《The Spider( BNHA Crossover)》Chapter 10 Dead or Alive



Word spread like wild fire through out the city. Heroes quickly evacuated people so they would stay away from the carnage that was happening. Meanwhile news teams were heading out to the area to catch a glimpse of the battle. After all, it's not every day the whole Phantom Troupe is together. Not only that but to have them attack in the open like this, not even a villain would do something so crazy.

News of the carnage reached beyond the city. Everyone everywhere were astonished by what was going on. Back in the hospital Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki watched the events unfold with shock and fear. After all, they were partially responsible for what had happened to Stain.

Iida: How can these people do this?

Todoroki: One thing is for sure, these people have earned their title.

Midoriya: They would really do this over Stain's death.

This whole event was a display of power. It told others, mess with the Phantom Troupe and this is what happens. All of this was happening because a single one of their members was killed.

Ryu began his descent through the building. While he was walking he was talking to Goro on the phone.

Ryu: Gather all the others up, we have sent our message.

Goro: Where do you want to met up?

Ryu: We'll meet up behind the building, there we'll carry out the final phase.

Ryu hung up the phone. He then sensed two people coming his way. Not only that but these people were strong. Ryu put on his mask and took a detour and entered a large ball room. There he sat on the stage waiting for his opponents. And soon they entered.

Ryu: If it isn't the Number 2 and Number 3 hero. Glad you could attend our requiem for Chizome.

Endeavor and Hawks started to approach him.

Hawks: Lucifer, leader of the Phantom Troupe. One of the most wanted criminals in all of Japan.

Endeavor: You should learn how to control that blood lust kid. Even through the mask I can tell you're glaring at me.

It was true, Ryu was felling intense hatred towards Endeavor.

Ryu: I have waited a long time to fight you. After all, you did lock up one of my own members.

Hawks: For a criminal, you sure do care about you group.

Ryu: Of course I do, as the boss I am responsible for what happens to them. If they are captured or die it just means that I have failed my task.

Ryu than got up and started to approach the heroes.

Endeavor: Careful Hawks, he has some sort of quirk that allows him to copy others.

Hawks: I'll be fine, you sure you're up for the task?

Endeavor: I fought him once, I can do it again.

Ryu: Well then, lets do it.

Endeavor shot out large amounts of fire which engulfed the area. Ryu formed a barrier to protect himself. From the flames flaming feathers shot out and went around the barrier. Ryu dropped the barrier and jumped up high into the air as the feathers followed him. Ryu started rapid firing balls of light which destroyed all the feathers.


He sensed something else coming his way, it was Hawks flying right at him. Ryu opened up a portal and went through it just as Hawks was about to reach him. Hawks looked behind him and saw Ryu stepping out of a portal behind Endeavor.


Endeavor quickly turned around and caught Ryu's foot. Ryu then spun around and tried to kick Endeavor's torso but he caught his other leg. From Endeavor's shadow, tentacles sprouted out. They wrapped around Endeavor's arms and pulled them back. Once Ryu was free his foot was encased in lightning which he slammed into Endeavor's chest, sending him back.

Hawks fired more of his feathers at Ryu. Ryu then formed a circle shaped barrier and blocked all the feathers. Endeavor got back up and fired more flames at Ryu. Ryu's barrier disappeared as Ryu shot out large amounts of water. When the two attacks collided the whole area came enveloped in steam.

Hawks got his guard up, ready to fight Ryu. Ryu then came flying out of the steam cloud and engaged with Hawks in hand to hand combat. While both were good, Ryu was using a reflex enhancing quirk and got in a few good hits to Hawks. Ryu landed a solid hit to Hawks right in the face and knocked him away. At the same time Endeavor came bursting out from the steam with his hand covered in fire.

By the time Ryu turned around, Endeavor punched him square in the chest. The result was Ryu got sent flying back from the impact. Meanwhile Hawks got back up and started flapping his wings, blowing all the steam towards Ryu. While Ryu was distracted, Endeavor unleashed a large blast of fire towards Ryu. It hit Ryu directly, engulfing him in fire. When Ryu emerged again his clothes were covered in ashes and had burns, he removed his destroyed jacket.

Ryu: Two on one is hard, but I still got more in me.

Endeavor: Hawks, it's time we step this up. Give it all that you got.

Hawks: You got it.

All of Hawk's feathers came off his wings and went flying right at Ryu. Ryu jumped out of the way of the feathers but they then turned direction. Not only that but they all dispersed and came flying in from different directions. Ryu started using different quirks to help him. He first used Kairi's quirk to use stone figurines as barriers, however the feathers managed to smash right through them. Next he used Miwa's quirk and fired balls of light at the feathers. He managed to destroy a few but they still kept on coming. On feather managed to cut his hand while another pierced his mask.

Ryu(thought): These two certainly have improved. Not only can Hawks freely control all of his feathers but they are strong enough to shatter stone. I certainly have lost a bit of my touch.

Meanwhile Endeavor was circling Ryu with a ball of condensed flame in his hand that he kept adding power too. The whole time he was observing Ryu.


Endeavor(thought): Just as I though, while he can use multiple quirks he can only use them one at a time. The exact moment his foot was encased by electricity the shadows binding me disappeared. The only problem is there is no telling how and which quirks he has. In order for us to win we have to deal a powerful blow.

Ryu formed multiple portals, sending the feathers elsewhere. He looked over his shoulder and saw Endeavor preparing his attack. His eyes widened. While he was distracted two feathers ended up cutting his legs. Then all the other feathers slammed right into him, knocking him into the wall.


The ball of flames now turned blue as it grew larger. Even through the mask, Endeavor knew that Ryu had a look of disbelief.


A powerful condensed beam of blue flames was fired at Ryu. Before Ryu could say anything, he was engulfed by the attack. The force of the attack was so powerful the whole building was shaking. When the smoke and dust cleared it was revealed that half of the room was now in rubble.

Hawks: You think he's still alive?

Endeavor: Until we find a body, most likely.

Outside the building in an alley, the rest of the troupe was gathered. They were waiting for their boss to arrive before proceeding with the plan.

Kurou: How much longer are we going to have to wait, this whole thing is starting to be a drag?

Goro: We listen to boss and follow his orders, no questions asked.

Miwa: Give him time, something probably came up.

That's when they heard the explosion and the building shaking.

Mayu: That sounds like Ryu.

Dmitri: Oh great, what has he gotten himself into this time?

Aoi: How much you want to bet he's dead?

Elizabeth: Not funny Aoi, it's bad enough we lost Chizome. If Ryu is dead then we are done for.

That's when a portal opened up and Ryu came falling out. Most of his clothes have burned away and he was covered in burn marks. They all rushed over to him.

Sora: Holy shit, what happened up there?

Ryu: Had a little run in with Endeavor and Hawks. Must say, they certainly have improved. Worst part is that my mask got shattered.

Aoi: Now that you are here, can we go on with the rest of the plan?

Emi: Shouldn't deal with these wounds right now?

Ryu: Dont worry I'll be fine, for the time being let's go on with the rest of the plan.

Satsuki: What would that be?

Ryu: First I have to ask you all something...who doesn't mind being dead?

News vans and police cars filled the area. They were all here for one thing, to see the bodies of the Phantom Troupe members. It was tipped off that a few members got killed and everyone wanted to see for themselves. There were six bodies in total.

First up was Mayu, who was slumped up against a wall. Her whole body was covered in wounds and blood.

Next up was Aoi, he was lying face down on the ground. His cause of death was his abdomen got sliced open. Resulting in blood and organs spilling out.

The third to die was Elizabeth, her head was propped up against a wall while her body was on the ground. Her cause of death was a giant whole going straight through her body.

The fourth member was dead was Sora. His body was lying on his back, staring right up at the sky. His body was covered in bullet holes.

The fifth member dead was Goro. His body was found lying in a hole in the wall. His body was covered in blood and injuries.

The final member dead was the boss, but not Ryu. Instead it was another teen who they had dressed up in Ryu's disguise.

People started snapping pictures of the corpses as the police were investigating the scene.

???: Look how young they are.

???: Such a shame, those girls look cute.

???: Feel bad for any family they have, the mafia will be after them.

???: How is it that they are only teens but so powerful?

???: I can't believe that they are finally dead.

Little dead they know, how wrong they were.

News of the dead spiders spread like wild fire. With them gone the auction could now begin. All of the leaders started filling the auditorium and taking their starts. Soon a man came on stage and told them the auction was about to begin. The man then went back stage and went to light a cigarette but couldn't find a lighter. Suddenly a flame was held out in front of him.

Man: Thanks.

The man then saw it was Sora who was lighting the flame.

Man: Hey what are you...

The flame suddenly grew bigger and burned the man's face. A hand then covered his mouth as a scorpion tail pierced through his chest. Maya had a sadistic grin as the rest of the members were behind her, all in disguise.

Ryu: Let the final phase begin.

The auction went on without any interruptions. However it wasn't the mafia auctioning off the items. It was the Phantom Troupe. Dmitri acted as the auctioneer as Satsuki brought out all the items. Meanwhile everyone else was behind the stage, searching through the items.

Miwa: Anyone find that damn vase?

Emi popped up from a stack of boxes.

Emi: I got it right here.

When they found an item they would give it to Kurou, who was standing in front of a light. He held up the item and grabbed it's shadow, creating an exact copy of it. They would then take the copy and auction that off.

So not only were the Phantom Troup keeping the real items but they also kept the millions of dollars used to buy the items. In all of the Phantom Troupe's existence, this was their biggest heist.

There we go Chapter 10 is now complete. I hoped you all enjoyed it. See ya next time!

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