《Her smile His favourite sight ✔️》Chapter 8 | Tea


"Come here and pray" I feel pissed out now but patiently wait for the girl to walk, after putting her weight from one leg to another and after mentally fighting with her small brains if she should pray with me or not, she gives up and walks with small baby steps.

And just like me, she places the mat down but two steps behind so we do not stand with our shoulder together.

With a surprised frown while staying in the mat I look over my shoulder to see her crying ever so quietly but the empty room filled with silence does not benefits her and her quiet whimpers can be clearly heard.

I look at the girl who looks so small beside me as she prays but cries while talking to Allah and I don't know why the first thing my heart asked Allah was to ease her pain and give All the love she deserves.

With a sigh I stand up to walk towards my table to pick my laptop, all of a sudden feeling frustrated by the sudden pain I am feeling by looking at her in pain.

I try my best to ignore all the feelings by doing my work. But couldn't help myself from ignoring it.

I wipe my running nose in my long sleeved shirt as I fold the mat and walk towards the nightstand which is near this build up guy who is already acting like an authoritative husband and ordering me around.

I so want to tell him I am not someone who takes orders, I do what I like, but the cat inside me said shutup Kinza and listen to what he is saying. I hate myself, I know you do to!

I do not even look at him but throw the mat on the stand from a distance so I do not stay near him and also mentally pray that it should land correctly but since I cried and prayed alot before Allah refused to accept this plead and it falls right near his legs. Damnit!

I look at him with wide eyes not knowing if I should keep it on the right place or let him do, when he sees me all freeze doing nothing but standing in her place like a statue, with an eye roll he picks it up and drops it on the nightstand.

"Go get ready we are going down" he speaks without looking at me but his laptop and my mind is blinking with confusion "where are we going?" I act a little bold and question what is in my mind, because who the hell roams around at 5 in the morning?—Okay 5:45 in the morning?!

"I said you we are going down" down? I look down on the floor not understanding what does he mean by down? Is he talking about some underground place?

"Ya Allah" he breathes out with another eye roll, he rolls his eyes alot.

I raise my eyebrow not understanding what he is saying "down in the sense not here-ya allah" again he huffs "to the living room, after fajr we all gather up and have some tea, so go get ready" he explains and I nod with a 'Ohh' understanding what he is saying but quickly shake my head when everything correctly fits in my dumb mind.


"What? you didn't understand?" He raises his eyebrow seeing me shake my head "No-I mean yes-no no-ya allah" What the hell am I speaking?!!

"Are you...okay?" He looks at me and I only nod at that but again shake "I mean—why would you have tea chat early in the morning shouldn't people sleep at this time, that's what I do in my home, I sleep after fajr...and I am sleepy now" I rub my eyes with the back of my hand but pout at the guy who is looking surprised by my sentence which for the first time I said without stuttering.

"Hmm" he clears his throat and break our eye contact before continuing "you can sleep later...since all will be present, they will definitely ask for you and if I say your sleeping that wouldn't sound good to my aunties and grandma's ears" he speaks like a matured man but I am sulking here, I don't care what they think, I want my sleep to be completed!!

"But I don't drink tea" I try to make an excuse but he looks all unbothered "you can drink milk" Milk? Yew...Milk makes me feel nauseous, I feel like vomiting whenever I see milk "but.. I don't like Milk" I tell him the truth and he raises his eyebrow in disbelief "you can have coffee then" coffee sounds good but...sleep is important.

"We shouldn't take caffeine in the morning" I speak like a science student but hear him sighing. I quickly stumble a step back and all the boldness drains in one go when he stands up and walks towards me.

"You can sit there quietly and do nothing or you can have plain water but I want you to come down with me did you get that?" My head automatically moves up and down when I notice the distance between us is only one step away.

"Good...now go change" I so want to yell a 'you are a rude jerk on his face but instead I rush towards the closet to pick an appropriate dress which radiates the vibe of married woman before walking towards the washroom to get changed.

Within 20 minutes I take a quick shower and get ready, My eyes giving up as each second passes and the warm shower is not helping me even a bit.

I just want to close my eyes and fly to my dream land. But I have a rude husband, a very rude one.

Okay now you guys may wonder I would have blushed at the word husband, well most people does but in my case it's different when I hear his name-gosh I am not even able say his name but whenever I hear his name, goosebumps irrupts my body, heart does a double flip as if its giving audition for joining gymnastic and those edible butterflies which lives in my stomach starts giggling only to give an unexplainable feeling throughout my body.

These all things happen even when he is near me, but when I hear his name or accidentally If it rolls out of my tongue-damn that feeling is something else. Well, call me a anything you want but that's how I feel.


I quietly open the door to see him still in those comfortable clothes, why didn't he changed? He asked me to go get ready, why is he still in those comfortable clothes? This is not fair.

My hair is still wet, but that's not a problem. I quietly walk and take a seat in the corner of the bed as I wait for him to go in and change, but before that I mentally assure myself by questioning myself if I left the bathroom clean and if I dumped all my wet and small clothed in the basket. Yeah I remember throwing it in the basket—

"Are you ready?" That male voice—I repeat that male voice, deep, rough yet smooth, stern yet clam, that voice which only radiates I am the owner, you are my slave type of vibes. And when it reaches my ears that edible butterfly which are living in my stomach rent free reacts. They start giggling and playing around which gives me a hard time to not stutter.

"Ye-yeah" I clear my throat and nod "hmm let's go" he walks towards the door but I quickly stop him "you are not going to change?" I look at him but feel the urge of ordering just the way he did "Go get ready I will wait" I mentally pat my shoulder with a proud smile for letting out a sentence without stuttering and on top of that I ordered this build up guy who is now looking at me with his raised eyebrows I don't from where the audacity of speaking with boldness came, as I mirror his action and mumble a 'go' as I point towards the washroom.

He pokes his tongue in the inner cheek but narrows his eyes towards me and Damn-I can't even explain how hot it was—he looked like those male leads from the series who gets mad when they fail there attempt in stealing. Yeah just that type of pose he gave me now.

When he opened his mouth, The next moment I knew I made a fool of myself "do people where suit and boot for drinking tea in your house" umm I—No, I shake my head and then he raises his eyebrow "then, what do you mean by go get ready?" Umm-what did I mean by go get ready? I don't know, I just wanted to play fair-Ya allah where did I put myself into, it took me all guts to frame that sentence and now I need to answer his 7 words question whose answer I don't even have.

"I-let's go" I quickly stand up and in full walking speed I walk past him, I open the door not knowing if I should take left or right, I take the right follow my instincts but.. "its left kinza" he boringly speaks and I curse all dead and alive toys instead of my fate.

I take a u-turn but wait there to not make more fool of myself and when he starts walking I follow him, with my eyes open just so I know the route and I do not get lost in this big damn Mashallah house. Never forget to say Mashallah. I quietly follow him while admiring the clean house.

"You guys are awake, Mashallah! Come-on sit down" was the first thing I hear when I entered a big room which was filled with quiet chirps.

"Did you sleep well darling?" Aunty questions me with a smile and I also return one genuinely cause I love people who smile "yeah I did" she nods happily at my answer but forwards a cup of tea to her son who is sitting beside me and when she passes me a cup, I take it not knowing how to decline this elder women. Have you ever been in a situation where you don't want to eat something or just you want to throw it away but the older women smiles and handles you that and you couldn't even spell the word No as if it is not in your dictionary because of that smile, yeah it happened? Well, it happens with me every time. You will understand my pain if you gone through this.

I look down at the tea which does not look tasty or attractive as coffee does to my eyes. I stay quiet but my eyes become heavy as their voice reaches my ears, I understand nothing and it feels like some school rhyme which can make you fall asleep in two minutes.

I hold the tea in one hand and I rest my head in another palm so I do not fall on the tea incase if my eyes betrays me. I am giving a lot of pressure to my head as I am forcefully staying awake. But I don't know when my eyes closed.

"Kinza" someone is calling me, I reply to them in my sleep which I don't even realise I am doing "Kinza" when I again hear me name a little more louder my brain slaps and tells me to wake up "yeah yeah" I open my eyes wide and look at everyone too see them giggling "I-What happened?" Blush of embarrassment makes it's way to my cheeks when I understood that I got caught.

"Ya allah I am sorry" I mumble and bend to hide my face in my lap and knees, the warm yet cold plate was taken from my hold, I do not even bother to peek at my husband who must have took the plate from my hold before it could ruin my dress.

The loud laughter coming from aunty is embarrassing me but I still grin against my will when I realise how happy they look when they


Zaina you really are unlucky for betraying such a beautiful family.

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