《Love Joshua》5. Юн Жонхан
Нойрмоглон сууж байж хэдэн хичээлийн ард гарчихаад үдийн цайны үед сэргэн суниасаар өндийлөө.
Уг нь чиг дунд сургуульд байхдаа сурлагаараа алдаг л байж. Одоо ёстой мэдэхгүй ээ юу ч болоод байгаа юм.
Өнөөдөр Сүёоныг нөгөө ангийн охидууд чирсээр гарсан тул би ганцаараа дурамжхан сургуулиар алхана. Одоохондоо найзууд ч алга. Ядаж байхад Сүёоны нийтчийг ч хэлэх үү?
Арын талбайд том модны сүүдэр доор хэвтэн чимээ чагнаж байтал нэг л танил хоолой цангинасаар ойртоно. Бас ч гэж ганцаараа биш!
Хурдхан шиг босож суугаад нүдээрээ түүнийг хайвал өглөөхөн цүнхний оосорноос татчихаад нэр асуугаад явдаг гар дүрээрээ талбай дээр зогсож байдаг байгаа.
Сүнён: Яа Жошуа наад толгой дээрх алчуураа аваач ээ!
Би "Жошуа гэнээ?"
Жисү: Солиороод бай. Гадаа аймшгийн нартай байхад чи хүн дагуулж гарч ирчихээд юу гээд байгаа юм! Оронд нь англи хэлдээ суух байсан юм
Жонхан: За маяглаад бай Хун Жисү. Гялс хэд тоголчихоод орж англи хэлдээ сууя.
Сынчол: Ээ та хоёр зүгээр сайхан бид хоёр шиг пялаач дээ!
Жонхан: Бид хоёр ямар та хоёр байгаа биш. Олигтой сургууль авчихмаар л байнашт!
Жисү: Тийшт!
Сүнён, Сынчол: Зассс
Би яг одоо охидын ариун цэврийн өрөөнд өөрийгөө усаар шавшин зогсоно.
: What the hell! Жисүг Жошуа гэж дууддаг байх нь ээ! Тэгээд л өглөө намайг гадаад нэртэй юу энэ тэр гээд байж!
:Тэр арай бугуйвчаа олчихоод надад байсныг мэдээд тэгэж асуусан юм биш биз дээ! Юу вэ!
:Ер нь би хулгайлсан биш юундаа сандраад байгаа юм.
:Гэхдээ л арай ч дээ! ЖОШУААА!!!?
:Солонгос хүн байж Солонгос л нэртэй байна биз. Үхсэн балуугаа хийж гадаад нэртэй болдог байнаа!
Хичээл тарж би жаахан оройтчихсон тул бяцхан баавгайнхаа сургууль руу гүйхээрээ хурдлана. Яг зам гарах гэж байтал явган хүний гэрэл солигдон ногоон гэрэл улаан болоход доороо дэвхцэн байн байн утасныхаа цагийг харсаар өнгөрнө. Ер нь болохгүй нь гэж шийдээд замын хоёр талруу харсаар шууд л гүйхээрээ зам хөндлөн гартал гэнэт л хажуунаас минь маш том машины сигнал дуугарлаа.
Би балмагдсандаа зүгээр л таг гацчихсан.
Би өвдөлт мэдрэхийн оронд зөөлөн зүйл дээр унасан мэт хүчтэй анисан нүдээ зөөлнөөр нээхэд доор минь...
Би түүний дээрээс яааравчлан босоод түүнийг босгон бөхийгөөд дахин дахин уучлалт гуйж байлаа.
: Чи намайг танина биз дээ?
Би: Мм 3р ангийн сонбэним Юн Жонхан
Жонхан: Сайн байна. Дараагын удаа зам хөндлөн гарах гэж байгаа бол жаахан анхааралтай яв ойлгосон уу?
Би: Заа ойлголоо.
Жонхан: Хаашаа ингэтлээ яараад байгаа юм бэ дээ тэгээд!?
Би: Би дүүгээ бага сургуулиас авах ёстой юм л даа. Хоцорчихоод тэгээд л...
Жонхан хажуудаа түшиж тавьсан дугуйгаа суллан өөрөө дээр нь суугаад надруу хамгаалалтын малгай сунгалаа.
Би ч азны юм гээд л малгайг нь түрэгхэн өмсөөд ар суудал дээр нь тухлаад формноос нь атган явна.
Биднийг бага сургууль дээр ирэхэд манай бяцханаа цүнх номоо хажуудаа тавьчихсан өөрөөсөө өндөр сандал дээр хөлөө савчин газар ширтэнэ.
Би: Сун Кихэ!
Намайг хашгирахад Кихэ намайг харан нусаа татаад "Эгч муухай хүн оройтож аваад" гээд эхэр татаж эхэлхэд би сандарч балмагдан Жонхан сонбэнимээс ч ичсэндээ хурдхан нүүрийг нь арчин цүнхнээсээ салфетик гаргаж ирэн нусыг нь нийлгэн өргөлөө.
Өөрийнхөө цүнхийг урдаа зүүгээд Кихэг үүрэн Кихэгийн цүнхийг атган Жонхан сонбэнимд бөхийн баярлаад харих зүг хандлаа.
Тэгтэл нуруунаас минь нэг зүйл хөнгөрөн гар минь ч бас суларчихав.
Эргэж хартал Кихэ гайхсан бололтой Жонхан сонбэнимруу харж байгаад Жонхан сонбэним чихэнд нь үг хэлэхэд Кихэ инээгээд толгой дохьлоо. Юу вэ!?
Жонхан: Киюүнаа наад дугуйгаа түрчихээ хүргээд өгье.
Би тэр хоёрын араас ширтэж явсаар гэрийнхээ доор ирэн Жонхан сонбэгээс Кихэг буулгах гэтэл Жонхан сонбэ толгой сэгсрэн надруу инээмсэглэлээ. Юун үлгэрийн залуу вэ энэ чинь?
Жонхан сомбэ Кихэг дагуулан дэлгүүр орон би гадаа нь дугуйг нь харан үлдлээ.
Нээх ч удсангүй тэд гарч ирээд надруу нэг мөхөөлдөс өгөн гэрлүү минь алхлаа.
Кихэ баясгалантай нь аргагүй инээж тэд урд минь тоголно.
Гэрийнхээ урд ирэн Кихэг буулган сонбэд бөхийн баярласнаа илэрхийлчихээд орох гэтэл Жонхан хацраас минь чимхчихлээ.
Жонхан: Чи улайхаараа хөөрхөн юм аа.
Би: Ю.юу! *бодох*
The Twilight Zone (An Isekai GameLit)
Upon hearing a voice, Sakuta awoke to find himself on a wagon with no memories of where he was or how he had gotten there. With him were others who also remembered little more than their own names. When this group of strangers are suddenly attacked by beast-like creatures, they quickly come to realize that this world they found themselves in was the farthest thing from normal. In order to survive, they are given no choice other than to join the only paying job available for them in this world--the role of a vanguard in the Scouting Legion. Now, Sakuta must learn to fight and survive in this world where life and death was separated only by a thin line. All while seeking answers to the mystery behind everything, and the voice that brought him to this world... You can join my Discord here.
8 111Myth of The World's Trees
And Simon answered their call with a single statement that nobody understood "Et super mos absit hoc hodie!" "Yah!" "WWWaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" "AAAlllllaaaaallllaaaaallllaaaa!" "EeEEellllleeeeeelllllleeeeeeuuuuuuu!" I, too, yelled a battle cry at the top of my lungs. I had no idea what Simon had just spouted but from Camilla's giggling, I could guess that Simon thought that spouting nonsense was his way of getting out of the earlier predicament. "I forbid death upon this day," Camilla said. "What?" I answered a bit at a loss. "Ancient Latin," she replied smugly, "He said 'I forbid death upon this day'." I laughed aloud "Then he is gonna be really disappointed in everyone here," Camilla did not reply and instead took a deep breath. I did the same, zoning out everything in my surroundings. The environment became a world of electrical pulses traveling across several networks. I perceived the world through my lightning and sped my heartbeat to inhuman levels. I was present now, at this moment, at this point in time. I could feel the electrifying air saturating my lungs, the electrified ground vibrating at the rhythm of the approaching enemy. Then I took a step forward, everyone followed in tandem. Camilla the first, and then the others. Then I took a second step, and this time everyone followed simultaneously. Third step… Fourth step… Fifth step… Then light jogging… Speeding up… Running … Running faster…. Then suddenly, everyone disappeared into motes of light particles that re-constructed itself hundreds of feet above the horde, dozens of miles away from our initial position. We were literally 'diving' into battle.-------------------------------------------------------------------Despite a rough childhood in the slums, Omari had everything a guy could want - a loving girlfriend, an understanding sister, a wonderful teacher, and his dream job. Still, the scars from his childhood made Omari unable to live a dull life. He dreamed of something greater... something beyond the reaches of what humankind could achieve in the current era.Like always, Omari should have been careful what he wished for. In the year 2046, the World was thrown into chaos as the apocalypse came in the form of massive trees that shot up out of the ground one day.These trees towered over the tallest of buildings and had thicknesses that spanned kilometers at a time.They grew everywhere, in homes, businesses, and cities as they formed a complex network that overlayed the old world.The cause of the apocalypse was unknown, but Omari's workplace was believed to be the origin point of the unfortunate events.Fifteen years after the start of the Apocalypse... after all the pain and suffering... after losing everything he cared about, Omari sent his memories back in time to make sure that the future he lives in, never came to be.Will he be able to uncover the mystery of The Trees? Will he be able to protect all those he has lost? Will he succeed, or will his attempt be washed away by the currents of time? Will Omari be able to learn the truth about 'THE MYTH OF THE WORLD'S TREES'?
8 145Kingdom Come
Thiara is a planet ruled by four great Kingdoms. These Kingdoms share the monopoly on all production and control their citizens' lives with an iron rule that has prevailed through millennia. The last bastion of freedom are the last two "free" continents - the archipelago chain of Namaria that is home to pirates and raiders, and the continent of Zeshan. Aroha and Rylan are two residents of a small port town in Zeshan, but when the Kingdom of Camar raid the town for slaves for their fields, the two are thrust headlong into an adventure that will take them further from home than they could ever have imagined possible. They will encounter all manner of new challenges, allies and dangerous magic as they try to save the people they love from slavery. All the while, a lonely king on a powerful throne is plotting something sinister himself and the world will feel the full force of his machinations.
8 187Almighty Dung [Dropped]
Have you seen the future? I have not, nobody did, no one can. I see...have you heard of apotheosis' prophecy? What about it? Many didn't take it seriously, probably because nobody could crack its mysteries, but the indestructible prophecy rock has recently crumbled. It is a sign that things will change. ...What did the prophecy say? Sigh, you really don't know anything. There was a furnace drawn on the prophecy rock. There were three objects in it, named meaningless crown, black star and incomplete cross. When three signs appear the beast will awaken. Has the meaning been cracked? There are many hypothesis, but nothing concrete. The first object could have relation to king of some sorts, but in this vast universe there are many worlds, counties and kings. Who can really guess its meaning? It can also be metaphorical. What about black star? They say the second clue leads to eclipse, but this also says nothing. Third one? Cross is the symbol of divinity. The cracked cross might mean a lot of things, like person who wants to go against progenitor's ideas and laws and forcefully achieve divinity...It could also mean destruction of divinity, but something like that should be impossible... You're overthinking things. How could gods stay idle if someone is threatening their reign?Also, even if somebody is forcefully awakening, the gods will be alerted by commotion and won't let it succeed... Say, do you think that awakening beast is the one who will try to become one of us? Most likely. No, it's hard to say. The prophecy can't be that simple. This is nothing but wild guesses from our side. Alright, let's stop with depressing stuff. I found a nice place not too far from my domain constellation. Really? What's special about it? Nothing we've not seen before, except for a rare delicacy. They call it chocolate. Oh? Is it delicious? Yes, much better than slime candies you've been fond of. Are you free now? Of course! Then it's my treat. Be careful though, the sovereign over there is a bit low key, but very strong. You need to get to know world's customs first, we don't need extra trouble. No problem. We have nothing to do anyway, haha. What are we waiting for? Lead the way... Ark I - Invasion of thousand kingdoms (Chapter 1-???) Ark II - Nocturnal feast (Chapter ???-???) Ark III - False divinity (Chapter ???-???) Art by sandara on deviant art
8 195The Firefly Diary
Written for the Royal Writathon. (Finished). Season two: Wolf hybrids in a fantasy world have gotten over as major heroes for stopping the rampage of the moon goddess Lhyna, but now new family members are coming over, and they're slowly finding out their problems are far from over when they learn their cousin has the ability to make people stop moving. Season One not necessary to read for Season Two, and season one is getting a rewrite. Now participant in two Writathons! Season Two: Participant of the Royal Writathon Challenge for November 2020.
8 185Ahs preferences imagines
(Mainly Evan Peters characters) I take requests and update as regularly as I can!
8 113