《Her smile His favourite sight ✔️》Chapter 9 | Happy


"Ya Allah" I flop on the bed, my sleep is ignoring the fact that I am not the only one who stays in this room. I place one pillow under my leg and I hug another pillow thinking that it is my plushie which I hug everyday and sleep, and I am hundred and one percent sure he is the only one who I am so close to and who I have hugged while sleeping.

It was gifted by my grandma when I was a kid, I still treasure it as if it's Diamond, well it is a diamond for me. But my cruel mother did not pack my plushie when I clearly warned her to pack everything when she was leaving to home to get my belonging, not every thing Zaina uses fits me guys. But My cruel stone hearted mother ignored my words and my heart litteraly shattered when I was not able to find my Plushie. Maybe that was also a reason why I cried in the middle of the night.

People here where so kind that they said me to go fulfil my sleep unlike my husband who thought it costs dollars if he smiles.

I make myself comfortable with my leg thrown over the pillow, I am living my life to the fullest. I do not waste anytime but give my eyes full permission to take me to the dreamland I love the most.

I stretch my arms to relax my tighten muscles as I wake up with a sweet smile on my face "hmm" I hum feeling happy after the fajr nap I took which always brightens up my mood.

I look around the big room only to realise I am not in my room, I quickly drop my hand down, my smile falling in a spit second and my body stiffs when reality hits me. I quickly look around the room, my heart bubbling at the thought of 'someone' looking at me while I was sleeping in my own world and stretching like cow. But when I see an empty room a sigh of relief escape my lips and all the features returns back on its place.

I grin as I sit in the middle of the bed, feeling happy all of a sudden because this freaking big damn Mashallah room is mine! Its like an anime dream come true. I pat the the bed big bed which I have only imagined in my dreams to sleep on this. I was planning on joining Zaina's bed with mine after she gets married but even after joining both beds I am sure it won't be as big as this. Where is my single bed and where is this king, Queen extra trextra sized big bed.

I feel so lucky now. I know I have a rude husband but kick the husband aside, I am blessed with so many things, so what if husband is a jerk, that can be ignored.


"Woah" A gasp of surprise and excitement leaves my lips when my eyes fall upon a beautiful painting I quickly stand on the bed and jump down to go analyse every corner of MY room-I repeat MY ROOM.

I so want to talk with all these things now, because I feel like talking to them but what if 'someone' is hiding some where? Lets test first.

"Hello?" I call out, with my hands holding together at the back I gawk my eyes at every corner just to see if someone is hiding in the wall like Ninja Hattori does.

"Hello? One two three hello? Mic testing one two-ya allah" I slap my mouth when I realise I was blabbering.

"If someone is hiding please come out" I wait for two seconds but no one replies. A idiotic playful grin forms on my lips as I look around hoping like a kangaroo from here to there.

A professional look forms on my face, I wanted to become an interior designer or an engineer so when ever I feel bore I roam around my house as I point out faults and tell my invisible assistant to correct it, yeah sometime I laugh at myself but that's fun.

It's just like when we were kid we used to play teacher student game with invisible student—yup, that happy feeling we get, its just like that.

"Well...hmm you did a great work" I nod to myself as I admire the beautiful painting again "I've trained you good" I walk towards the closet which is-gosh my mouth is hurting from explaining so much.

Let's say it gives a Royal look.

"You should change this cooler, it almost made me freeze, I don't like this Air conditioner" I glare at Aircon who almost killed me. But a grin automatically makes its way on my lips when my eyes falls on the bed which is double, triple comfortable than mine.

I quickly take a seat but in a professional way as I throw my leg on the other to cross them like those CEO women's, But my hand slips and I move backward before I could fall on my back I straighten up myself. I clear the throat to hide my embarrassment before speaking.

"This bed is something I love..great job"

"The painting is nice but if you choose a little more bright color it would give a nice summer vibe, this grey and white gives me umm—broken hearted people and dead peoples vibe but its okay it matches Mr. Jerk my lovely husband" I nod to myself as I continue speaking. "The curtain—"

"I'll keep that in mind when I paint my room again" someone interrupts me so I only nod telling them it's okay "yeah yeah" huh? Wait—I snap my head in full force toward where the voice was coming that I thought for a second it will detach and fly to the other side of the room , I literally heard the crack on my neck but my heart drops in my toes when I see the figure who should not be witnessing this scene.


My eyes watering out of embarrassment when I see him leaning against the door with his arms crossed.

"Huh?" I quickly stand up my face going pale in no second, I mentally ask Allah to send Angel's to take my life now. I am sure he is on it's way, I will die with embarrassment now!

"This is not fair" I mumble more to myself, praying that my nails should be long so I could dig the ground on my own and sleep there for the rest of my life.

"Continue what you where saying I want to know more about your views on my room" When I see a mocking smile on his face my cheeks burn up and a tear slipped down on my cheek out of embarrassment.

This is not fair. I hate myself. I can feel elder, older, bigger, smaller ever freaking human laughing on my face.

I quickly take a u-turn as big, bold, healthy tears continuously fall down my cheek.

"I huh? Why are you crying?" I can hear fast foot steps walking towards me, before he could look at me I turn to the other side to not face him. "Fuck" a gasp of shock leaves my lips when I hear him cursing unholy word but I do not comment on that, my embarrassment is on high level to even think about what he is saying.

"Okay okay calm down" he panics when he sees me sobbing, an ugly sob escape my lips when I again remember his mocking smile which was more like a smirk "I-I was bored I am-I am not Mental" I speak in between my cries as I wipe my wet face.

A hiccup leaves my lips and my lips tremble as more tears fill my eyes when he does not reply. I am sure he thought me that I am some Mad women. What if he sends me to a mental hospital-Noo!!

I shake my head but try to explain him that I am not Mad but I was just acting like that "I-I am not I was playing don't think I am—" I look at him with big eyes when he cups my face so I can stay still and look at.

"Shh calm down" his face clearly shows worry, and I don't know about what he is worried...is he worried because I am crying or is he worried because he is married to woman who acts like a psycho.

Tears are still poring down but I only stare at him "calm down" he wipes my tears away "stop crying" he gently caresses my cheeks and I force my mind to listen to his words, I blink my tears away so I do not cry but pout forms on my lips automatically to control my tears.

He stares at me for few seconds before clearing his throat, I wish I knew what he was thinking "come on sit down" I obey his words and obediently take a seat. His warmth leaving my skin as soon as I sit.

He does not sit beside me but crouch down on the floor and ever so gently he takes my hand his, I ignore the pounding of my heart cause I am scared of what is going to say, is he going to abandon me because of my childishness?

"First stop crying" He speaks calmly yet it sounds like an order, I nod my head up and I quickly bend forward to wipe my face on my arm since he is holding both of my hands "why where you crying? Did I yell at you?" I shake my when he questions me "Did I judge you for being playful" I hesitantly shake my head, who knows, maybe he made fun of me in his mind.

"Then why where you crying, I know you will feel lonely in this big house without any girl as same age as you, so cool down okay? I don't want to see you crying again on silly things" I chew my lower lip nervously but stay quiet "if you are really embarrassed and uncomfortable then let's forget everything, you never acted like a boss, I did not see you playing around, you did not cry and we did not chat without breaking eye contact..hmm?" He raises his eyebrow with a small smile and I grin against my will at his sweet, understanding sentence "Okay then" he stands up not before passing his thumb on my cheek to wipe my tears away.

He clears his throat and again that professional look covers his face, no he looks nothing like he looked a few seconds ago, the eyes which softened looking at my teary ones are gone, the small smile has disappeared and those soft feature has hardened as he passes his tongue on his lips to wet them.

"You must be hungry...we all had our breakfast..go freshen up I'll ask the maid to set up the table" he speaks in his deep calm voice and I like a mad woman nod with a grin, couldn't help myself from forgetting the soft Ayaan I just witnessed.

Damn--Ayaan--that name is beautiful--gosh I am feeling shy now.

He is not as bad as he portrays himself as.

I ignore the look he is giving me as I rush towards the washroom to wash my face and go fill my tummy. I hope the food here is edible and eatable cause I am very picky in food.

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