《Her smile His favourite sight ✔️》Chapter 14 | Parents


"Look forward and walk sweetheart" he whispers with a smile which was more like a small smirk. I gulp my saliva but look forward to see a glass wall which was just few inches apart. Who builds wall in a freaking glass?! Sometimes I do not understand this rich people.

This is the reason why you should not sleep in the class kinza!! How can you forget the rule 'look forward and walk'. My teacher is gonna be so disappointed in me. But for now my heart is getting upset.

My heart is shaking up and trembling at our closeness—freaking hell! I am so close to fainting.

I will collapse, I am telling you I will collapse.

I press my lips together feeling suffocated so I stumble few steps forcing myself to stay in a distance—just to save my weak heart.

"I—the car is waiting" with difficulty in breathing I rush away towards the car, quickly opening it I sit in the far corner pressing myself against the door.

I do not even greet the older man, I rub my palms together and I squeeze them. Grinning like an idiot to myself.

I swear I regret not being a perfect muslim and not wearing a niqaab. Only if I wore niqaab the grins and mouth hanging and frequent drooling over my husband wouldn't be in display.

When the door opens. The manly aroma hits my sensitive mind and skin But I act like I am not at all affected by looking at the dark sky.

It's already dark what time is it now?

I rest my head on the headrest while thinking if I should share my thoughts about going and seeing Ammi and Abbu or not. I feel like he wouldn't like the idea of visiting them after what happened.

Should I or shouldn't I??

I chew my inner cheek as I play with my fingers nervously I turn to look at him.

When I see him engulfed in his phone, I knock the seat to grab his attention and that's when he raises his chin and asks with his eyebrows what is it?

"I—umm can I" I clear my throat so I do not talk like I was born yesterday. He locks his phone and gives his full attention to me "Can I-we—Can we go to my house now...I miss ammi abbu I want to talk to them and I also have things which I need to take—I will only take five minutes can you please take me?" I nibble my lower lips but see his eyes softening "Uncle take the U-turn towards gardener's road, I'll send you a location please take us there now" he speaks to the old man who replies with an yes sir.

"If you want to meet them or if you miss them just mesg me once or just give me a call and our driver will drop you okay? You don't need to justify and ask like that hmm?" I nod feeling happy after hearing him, so there wouldn't be any curfew or any facial expression changes if I go to my ammi's house! That's great.

He nods and rests his head on the headboard of the seat as he looks out of the window. I wonder what he is thinking now, I feel like he is having many things going in his small head, judging by looking at the frown and jaw which is clenching and relaxing.

I hope he is not cursing my parents for tying him up with me. I just hope because if angels telepathy me that he is cursing on them, I'll open the dictionary and curse on him in front of him for bad mouthing my parents.


The ride which looks like an hour because of my pathetic thoughts stops and my eyes automatically tears up when I see my cozy house.

I open the door and I quickly hop off waiting for the build up man to come out. When I see no movement I open the door and peek inside "you're not coming??" With some hope which I know he will break in the next few seconds.

He clears his throat looking uncomfortable at this topic, he stares at me for a second with those eyes which screams uncomfortableness "I—" before he could speak I cut him.

"Ohh—wait I don't know if abbu is here at this time" I look down at my wrist where there is no watch so I quickly slide it down before he could notice "what will you do in between girls, we can meet them together another day, I'll come back in 10 minutes okay?" I grin at the guy who does not say anything and before my fake grin falls I wave at him and turn my back towards him.

I bite my lips trying my best to ignore the painful feeling I am feeling in my heart. He did not say anything but his eyes speaks alot and I respect his decision with all my heart, if I was in his place I am sure I would have felt as uncomfortable as he is feeling or maybe more than that, and I know I don't have any rights in forcing him to meet my parents who is also his ex-fiancé's parents.

I take a deep breath before grinning widely, I knock the door twice and ring the bell impatiently, I hear a faint coming' but I do not stop my self from ringing the bell continuously like a kid.

With an angry expression my mother opens the door wide and before she could yell I chirp out loudly "Assalamu alaikum!!!" I wrap my arms around my ammi who looks taken a back by my presence "ya allah" she gasps and takes few seconds to recover herself from the shock I gave but was quick to squeeze me in her arms.

"Ammi!! How are you?!" I yell but here loud footsteps probably my Abbu who must have heard my loud voice, before he meets me at the door, I drag ammi in so Ayan who must be watching me from afar does not see my Abbu.

I close the door behind me and soon I see the old man breathing heavily with a grin, I leave ammi's side to be close to him and I take his hand in mines "god abbu you are an old man now! Why did you rush to meet your lovely daughter, I know you must be missing me more than you missed your wife when she went to her mother's home but still—"we both laugh loudly when ammi slaps my arm but laughs with us.

"God you both look much older in just one day or is just my eyes" I raise my eyebrow as if inspecting them but my heart is clenching when I see their tired, painful face which has no laugh and no happiness returns.

I am sure my relatives would have spammed them with calls and I hate myself for not being the one answering their call and transferring some senses into them.

"Ayaan...did not come?" Abbu questions me with a hint of disappointment in his voice "Ya Allah Abbu thanks for reminding!—come here" I pull them towards the couch so we could sit, I loose my hijaab and turn towards abbu so I face him.


"Abbu when I was kid do you remember giving me that organic thing which your grandma gives you and so you give us whenever we feel weak and lazy, you remember that?" He nods with a disappointed look when I change the topic but my next sentence makes them laugh "I am in a real need of that thing, your lovely son in law worked for few hours and he is so tired that he was the one who said we will go meet you guys and now he is sleeping soundly in the car, and me being the kind hearted woman I was not able to wake him up" I shake my acting as if I am disappointed in this new generation.

Loud laughter fills my ears and I grin but pout at them "your writing the recipe and giving me now" he laughs but nods as ammi slaps my thighs telling me with her eyes to not tell bad things about my husband but still she couldn't hide her grin.

I know guys—I know I will be gifted with oscar grammy and all for lying, I know I lie like a professional but only if it's to make someone smile, when the lie is about me getting caught doing something mischief in a snap of their finger they will tell—Kinza is the culprit.

"He is out" he questions me I nod "yup! I am sure he will get upset for not waking him up when we reached here but that's okay I smell some food—you can pack me some—wait not for me for your son in law ammi" I act like I am innocent but only hear her laughing out loudly at me.

"Okay guys I need to pack some of my clothes! I'll go up till then you can pack some food for your 'son in law' " I point the word son in law but laugh at my own sentence before rushing towards the stairs to go to my room when I have spend quarter of my life- I am just 20 I am not dying in 40 guys.

"Assalamu alaikum!!" I greet my lovely room which look empty but untidy, I quickly through my hijaab on my bed before rushing towards my plushie to give him the long lasting hug "I came for you only My love!"I kiss my plushie before placing it on the bed to clean it as fast as I could so I do not make the man in the car wait more than needed.

"Yeah hoodies, books, and this and this" I dig my suitcase to see if I have packed everything "hmm done...plushie how to hide you? My bag is full" a pout forms on my lips but I hear my door being opened "packed everything?" Ammi asks and I nod "but I don't have space for my plushie but it's okay I can take that in my hand-" she stops me right there.

"You're married now, you are not taking this there" she snatches away my first love from me and I am so close to lie on the floor and throw my hands legs up and down and whine like a kid.

"Ammi whoever created this rule of married woman should not take plushie's with them tell them I am not following that rule! And give that back to me" she shakes her head sternly and hides it behind her before I could snatch it from her hand.

"Ammi! You can't do this to me!!" I whine when she walks away so I yell for my another hope "Abbu!!" I wear my heavy school bag with an annoyed expression before pulling the suitcase with me I rush down to complain my mother's rude behaviour.

"Abbu say your wife to give me my plushie!!" I glare at my dad who looks at my mom who glares at him "Abbu!!"

"I—yeah fathima give kinza her thing" he smiles at my mom who rolls her eyes and I can't even see my plushie now where did this woman hide my love!! She is such a villain! Why is she coming in between us?!

"Stop acting like a kid...I will keep your toy safely and when you come here you can be with that thing" she rolls her eyes at my over dramatic ass.

"You are so rude" she winks at me to annoy me more "Here I have packet food for my 'son in law'" that brings a smile on my face. I shyly smile acting like a bipolar human when she mocks me.

I snatch the bag from her hold with an angry look but couldn't help myself from showing my teeth "I didn't forgive you" I glare at the woman who ignores me as if she does not care.

"Hold the bag properly it should not fall" she warns me and I quickly straighten my hold "okay then I will be leaving now" I smile at my Ammi and Abbu who looks at me fondly.

"So my students I want complete discipline when I am not here, you are gonna take your medicines correctly and I will always ask Sabirah if you guys are eating or not hmm? Did you get that" I warn them like I am teacher and they chuckle but nod.

"And stop thinking about things which is not worth thinking—-hey that does not count me!" I glare at them only to hear laughter followed by a 'stupid girl.'

As we walk towards the door I remind them to take care of themselves and then it hits me that the guy must be using his phone what will abbu think if he sees him I don't want him to get upset now!

I nibble on my lip not even able to say Abbu that I can go by myself when I see him dragging my bag with him—the only thing I can do is mentally pray to Allah that he must sing some lullaby and make Ayaan sleep.

I nervously smile at my abbu and ammi but peek at the car to see no movement but the driver walks out and before I could mentally rejoice that my dua has reached allah, it collides with the sky and returns back to me when Ayaan walks out and makes and eye contact with me.

Abbu looks at me and I don't know where to look, I scratch my neck thinking of what reason I should give "Assalamu alaikum" the manly voice of my husband grabs my attention, he walks towards with no smile, The first thing someone should teach is to smile—freaking smile boy you look handsom when you smile I swear. "Walaikum asalam" they both smile awkwardly.

He walks towards me and so does the driver and the old driver quickly takes a hold of my bag which my abbu is holding.

Ayaan stands beside me and lifts my bag up, grin already forming on my lips at his thoughtful gesture, I easily slide away from my heavy bag in which I stuffed all my college books. I mean 'All'-so it's damn heavy.

I stretch my numb shoulder "thankyou" I smile at the man who does not reply and when silence fills the environment abbu talks "kinza said—" I interrupt...I had too! Or else they would have only looked at each other with pity.

"You woke up!"

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