《Hold on to me - Leonardo dicaprio》𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 7:


It's now the next day. I haven't heard from Leo or the others.

Ughhh, I better get dressed.

My outfit for today is a grey hoodie with blue ripped mom jeans, I decided to go with my white air force's.

Pretty basic.

Im going to call Brooklyn and see if she wants to

hang out today. That's if she isn't hung over.

I sarcastically say.

I end the phone call.


While waiting for Brooklyn I decide to straighten my hair, well because I have nothing else to do.

Brooklyn texts me.

Just in time I've just finished. I don't normally do anything with my hair so they'll probably be shocked.


I'm now in the car but there's no Mickey, Freya, Corey or Evelyn. Corey and Evelyn are just probably having some alone time. And Mickey and Freya well we know about them...

"Hey Jordan." Leo says greeting me into the car after shutting the door.

"Hey Leo, I thought you might not be coming because you know. Last night."

Why am I even saying that.

"Oh yeah I'm well over that. And besides I'm not going to let her stop me from going places with my favourite people." He let out a little laugh.

Wow, he's really over her that quick huh.

"I like your hair by the way." He gives me a little smirk.

I can feel my cheeks starting to heat up. Am I blushing? Surely not!

"T-Thank you." I smile a bit, trying to hide the fact my face is red!

Thank god Tobey was there, he saved the moment.

"So where do you guys wanna go?" Tobey asks.

"Uhhh, I'm not sure." I turn to Leo and shrug.

"Maybe we could go to this new place, I heard it has really good food."


"Yeah, we'll go there." Brooklyn smiles.

After about 5 minutes we arrive. Tobey and Brooklyn walk in first, me and Leo walk behind them. It's a really nice restaurant, quite fancy actually.

We all sit at a booth at the back away from the other people. Me and Leo sit next to each other and so do Brooklyn and Tobey in front of us.

"Jordan, what are you getting?" Brooklyn asks, looking at the menu.

"I'm not sure, you?"

"I think I'm just going to get pizza or something."

"Yeah me too actually."


"Yup." It's my favourite by the way.

We order our food and talk while waiting. Tobey and Leo got a burger as always.

"So when is your guy's next basketball game?" I ask while talking a sip of my coke, I had just ordered.

"Next Saturday, I think. Why, you wanna come?" Leo asks, with a smirk.

Slightly laughing I say "maybe."

"I seem to do good when your there."

Now he's looking right at me...

"Your good anyway."

My palms are getting sweaty... Leo was about to say something but was interrupted by the waiter handing us our food.

"If you need anything else just let me know." The waiter says.

I smile as she walks away.


Me and Brooklyn couldn't finish our pizza so Leo and Tobey has the rest. After eating we payed and decided to go to the park. Next to the park there's a basketball court. With no hesitation Leo and Tobey ran towards it.

"W-Wait for us!" I shout. Me and Brooklyn are trying our best to try and catch up with them.

"Catch!" Leo laughs, throwing the ball at me. I couldn't catch it so it hit me on my head instead.



Leo's laughing "sorry, you alright?

"Yeah, I'm fine." I pick up the ball from the ground and pass it to him.

"Thanks, you wanna play? He takes the ball from my hands.

"I uhh, I don't know how to."

"I'll teach you."

"Uhh, o-okay."


"Now try and shoot!"

Leo's been trying to 'teach' me for the past 30 minutes. It's quite easy actually.

I throw the ball into the air, I hope it will get in the hoop... IT DID.

"YESSS!" Leo looks proud.

"I did it!"

"Yes, yes you did."


We realised Tobey and Brooklyn was no where to be seen.

"Tobey, Brooklyn?!"

There on the fucking bench!...kissing.

"I didn't know you guys we're together." Leo says which makes them both jump causing their kissing to break.

"We was going to tell you but we didn't know when the right time would be." Brooklyn says.

"It's okay, I'm happy for the two of you."

"Me too, you two are cute I guess." Leo says while looking at them then back at me.

"If you don't mind me and Brooklyn are going to go to my place for a bit." Tobey smirks while wrapping his arm around Brooklyn's waist.

I smile "okay, will we see you tomorrow?"

"Yep, I'll call you."

"Okay, bye." I give Brooklyn a soft smile then move closer for a hug.

Leo and Tobey say their goodbyes by doing their handshake they always do.


Tobey and Brooklyn are now out of sight, I hope to god that this doesn't get awkward.

"So what do you want to do now?" I ask Leo nervously, tapping my foot against the floor.

"Uhh, we could go to my house and watch a movie or something?"

Hell yeah!

"Yeah, sure." I smile trying to hide my excitement.

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