《It's Gonna Be You || jjk ff》Not So Innocent




Physically, you feel like you're about to keel over as if you're actually dying from hunger. Mentally, you don't want to eat for the rest of your life.

You've been sitting on the couch watching your favorite drama as a distraction from anything that has to do with school or Jungkook.

It's not much help, considering how in this drama the main character falls in love with her best friend. But you continue to try and convince yourself that the weird feelings you're beginning to feel for Jungkook are simply because of the bet and you're just acting along with the part in the mission you have to play.

Your thoughts continue to drag you away, accidentally drifting from the show to think about him and it causes your stomach to churn every time.

It doesn't bother you so much knowing that Jungkook is with another girl. You're used to that by now, having actually bought ear plugs to block out any noise from the multiple nights he's brought someone home. Bet or not, you know that Jungkook is going to be with other girls regardless; it's in his playboy nature.

It's the fact that Jungkook is still willing to sleep with someone who purposefully tried to hurt you.

He couldn't even wait a full day to keep it in his pants!

A growl escapes your throat at the thought, petty plans whirling around your mind that causes a cold smirk to play on your lips.

Seriously, out of all the girls already begging to sleep with him he has to choose Sana?!

"That's it. No more Mr. Nice Guy."

"Guess who's home?"

Your head jerks to the living room entry way to find Jungkook walking over with a plastic bag in hand.

Your cheeks burn bright red for many reasons: the embarrassment of having to finally see Jungkook after that horrible classroom event, anger from him not even trying to be of any comfort at all, and having pictured what he could have possibly been doing while he was away.

Very, very vivd scenarios you didn't even know you could think of before.

"Look who decided to show up," you snap, overwhelming emotions taking over any amount of clear, open-minded thoughts you had left.

That and the fact that you're extremely hangry by this point.

Jungkook rests the bag on the coffee table. "Yeah, sorry I didn't come sooner, I was-- "

You don't give him a chance to finish his sentence. "Bouncing the pogo stick?"

His eyes widen in complete shock. "What? No I-- "

"Glazing the donut?"

"Y/N, what-- "

"Parking the beef bus into tuna town?!"

You're yelling at this point, and the absurd amount of sexual innuendos has Jungkook's face twisted up in disgust and something else you can't really pinpoint.

"Y/N are you-- are you hungry or something?"

You laugh, not the normal kind of laugh, this laugh simulates more along the lines of an evil rabies infested raccoon being strangled to death.

You don't care how ridiculous and extra you're acting anymore as you leap up from the sofa and charge straight for Jungkook. He darts around the coffee table and the two of you move back and forth in unison, your teeth bared, borderline snarling as the determination to attack the male who betrayed you pulses in your veins.


"What the hell is wrong with you, Y/N?! Did you hit your head that hard when you fell?!"

Adrenaline rushes through your veins as your eyes widen dramatically. "Oh, I'm so glad you find that shit funny, Jeon!"

"Oh come on, Y/N! Take a joke!"

"Trust me, I'll find this hilarious once I shove my foot up your-- "

Jungkook is quick to snatch a pillow from the single couch behind him and throws it, smacking perfectly against your face in order to hinder you for a moment as he runs away.

You scream in frustration before chasing him all around the living room while he bumps the furniture and knocks over a lamp in the process.

"You just had to sleep with her, didn't you?!" You belt, too tired to run anymore but that doesn't stop you from quickly stomping after him like a pissed off Godzilla.

"What? Sleep with who?!" Jungkook scrambles around the corner and rushes to the door.

His bedroom.

You're fast enough to burst through the threshold before Jungkook can get a chance to lock the door shut. You slam the it shut and lock it behind you, holding your arms wide open to block him from any chance of a path to run out, slowly walking forward to close in on your playboy prey.

"You know who!" Tears finally well up in your eyes and you don't care enough to wipe them away, to hide any weakness you feel from being chosen over by someone he doesn't even know, someone he doesn't care about.

You lunge at Jungkook again and he falls backwards onto the bed in defeat. Jungkook looks up at you and sighs deeply, watching you straddle over him with your little fists clenched, tears now falling in streams down your blushing cheeks as you beat on his chest.

He looks off to the corning of the room while assessing the situation, your tears, fuming outrage, and suddenly laughs humorlessly, catching your fists int he process. "Sana?" he says softly, eyes saddening. "You think I slept with Sana?" Jungkook proceeds to shake his head and you try to steady the rapidly aching beat of your heart.

"Jimin said you left with her and-- "

"You really think I would do that after what she did to you today?" He continues to whisper, his expression contorted in pain as if your assumptions and doubt crushed his soul.

"Jungkook, I know how you are-- "

"You're my best friend! I would never sleep with someone who bullied you and you should know that," Jungkook's soft voice doesn't match the hurt swirling in his dark orbs as they gaze intensely into yours.

Before you can say anything back, Jungkook squeezes the hand still throbbing from hitting his rock hard chest, and pulls you into his body, encircling his arms tight around your figure like a protective case.

You can't push away even if you wanted to, everything about him, his warmth, the familiar scent, all of it overpowers your senses and you fall limp in his strong arms in defeat. This is what he wants, to soothe your troubles, to express through his hug that he didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

It was silent for a few long moments as you both let the quiet calm you down.


"You haven't eaten anything today, have you?"

He knows me so well...

"I haven't had much," you croak truthfully and close your eyes at the relaxing motion of his fingers gliding through your hair, the rhythmic beat of his heart slowing yours back down to its normal pace.

He's the only person who can manage to make me feel better. I hope it's the same for him...

"Beef bus? Tuna town? Really?" You feel laughter rumble through his chest and pull back to smack his arm.

"Yah! Don't even try to make fun of me when I'm still mad at you!" You glower at the teasing smile adorning his lips.

"You're still mad? I swear I didn't sleep with her! What more do you want from me, huh?" Jungkook glances back and forth between your eyes and you begin to think.

What more do I want?

You need to start putting effort into this bet otherwise the semester will be over and before you know it Jimin will be handing you his work load every day with the most annoying egotistical smile he can muster up.

Jimin can't win this bet.

Taking your mission into account, you take opportunity of the situation. Jungkook's eyes widen as your thighs tighten on each side of his lap, linking your hands around his neck with the skin of your cheeks along with the rest of your body physically burning by this point. Your body presses hard against his and you now come to fully realize the close distance between your faces.

Only a few inches apart, you can start to see little flecks of light sprinkled in his big doe eyes and your heart skips a beat. His warm breath fans against your face and you take notice at how it comes out in abnormally deep pants, eyes glancing down every once in a while to gaze at your parted lips.

Jungkook is no longer smiling, instead he licks his lips nervously and you watch in awe, stomach doing little flips at how juicy and pouty they look when wet. You aren't sure who's closing the distance until you're both so close you can't see his face clearly any longer.

Of course you both have been close, cuddles, hugs, even held hands, but the strange atmosphere hangs differently over your heads this time, almost like some sort of sexual tension is being channeled through one another in this moment. It sucks the life out of you and you almost forget how to breathe as your hands cling onto his shirt for dear life.

His fingers brush against your neck as he pushes your hair back and you flinch at the sudden chill on your skin, heads knocking together with a noise that sounds like a knock on the door.

"Ouch!" You both yell in pain, hand clapping over your forehead to try and soothe the area while Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut in agony.

"Shit! You're so clumsy, Y/N, I swear," Jungkook whines, expression a mixture of both irritation and amusement.

You manage to cough out an awkward laugh as you comprehend what almost happened just now.

How far would this have gone?

It's too late to find out now.

"Rather be clumsy than a horrible friend," You chide, arms crossing. "I can't believe you didn't even bother to text me! Nothing!"

Jungkook's cute bunny teeth show on full display as he leans his head back and laughs whole heartedly at your ignorance. "That's because I was taking care of your bully problem for you."

Your eyes widen at his unexpected words. "Oh my God you killed her?!"

"What?! Why the hell are you always so extra?!" he huffs a sigh and scowls. "I didn't kill her, Stupid. But she should leave you alone from now on. I told her I wouldn't sleep with her."

You roll your eyes and scrunch your nose up at the unwanted thought of her and Jungkook together.

"Well, if it works I'm not sure if that's more for your own good or hers. She'll be STD free now," Jungkook slaps your thigh with just the right amount of pressure for it to sting only a little and you try not to make it obvious that his touch has this way of making you feel strangely fuzzy inside.

"Will you stop with that? Do I have to show you I'm clean?!" Jungkook reaches for the black belt on his jeans but you quickly stop him just as the buckle starts to come apart.

"I-I think I'll pass."

Jungkook stares up at you weirdly. "You know, you're the first girl to ever tell me that."

"Okay! It's official, you're the true idiot between the two of us." You both exchange silly grins before you realize you've been staring at each other a bit too long.

Jungkook clears his throat. "Okay, to make up for being a horrible best friend and not comforting you sooner," he pauses for a second. "Even though I was risking expulsion by threatening another student on campus for your ass so I don't see how that's being a bad friend!" You roll your eyes again but let him finish. "Let's binge watch some shows. I even bought ice cream."

"My favorite?"

"Of course... Well, it might be a little melted now but... "

You don't mind, arms wrapping around your best friend again and he laughs, hugging you back tightly.

"Always remember that I gave up an easy quickie for you! I haven't had sex in like two weeks!" His grumpy voice rings in your ear and you groan in displeasure, pushing away from his torso.

"First of all, ew, I didn't need to know that. Secondly, she probably wasn't going to be any good anyway. Thirdly, feed me."

You shuffle your body to move but Jungkook holds you in place with his eyes wide in horror.

"Jungkook, what are you doing?" You squeak, watching as the color leaves his face as if he just saw a ghost.

"D-Don't move!" He begs, his head falling back in agitation and your eyes knit together.

"Why? I thought we we're going to-- "

"W-We are. Here, just-- urgh!" He picks you up deliberately, carrying you bridal style against your protests and sets you down outside the door.

Before you can turn to face him again he slams the door in your face.

"Jungkook, what the hell?!"

"I'll be out in a minute, hang on!"

You walk away in complete confusion, trying to figure out what's gotten into that boy.


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