《Can't Stay Away From You - A Sprousehart FanFic》7. Girls Night, Truth or Dare & Feelings Revealed.


"And you're probably with that blonde girl

Who always made me doubt

She's so much older than me

She's everything I'm insecure about"

~ Olivia Rodrigo, Driver's License


Lili, Cami, Mads, Vanessa & Erin were having a random girls night and were playing truth or dare at this point.

E: Truth or Dare, Lili!

L: Ummm.truth.

E: How do you really feel about Cole having a new girlfriend? and if you don't want to answer you don't have to. We're just really worried about you.

L: Honestly, I'm not surprised he moved on. but with a model, a model ffs, he always knew about my insecurities that he was going to leave me for a model. Now, since Reina and Ari, my insecurities are bigger than ever. I mean, she is a model, she has a great body, a body better than mine. He always knew I was insecure.

C: Oh my god, Lili! I never knew that. He's such an asshole! and don't even for a second think she has a better body than yours. You are gorgeous.

M: Agreed, Cole is my friend, but hurting you is just bad.

V: I'll kill him, he has the right to be happy, but publicizing his relationship so fast when he was the one who mostly didn't want to publicize yours is just bad.

E: I feel so bad for you, also, some people are suspecting that Tabitha and Jug will date on the show, is that okay with you, Lili? Because you are my friend and I don't want to hurt you.

L: (smiles slightly) Thanks guys, but it's really okay, Erin. We broke up, I have a new boyfriend, I'm okay.

(They all hug)

M: So you still have feelings for him?

L: Tbh, I don't know anymore. Hearing that he started dating a girl I'm insecure of has honestly made me feel something, I don't know what it is though.


V: Lili, sounds like you still have feelings for him, but that doesn't mean I want you running to his arms just yet. You have a boyfriend who cares for you, remember that. Cole hurt you and he needs to know the consequences of his decisions.

L: okay, thanks guys. I honestly don't know what I would do without you. Also, Erin, it's a real pleasure for us all to work with you and be friends.

E: Thank you guys, I love working with such an amazing cast.


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