《It's better me then you ( Negans Daughter and Carl Romance ) ( COMPLETED ✔ )》Just one


1 day later

Addisons P.O.V- I wake up in my bed that I used to have at the Sanctuary. "What the? Where am I?" I say as I sit up with a throbbing pain in my left collarbone. "You're where you should be Addison." A familiar voice says. Dwight. I scoff. "No, I'm not. I need to be with dad and the rest of them." I give him a cold steer. "That's where I should be." He sighs while he gets up from the plastic chair and walks over to me. "I?" He gestured to my collarbone. I sigh before moving the baggy t-shirt they had put me in off my shoulder. As soon as he gently rests his thumb rift on the spot where I got shot I flunch smd wince. "It's gonna be sore for at least a couple days, so I suggest you take it easy." He gives me a faint smile while sitting back down. "Can I ask you something?" I say after a log moment of silence. He leans forwards. "Ya, sure." I look down at my cold and pale hands, then at his eyes. "If you could leave this place would you? Go out and live like yourself, not like some slave." He doesn't say anything. "Would you leave instead of staying here, working for him?" He still doesn't say anything. "Can you please just answer me?" He looks at me with a serious look. "Staying here is what I have to do." "But what if you could come with is? Be part of our group?" He sighs. "Addison you don't get it! If I leave you dont know what he could do to me!" "Exactly! If you leave he could do nothing!" As much as I hate to say it Dwight is the only person at the Sanctuary who I dont hate. Ya, he's shot me but he hasn't pretended to be my father for 15 years. "I would."


Dwights P.O.V- Addison is the one person who keeps me going. I mean we aren't related or anything by man I wish we were. I also wish I didn't do things without thinking first.

s P.O.V- I miss my girl. My sting brave girl. All I want is to hold her in my arms again before Negan does. Anyways, right now we just got moved from our own individual cell to a wooden stage in the back of the Sanctuary, on our knees, with our hands tied behind our backs. I swear, if Negan does anything else to hurt us he's going to regret it.

After 5 minutes of sitting here in silence, I get a message on my walkie-talkie. "Are you good to walk?" She laughs a little. "Dwight, you shot my collarbone not my leg." It's good to see and hear Addison laughing and smiling. I haven't seen her do that in a log time. "Can you give me a minute?" "Why?" She sighs with a smile. "I have to get changed." "Oh ya, sure!" I say stepping out of he room. 2 minutes later Addison comes out wearing her grey skinny jeans, baggy green t-shirt and her black combat boots. "Wait, why do I have to walk?" I shrug. "Began said he wanted us out back in 5." "Oh." She suddenly had a look of concerns on her face. "Did he say why?" I look down. "No."

5 minutes

Addisons P.O.V- As we get to the back of the Sanctuary I see Negan standing on the old wooden stage with the curtains closed. He smiles as soon as he sees me. "Man, I have not seen you in forever!" He says rubbing his knuckles against my left cheek. "Now, are you ready for a big surprise?" "I don't know, am I?" I snap. He frowns. "With that attitude you won't be." He steps up on ghe stage, opens the curtains, and then my heart sinks to the floor as I see dad, Carl, Rick, Sasha and Jesus on their knees with their hands tied behind their backs and tags in their mouths. "Where- where's Maggie, Tara, Rosita, Gabriel?" I say tears forming in my eyes. Negan buckles as Rick and the rest of them look down. "They're gone. I killed 'em." My blood boils and now I have tears on ny cheeks. "Why? None of them, deserved to di-" "Oh but they did!" He looks at Rick and thrm lined up in ton stage before pulling out a gun. "Now, I know this will be hard. But I'm gonna let you choose just one." My heart stops, my eyes fill with tears and my breathing speeds up. "Just one What?" He smiles. "You get to pick just one who lives."

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