《Hold on to me - Leonardo dicaprio》𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 6:


Me and Leo are now in the kitchen. The party hasn't finished yet, there's still loads of people.

"Here's your water." Leo smiles, handing me a cold water bottle.

"Thank you." I smile, taking it from his hand.

"So umm... when is the party finishing?" I ask while he makes eye contact.

"Uhh, well I don't know. I'll give it like, two more hours."

I nod my head and ask. "Where's the bathroom again?"

Grinning Leo replies with "straight up the hall and on your right."

"okay, thanks again."

As I walk away he shouts "no problem!"


Well, I'm finally nearly at the bathroom. It's a different one in the house though.

Slightly opening the bathroom door, I hear...uhh oh.


Was they just...


I knew there was something going on with her.

When they finally noticed that I was standing Right there, they quickly jump of off each other.

"Omg...omg." Freya mumbles.

"So, this is where you've been Freya. With him?" I stare.

I'm so angry and I don't even know why.

"D-don't tell Leo, he'll never forgive me." She pleads, nearly on her knees.

"Don't tell Leo? No I'm not going to but you have to at some point." I gave her the dead eyes.

The aggressive 'staring contest' broke when....


Why the fuck is she screaming.

What is this girl on.

Freya then storms out of the bathroom while Mickeys running after her.

"Freya, we can still do this. Right? Leo doesn't have to know." Mickey asks her.

"Uhh...i don't know Mickey, Jordan might tell Leo."

There both now standing at the top of the stairs.

I don't think they know that I'm actually around the corner and I can hear everything there saying.


There so dumb.

"Jordan might tell me what?!" Leo says facing Freya and Mickey.

"And when did you come Mickey? I haven't seen you until... well now."

"Oh uhh, well I came earlier. There was loads of people that's why you probably didn't see me come in."

Shut up you fucking liar.

"Yeah alright. Freya, what did you say about Jordan telling me something?"

"O-oh, it's nothing."

"Uhh...okay?" Leo says with a confused look on his face.

Shit, shit, shit, shit. He's coming towards me.

I just need to get down the stairs. Like now!

"Jordan, there you are. What was you doing in there? You took long enough." Leo says chuckling.

I let out a nervous laugh "HAHA. Well umm... there was already people so I had to wait a bit." I mumble, scratching my head.

"People? What like more than one person, together?"

Well nooooo.

"N-no, I meant to say person." I stutter.

I think he can tell I'm lying. Well it wasn't obvious, was it?


After a while of convincing me, Leo got me to play truth or dare with him and the others.

There's only about an hour left of this party, so I may as well make the most of it.

"Truth or dare." A boy that I don't know and is sitting on the couch, next to us said.

"Uhhh, truth." Freya replies.

"Have you ever cheated on one of your boyfriends?" The boy asks looking right at her.

She looks nervous to answer the question.

Well good, the bitch is a lying cheater.

"Freayaaaa... we're waiting for your answer." The random boy wines.

She signs before answering. " well...umm, yes."

Yes, I know you have. Bitch!


"You have?!" Leo's eyes widen.

"Which boyfriend. Not me, is it?"

Poor boy, nobody deserves to be cheated on.

Mickey stands up from the couch and sighs.

"We should just tell him Freya..."

"Tell me what?!" Leos staring back up.

"Mickey, shut up." Freya yells.

Mickey then blurts out "me and Freya have been seeing each other for a while now..."

"What do you mean, seeing each other? "

"We've made out a couple times, while you were at basketball practice and stuff." The stupid boy, Mickey says as he scratches the back of his neck.

"I knew there was something going on between the two of you. If your going to do something so stupid, at least make it less obvious. I mean... Mickey not showing up to his first basketball game. And you Freya, on the same day going to get your 'nails done'. You know what, you two deserve each other." Leo snapped.

Wait, he's not mad?

"L-leo, let me explain." Freya cried walking up to him.

"No, there's really no need...The parties over, everyone go home!" Leo shouts walking out of the door heading to the garden.

People start walking out and getting into their cars.

Freya's walking towards mickeys car...

Of course she's got in it.

It's like there a couple, well I guess they are.

I haven't seen Brooklyn or the others in ages... shit, there my only ride home.

I'll call Brooklyn.

Think god she's still here.

I end the phone call and walk towards the car.

Tobey, Corey and Evelyn are walking towards the car.

"Hey Jordan, where have you been the whole time? We couldn't find you anywhere." Corey says as he gets in the car along with the others.

Slamming the door behind my I say "I don't know, I tried looking for you guys too."

"Well at least your here now." Evelyn smiles.

"Yeah." I smile.


Tobey just pulled up outside my house.

Getting out of the car Brooklyn says "bye, I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay bye." I shut the door and walk up my driveway.

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