《Son of Nico Robin》Chapter 10 Rocket Man



And so the remaining members of the strawhat pirates along with Kai and Peaches made back safely. However it was only after a short break when they were ready to go back after Robin. However Paulie stopped them, insisting that they should wait until tomorrow. That only pissed them off.

Nami began explaining about how the judicial island of Enies Lobby was rigged and began explaining about the other government islands such as Impel Down and Marineford. Then Paulie told them that they wouldn't even be able to make it with agua laguna prevented them from leaving. Both parties started to argue back and forth and it was looking like a fight was about to break out.


Everyone turned their heads to see Kokoro approaching them.

Kokoro: Whether you like it or not strawhat Paulie is right on this one.

Luffy: Shut up Granny it's not any of your business!

Kokoro: Be as it may strawhat, these people are only trying to prevent you from killing yourself. No ship can withstand agua laguna, only a sea train can.

Luffy: I know that, but I don't have the time!

Kokoro: If that's the case, then follow me. We'll cross the seas on my sea train.

And so Kokoro lead the boys of the crew to where she stored her sea train. They came to a pair large doors that were covered in rust and vines. The moment she opened the door, Luffy, Chopper, and Kai all started running(or flying) to see the sea train.

Kokoro: Hold on boys, it may not even work.

Luffy: Wait are you serious?

Despite this they all continued to rush to see the sea train. They came to another pair of doors that were already opened with light leaking out. When they opened it, they saw Rocket Man.


Chopper: Look at the face!

Kai: This is cooler than the other sea train.


Kokoro: His name is Rocket Man, unlike the Puffing Tom this one is a crazy train. It has no guarantees so board at your own risk.

Luffy and Chopper had stars in their eyes as Kai flew around to observe the whole train. Just then Iceberg exited the train.

Luffy: Hey it's ice pops.

Iceberg: Hello again strawhat, I've see you made it.

Kokoro: What are you doing here Iceberg, you should be resting?

Iceberg: Let's just say we were thinking the same thing.

Both of them started to laugh as Iceberg sat on a crate.

Iceberg: Go ahead and look inside, I just finished prepping it for departure.

Luffy: Wow cool, thanks ice pops!

Iceberg: Don't think me yet, you might not even survive the ride. This was our failed prototype for the Puffing Tom. Not matter how you tune it, you can't control its speed.

Luffy: That's okay, the faster the better!

Luffy went to get in the Puffing Tom but started to stagger.

Chopper: Luffy are you ok?

Kai: Yeah, you've been staggering a lot.

Luffy: I guess so, I think I need some meat.

Just them Nami came running into the room with two guys behind her, pulling a cart full of stuff.

Nami: Wow there's another seatrain down here.

Man1: It's been right under our noses the entire time.

Man2: This is a real surprise.

Luffy: Hey you were the one who said we needed to leave and were the last one to arrive! And what's with the bag!

Nami: Food and drink.

Luffy quickly shut up as everyone started to dig though the bag to eat. After they were all down they got ready to depart, until the Franky Family appeared. Zambai started to explain how Franky got captured and begged the strawhats to let them go with them. Most of the strawhats wanted to reject them, but Luffy said they could come. And so the strawhats boarded the train as the Franky Family ran off to get their king bulls. As Kai and Peaches tried on the train, they were pulled back by Nami.


Kai: Hey what are you doing?

Nami: No way am I letting you come with us, you're just a kid!

Kai: A kid that flew across the grand line with his monkey companion.

Peaches yelped in response.

Nami: Devil fruit powers or not, we are about to infiltrate one of the government's strongest strongholds . I know this is your mom, but you don't stand chance. Do you think your mom would want you to put yourself in harms way?

Kai looked away and pouted.

Kai: No...

Nami let out a sigh.

Nami: Don't worry, we'll bring her back.

And so Nami boarded Rocket Man, which prepared to take off. Meanwhile Kai and Peaches just left the underground storage. There they saw Chimney and Gonbe.

Kai: I see you're out here to.

Chimney: Hey bird boy whattcha doing?

Gonbe: *Neyah*

Kai: They left me out of their trip to Enies Lobby, I'm guessing the same thing happened to you.

Chimney: Yep, Granny Kokoro said it was to dangerous for us so she left us behind.

Kai: It's not fair, it's not like I can't defend myself. Besides this is my mom, I should be helping to get her back.

Chimney: Well you could always just jump onto the train.

Kai's head perked up.

Kai: And how would I do that?

Chimney: The will be exiting from the canals. Just wait by the canal and jump on as it exits.

Kai: Sweet where is it!

Chimney: Come on, I'll walk you to it.

Kai: No time, we fly!

Kai's wings popped out, he grabbed Chimney's hands as Peaches and Gonbe jumped onto his back. Chimney lead them over the edge of the city where they saw a large drain with water spilling out.

Kai: So this is where they'll be coming out?

Chimney: Probably!

Kai: What do you mean probably?

Chimney: I forget where they connect.

Kai(thought): Of all of the...

The are started to rumble as a light started peaking from the tunnel. The sound of a train could be heard coming.

Kai: Looks like you were right after all.

Chimney: See told you so!

The sound only got louder as the train got closer, Kai got ready to jump aboard.

Kai: NOW!

The moment the tip of the train exited, all the both kids and animals jumped off and landed on top of the engine of the train.

Kai: Oh my god we made it, that actually worked.

Chimney: See, I said we could get on by jumping.

Kai then noticed they weren't the only ones in the front, for Luffy was sitting at the exact front of the train.

Kai: Be quiet, we don't want them to found out we are here.

Chimney: Okay!

Kai(thought): Why do I bother?

Suddenly, a ship being pulled by two big yagura bulls rocketed out from the top of the city and landed right behind Rocket Man. From there, it fired two large chains that connected to the Rocket Man, so now they were being pulled.

Kai: Man this thing is fast.

Chimney: Wait until we connect, then we'll really go fast!

Kai: What if we don't manage to connect?

Chimney: Don't worry, Granny Kokoro is the best driver there is!

Kai(thought): We're all going to die, then again I can just fly away.

Through the dark waters, train tracks could be seen. Rocket Man tried to connect to them but it missed. It tried again but was having difficulty.

Chimney: Woah that was close Granny, a little to the right!

Kai: Did you not hear me say be quit?

Kokoro: Don't worry, I'll get it next time you'll see!

Kokoro's eyes widened.

Kokoro: WHAT, Chimney what are you doing here! And why is the other kid here to?

Kai: Well that didn't last long.

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