《Evils Of The Sky (Io Shirai X Male OC)》Parley


~With Carlo~

At Full Sail, our parlay is here and we have to hold ourselves back from whatever insults New Day and Hurt Business have in store.

They were out first as Masami, Kaori, Santana and Ortiz came out with me. As we stepped in the ropes and into the ring, Kofi wanted to start with a statement as Ortiz will start as well.

So this is where it all leads to now? WarGames between NXT, Raw and Smackdown inside a double steel cage and two rings! But let me get to the point, us, Smackdown, we're going to win this match!

The crowd booed as he went on.

Kallisto. Listen to me!

She doesn't speak English bub, she only knows Japanese.

He realized his mistake and spoke English in a way she could understand.

Kallisto. This man, evil. Us, good.

Masami wasn't fazed because she knows that I'm a good person, regardless of what those claims say.

And enough talking about her because I'm gonna say this once. Smackdown is better than Raw and, this is me and not my character, NXT SUCKS!

The crowd booed really loud to the point that our eardrums were popped and we can't listen anymore!

That's why this Saturday, we will win the WarGames match!

He gave the mic to Big E and I didn't like what he was going to say. E said it lots of times to the point that I lose brain cells over this.


Ortiz swiped the mic out of Big E's hand before he said the chant "New Day Rocks!". Thank God for Ortiz to be a friend of mine, same with Santana and Kaori.

Kofi Kingston, I don't believe a word you said. Before you three were the hottest group in the company, you were a bust.

Ortiz just came in with heat and it was about to get better!

Now that I think about that, you were a bust when you were World Champion for a while!

The NXT Universe ate it all up and cheered as Kofi looked like he wanted to kill Ortiz, but knowing him, Ortiz could kill him first before he could say "wrestling".

How about this Hurt Business, New Day? You two can choose who to go first in WarGames, because Santana, Carlo, and myself have weapons we want to bring. In fact, you two choose one guy to be in the match because before we came out here, Carlo offered to go first!

It's true.

I want to go first and face two other men inside that cage. I want to talk, but I want to go last because I got something to say about what's been going on in my personal life lately and how this match has to do with any of that.

Once you all step inside that cage with us, you're in our world now. Don't you forget that once you get in that cage, your personalities are gonna change thanks to the three of us!


Wait! Hold on now! You say that our personalities are gonna change? No! That don't work like that! You see, Bobby Lashley, Cedric Alexander, and Shelton Benjamin are going to whip Smackdown's ass, and then they're gonna beat your asses!

He smiled before he went on.

Bobby Lashley can destroy NXT and Smackdown by himself, but with just some help, it could make everything much sweeter. Carlo De Luca, your girlfriend has threatened to castrate me and feed me my own testicles over nothing! I knew about the claims, but I promise you, I never leaked them.

He was lying through his teeth, but Masami wanted to speak.

それについてすみません、私はあなたが言っていたことに注意を払っていませんでした。 私はあなたの顎を上下に見ているだけでした。

It made me laugh a lot and I immediately had to translate for her.

Kallisto says, she apologizes for not paying attention to what you were just talking about. She was just watching your jaw go up and down!

Santana and Ortiz laughed out loud as the crowd cheered for Masami's roast.

You can ignore me all you want Missy, but you see, if you disrespect me again, I have someone who can make your shoulder even worse!

She kept silent after that as he kept going.

Here's some advice from a veteran like myself, you will get hurt, if you put your nose into some business that isn't yours. So try to avoid getting hurt by us this Sunday Carlo, Santana, Ortiz.

It was time for me to speak as I have something for MVP and the Hurt Business, same with The New Day.

You self-entitled, delusional, and lying joke of a businessman!

That got everyone elated that someone finally said the thing that everyone has been wanting to say for a long time.

Masami told me the other day that you were the one who brought back that history onto the internet for the first time and that's what made me upset! And you know what? I'm glad they were back online.

Everyone was confused on what I was saying, but I had to clarify.

That let me know that some people are so full of shit, even their eyes are brown, and your eyes tell a different story, MVP. I grew up around drug dealers, gangsters, alcoholics and that got me to where I am today!

Everyone loved what I was saying as I kept talking.

Those times in my life had taught me life lessons and it showed me that I had to grind while everyone else was sitting on their asses waiting for handouts or having their family legacy feel more important than talent, like a fake queen with fake boobs!


Where did you grow up around MVP? Oh yeah, a private school. You could never last a minute where I came from because there are people that are wanting to be like us, but they can't because we're the originators while you're impersonators.

I just revealed some personal information about MVP and this is definitely going to reduce his morale for sure.


Payback's a bitch, and so am I.

You want to prove you're the best wrestling show of the week? You gotta earn it, because unlike Raw and Smackdown, we have the best women's division in wrestling today, I mean, where are your divisions! Oh wait, it's all a mess because of someone wanting all the blondes to have all the titles while everyone else get nothing!

That got everyone excited!

I mean, you have guys that are in some legit tag teams, while there are others who are put together due to bad creative!

Everyone knew that I was killing Raw and Smackdown based on truth alone. Everyone wanted someone to talk for them, and I'm willing to be that voice.

And the fact! And the fact, that under these lights, your brands are nothing more than a couple running jokes that I wouldn't dare to be around.


MVP was going to interrupt me, but I had to stop him from making me forget my train of thought.

No! No! You're not gonna interrupt me! You call yourselves groups? Hurt Business, how long have you jerkoffs been together? Almost a year? New Day! How long have you been a group as well?! Several years?

I couldn't believe what I was going to say, but it had to be heard.

This is a group! No, not a group, a FAMILY!

Kaori, Santana, Ortiz, and Masami were shocked at what I was saying. Almost all of them felt touched by my words as I needed to paraphrase it for these two groups of jerkoffs.

Ayane's been like a sister to me. She's had my back ever since those claims were leaked in 2013 and they recently came back!

Everyone seemed to understand where I was coming from because I was about to be emotional.

These two canines, I've known these guys since childhood! They went to my uncle's funeral out of respect as a personal favor, and I owed them by having Hunter sign them to NXT because I vouched for them!

Masami was next and this is going to be the best part of this promo. I know it.

My girlfriend here, Kallisto, she's been by my side along with Ayane and I got into a personal relationship with her soon after I returned to NXT with these two and because of that her shoulder got separated from a bitch who doesn't know how to wrestle!


Vanessa, I hope she heard that because I wanted to give her a piece of my mind in the form of a promo.

I'm gonna end it with this, Hurt Business, New Day. From what I know, Christmas is around the corner from now, and this Saturday, when we lock ourselves inside that cage, your ideal Christmas gifts to all of you will be absolute pain!

I threw the mic down and stared a hole at all of the people from Raw and Smackdown as my theme played. The refs were separating us from fighting each other before the pay per view.

Turned out WarGames was taking place in LA, and I know there'll be some people not going to be happy with me coming back there since those reports are now out again and I need to lay low after that. I never liked the fact that the claims are back on the internet thanks to MVP of all people.

Listen, Italians like myself respect all kind of people, whites, blacks, Asians, Europeans, it doesn't matter who it is, but MVP is the only black person I disrespect. He leaked that information to try and lower my morale, but after having that talk with Masami at my apartment, I'm fired up to let all my anger and frustration out at WarGames.

As soon as I arrived at the hotel to drop off Kaori and Masami, Masami wanted to talk to me.

今夜の後、あなたは少し動揺したようでした。 あなたは大丈夫です、カルロ? (After tonight, you seemed a little upset. Are you okay, Carlo?)

私は大丈夫です。 私がそこにいた間にそれをすべて握っていなければならなかった。 (I'm fine Masami. I just had to hold it all in while I was out there.)

私はあなたを非難することはできません。 (I can't blame you for that.)

She hugged me as tight as she could, but I had to ask her this before I forget.


ええ? (Yeah?)

私はこれが非常に突然であることを知っていますが、私たちは今3ヶ月間一緒にいました、そして私たちは次の動きをするべきだと思います。 (I know that this is very sudden, but we've been together for three months now and I think we should make the next move.)

そしてそれは何ですか? (And what's that?)

Masami Okate、あなたは私と一緒に移動しますか? (Masami Odate, will you move in with me?)

She was shocked and kissed me hard. When she released she smiled and said the answer I wanted.

私は今しばらくの間質問を聞きたいと思っていました。 (I've been wanting to hear that question for some time now.)

それでそれはどういう意味ですか? (So that means?)

はい。 私はあなたと一緒に動きたいです! (Yes. I would love to move in with you!)

She hugged with a huge smile as I hugged back.

サバイバーシリーズの直後、私はあなたが私のアパートにあなたのものを動かすのを助けますそして私たちは一緒に生き始めることができます。 (Soon after Survivor Series, I'll help you move your stuff into my apartment and we can start living together.)

それは合理的な音です。 LAでお會いしましょう? (That sounds reasonable. See you in LA?)

それから會いましょう。 私はあなたを愛している。 (See you then. I love you.)

私もあなたを愛しています。 (I love you too.)

We pecked lips as she went out of the car and before I rolled up the window, she said one last thing.

こんにちはカルロ! (Hey Carlo!)

ええ?! (Yeah?!)

あなたの頑張って戦士! (For your luck at WarGames!)

She blew a kiss at me as I caught it, placed the kiss on my lips and I returned it to her as I drove away.

God, she's so cute. And her eyes? Marrone!

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