《Children of One Piece》Son of Alvida



A small heart shaped ship sailed through the calm waters of the East Blue. The sun was just rising, making the ocean water glow. Light seeped into the cabin aboard the ship, revealing a woman sleeping. This woman had long black hair, a thin figure, and very smooth skin. Her name was Alvida, otherwise known as Iron Mace Alvida. Or that's what she used to be known as.

Despite the light shining right on her face, she did not wake up. She merely just rolled over to avoid it. A door could be heard opening a closing very quietly. Next the sound of small foot steps was heard. Making his way over to Alvida was a little boy with black hair and red eyes. His name was Connor, the son of Alvida.

Connor managed to pull himself onto his mom's bed. From there he crawled over to Alvida and began to shake her. However she still wouldn't move.

Connor: Mommy, wake up.

Alvida groaned.

Alvida: Connor it's to early, go back to bed.

Connor: I'm bored.

Alvida: So be it.

Alvida reached behind her and grabbed onto Connor. From there she pulled him in front of her and then wrapped both arms around him and held him like a stuffed animal. Connor began to fight to try and free himself but to no avail.

Connor: Moooooom, let me go.

Alvida chuckled.

Alvida: To bad, you wanted something to do well now you got it.

After a while Connor got tired and gave up. So now he rested in the arms of his mom. For the past five years Alvida has raised Connor all by her self. Being a pirate has made this difficult, even though she has a small bounty. She still has managed to protect and care for her son.


Just like Alvida, Connor is very prideful of himself. This sometimes gets him into trouble, luckily his mom was always there to bail him out with her giant ass club. Another thing that should be noted about Connor is that he has very smooth skin. A possible side effect of Alvida having eaten the Smooth-Smooth Fruit.

After an hour had past the two had finally got out of bed. Currently they were having breakfast on the deck, enjoying the cool sea air. Alvida stared out into the endless ocean as Connor ate.

Alvida: So what do you think we should do today?

Connor: Is there an island nearby? I'm ready to get off the boat.

Alvida: You don't like sailing do you?

Connor: It's just there's nothing to do out here.

Alvida: Don't worry, as you get older you'll experience just what this world has in store.

Connor: Like what?

Just then a sea king appeared from the water, a rather small one than usual. I let out a roar as Connor's eyes widened. Alvida didn't even bat an eye as she flung her mace at the creature, and hit it dead in the forehead. The sea king disappeared back into the water.


Alvida: What, thought your mom was weak. I am a pirate after all, I've got to be strong.

Connor: Can I learn how to do that?

Alvida: When you're older, for now enjoy this peaceful life. Because when you're older you'll need to be strong to face this crazy world.

Connor: Ok mommy.

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