no where to be found.

Guess Sana's finally getting what she wanted from the beginning.

Your feet drag as you walk down the hall and out of the school, no longer willing to finish the rest of your classes of the day.

"Y/N, where the hell do you think you're going?!"

You don't turn around, frozen in shock as you automatically recognize the voice of your best friend. Jungkook rushes over and pulls you to face him, eyes dancing back and forth between yours, expression a mixture of confusion and annoyance as the tears finally spill down your face. You check behind his back, looking for any sign of Sana but there's no one out here aside from a few students walking to their cars to head home.

Jungkook sighs as he watches your tears fall. "Look, I think we need to talk about-- "

"I'msosorryIdidn'tmeantohurtyourfeelingspleasedon'thateme!" Your apology comes out in a long jumbled mess of words as you sob, hands slapping to your face as you continue to babble and cry like an idiot in front of him.

His strong comforting arms wrap around your form as you break down, crying too hard to hug him back you fall limp in his arms, having him hold you up completely as your muscles give out.

"You're such a child. What the hell has gotten into you lately, hmm?" he mutters quietly, dropping the stubborn tough act as he grasps how unstable you are right now, squeezing you tightly to his chest as you gasp for air before letting out another wail.

He feels so warm and sturdy that you cry harder, arms finally wrapping around his neck to pull him as close as possible. You craved this, needed to feel his touch as his light perfume invades your senses. You're out of your mind, brain mushy as an assortment of emotions rack through your body and you open your eyes, tears streaming down your face as you gaze up at Jungkook, seeing how he stares back at you in deep concern.

"I'm sorry," You choke out, wishing you had the courage to tell him the truth, hoping he'd somehow forgive you for being a horrible friend. Every time his finger reaches up to wipe away a tear it leaves a burn against your skin and you shiver, mind foggy as thoughts whirl around.

"Why are you sorry?" His brows furrow and you bite your lip to prevent anymore word vomit insisting to spill out.

You're brain and heart are at war, one wants to give up and run from the problem, call off the bet that's slowly ruining your relationship. The other skips a beat as you peer into his sparkling orbs, knowing you can't escape how you truly feel in the end whether you call off the bet or not.

You shut down, turning off your conscious as your fingers tangle in his hair.

There's no alcohol to speak for either of you this time as your lips connect.


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