《It's better me then you ( Negans Daughter and Carl Romance ) ( COMPLETED ✔ )》Once and for all


Tears are down voth of my cheeks as I stand there, in shock. "I-I can't pick one, they're all to important to me." I choke out. "Well if you don't pick I will." He walks very close to me and then puts a hand on my back while whispering in my left ear. "Or I will. And trust me, you don't want that." He backs away before going up on the stage again, this time pulling out a gun pointing it at Carl. "WAIT!" Negan lowers the gun and looks at me. "If you give me an hour, I promise I will come back with my decision." "No. Hurry up or I'll line 'em up with my eyes closed and shoot randomly." "Please! You don't know how this feels! You would ask for the same thing." I look at him as he seriously looks at me. "Please." He sighs while walking away leaving dad, Carl, Rick, Sasha, Jesus, Dwight and I alone. "Dwight! Make sure they dont do anything stupid!" He says handing him a rifle. "They won't with me in charge." Negan smiles. "That a boy!" He says patting him on he back. I rush on the stage towards them before pulling out a piece of sharp glass from a broken window. "Addison!" Dwight says grabbing my arm. I look at him before he sighs. "I'll keep watch." I sighs in relief. "Thank you." I hug him and he guys back. "I'm so sorry this happened!" I say cutting Jesus's ropes, then Sashas, then Ricks, then dads, and finally Carls. As soon as I undo all the ropes I look at them. "Are they all really dead?" Rick steps forward. "Gabriel, Tara and Rosita. They're all gone." Before he can speak anymore I hug him. It feels good to have him as a leader again. I guess I didn't realize how much I've missed that. After I pull away from Rick, Carl comes forward and we both have tears in our eyes. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have run away." I say sobbing. "No, I shouldn't have said those bad things. It wasn't your fault." Carl is the one I'm meant to be with, good or bad. Because he accepts me for who I am, ans that's all that matters. After another minute of just standing there hugging him, dad finally steps closer to me. After 30 seconds of staring he wraps his arms around me while crying a little. "I didn't mean anything I said about you not being there when mom wasn't. I take it back, all of it." I say sobbing once again. Dad pulls away and kneels down so we're eye level. He shakes his head no with glossy eyes. "You don't have to take it back, because you're right. I wasn't there and I should've been. It wasn't fair to let you grow up not knowing things about your mother, or father." I hug him again. It feels good to be back in my father's arms. I mean I couldn't have asked for a better dad in the whole qide world. "Before we got put into a cell Maggie was still alive." I look at Dwight. "Do you know anything about Maggie?" He looks at the walkie-talkie. "I can ask." "Ok, just, if he asks say you were just, curious or something." He nods. Dwight comes back 1 minute later to tell us Maggie is alive, just in a separate room because her baby is almost here. "We finish this." Sasha says. "I agree l. This has to stop. He's gone way too far." Jesus pipes in. "Then what are we standing around for? Let's gear up." I say looking at Dwight, then back at them. "Because we've got a fight to win. And I know just who can help us." They all smile as Swift walks over loading the gun. Negan may think I'm making a decisoon about who I choose to live out of the 5, but really I'm choosing who lives out of both communities. Mark my words, we will finish Negan and his man once and for all. Without losing anyone.

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