《Son of Nico Robin》Chapter 11 Journey to Enies Lobby



Rocket Man blasted through the water, the rough waves caused the train to rock up and down. It was amazing how Kai and Chimney managed to to stay on top of the train. That was until they got hit by a big wave that knocked the both of them down and dangling onto the edge. Granny Kokoro yelled frantically at them to hold on; meanwhile Kai was holding on for dear life while Chimney appeared to be enjoying it.


Chimney: Woooo, look at me Granny I'm flying! This is fun!

Kai: This girl is mental.

Granny Kokoro tried to stop the train but only made it go faster. Then Luffy, who was also on the front, went to go grab them. That's when the train made it onto the tracks and started going full speed. Everyone on the front of the train went flying into the air. Luffy along with Chimney went flying into the air, Kai however was lucky enough to have Peaches with him. The monkey turned into his ape form and grabbed onto Kai and the back of train car.


Once everyone who was outside got back in they were finally able to relax. While the humans were in shock the animal companions looked dead. Meanwhile everyone else was recovering from the whiplash.

Luffy+Chimney+Kai: Man I though I was a goner.

Kokoro: You were about to be, I told you to get back inside!

Oddly enough Paulie, Lulu, and Tilestone from the Galley-La company managed to sneak on aboard. They wanted revenge against CP9 for what they did to Iceberg. So now the Strawhats, the Franky Family, and Galley-La were working together to fight against the government.

Luffy: Alright then, despite that we all have gotten in a few fights with each other we all have one common enemy. The strongest out of them appears to be that pigeon guy, he's mine.


Zoro: Luffy's right, we all have to work together if we want to do this.

Chimney: Woah. hey Granny we're sailing right through Aqua Laguna!

Kokoro: Already, aint that surprising.

Nami: Hey let me take a look.

Nami opened the window and stuck her head out, she then quickly pulled her head back in.

Nami: Hey you might want to get in the engine room, a large wave is heading right for us.

Granny Kokoro merely laughed.

Kokoro: Did you forget, Rocket Man can't be controlled. We can't use the brakes, change the speed, or change the course.

Seeing how there was now way to avoid the wave, they decided to improvise. The shipwrights and members of the Franky Family got onto of the train and started to shoot at the wave but to no luck.

Kai: How did they think shooting the wave would solve the problem?



Chimney, Chopper, and Gonbe started running around the cabin as everyone continued to shoot the wave. That's when Luffy and Zoro took center stage.

Kai: Are they really going to try and punch and cut the wave?

Nami: Just watch, those two may be idiots but when they get serious there's nothing they can't do.

The wave continued to get closer and closer, Luffy started to wind up his fist as Zoro got into position. Meanwhile Kai sprouted his wings.

Kai: Peaches get ready to bail.

Chopper than jumped on top of Kai.


Kai: Get off me you reindeer!

Chopper: I'M A REIN...oh wait you were right.

The wave was now right in front of them, that's when Luffy and Zoro unleashed their attacks.


Luffy: GUM-GUM...

Zoro: 300 CALIBER....

Luffy+Zoro: CANNON!

When their attacks landed, a giant hole appeared in the wave. Which ultimately caused the tracks to go into the air. When the train went through the wave, everyone went for a ride, being thrown all over the place. When they made it to the other side, everyone began to celebrate as Kai fell to the floor.

Kai: Oh my god...we made it...mom where di you find these people?

Chopper: Wait were you really about to leave us?

Kai: Uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh...no comment.

After the wave incident everyone was able to calm down, for the most part. The upcoming battle kept everyone on edge. Turns out that two other strawhat members managed to sneak out the Puffing Tom. Meanwhile something else was waiting up ahead for everyone else. The caught sight of a train car up ahead, everyone thought it was the Puffing Tom put it was just a caboose.

Zambai: What, how is it just a caboose up ahead?

Lulu: Maybe something caused it to detach.

Chopper: Maybe the others are in there?

Paulie: Well I hope not cause we're about to crash into it!

The marines and agents in the caboose started yelling for them to slow down. Meanwhile Zoro took center stage and got into another stance.

Zoro: Two Sword Style....RUSHOMON!

With a swing of his two blades, the caboose was sliced down the middle. The caboose broke apart just as Rocket Man rushed by.

Kai: Man it's a never ending surprise with these guys.

Peaches yelped in response. Growing up Kai had always thought Crocodile was the strongest man there was, but then he soon heard about how he was defeated by Luffy. And now seeing Luffy's real power he still found it unbelievable.

Kai: Hey how much longer till we get there?

Kokoro: Relax kid, it won't be much longer.

Kai: I just hope we won't encounter anymore problems along the way.

Kokoro: If you're tires now just wait till we get to Enies Lobby. Not only will more marines be there but the entire CP9 group.

Kai(thought): Stay strong Kai, you have to do this for mom.

Zambai: Hey there's someone on the tracks!

Kai: Oh great.

Indeed, someone was on the tracks. A rather fragile looking person.


Zoro: Oh yeah, well you're in the way of our goal and I won't hesitate to cut down anything in our way!

T Bone: In that case, ENGUARD!

T Bone drew his sword as Zoro got out all three. T Bone sent a right angled shockwave towards the train as Zoro leaped forwards. He easily broke through the attack and swung at T Bone, who got out of the way. However Zoro quickly turned around and thrusted forwards, this time hitting T Bone. T Bone then went flying off into the water.

Once again, another problem was quickly dealt with by these monsters.

And so the Rocket Man continued on it's journey, this time it appears the dangers were dealt with. So finally everyone was able to rest for a little bit. That was a light started to shine through the windows. However this wasn't any man made light, it was natural light. From the darkness of Aqua Laguna emerged an island bathed in light. In the center of the island was a large tower with the marine logo on it.

They had made it Enies Lobby.

Kai: Don't worry mom, I'm coming for you.

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