《The Sandlot(BxB)》Chapter 11


“Come on Squints! Pass it, come on!”

Benny was running between third base and home, avoiding getting tagged. I watched from my pitching position seeing Benny go back and forth. He finally passed Ham and everyone groaned. I cheered for him and he grinned back at me.

“Oh no!”

I turned around to see 8 guys on bikes coming into the Sandlot. Oh shit… it's Phillips.

The others looked annoyed and walked over towards them. Once they got off their bikes it started to look like one of those cowboy showdowns in those old movies. I stood next to Ham in front of everyone and the guys on the other side were staring at me specifically.

“Yeah it’s easy playing with a bunch of rejects and a fat kid, Rodriguez. Not to mention my boyfriend. You wouldn't want him to break a nail”

See me and Phillips used to date just a while ago. Don't get me wrong, it was more of an on and off thing. He was a great guy when it was just me and him alone but when it came to his friends he was just a douchebag.

He looked me up and down with a sharp glare and looked back at Benny

“Shut your mouth, Phillps”

Ham sneered at him and stepped forward a bit. He seemed to not like him very much. Same here.

“What’d you say crapface!”

“I said you shouldn’t even be able to touch a baseball, except for Rodriguez you’re all an insult to the game”

He looked back over at me a smirked

“But you can touch any ball you’d like”

He bit his lip and I cringed. Benny moved next to me, staring down Phillps. Ham didn’t seem to know about anything that was going on, he just kept talking.


“Come on! We’ll take you on right here right now, come on!”

“We play real diamond, Porter. You ain’t good enough to lick the dirt off our cleats”

“That’s disgusting”

I’m not one for arguing, so right now I’m pretty annoyed

“Wait your turn Pretty boy, Besides, wasn’t nasty when you licked something else last night"

Next thing I know I was about to tackle his ass but Benny grabbed my waist pulling me back. I sighed and crossed my arms laying my head back on his shoulder while his arms circled around my waist. His head went to the crook of my neck and a chill went up my spine when a short warm breath blew against my neck. I saw Phillips tense up and his eyebrows furrowed.

“Better watch it, Jerk!” (A/n very weird and immature insults coming up. Sorry just following the script… enjoy)

“Shut up, idiot!”


“Scab eater!”

“Butt sniffer!”

“Pus licker!”

“Fart smeller!”

Someone in our group made realistic sounds and everyone laughed. To be honest I felt like gagging.

“You eat dog crap for breakfast, Geek!”

“You mix your wheaties with your mama’s toe jam!”

This is starting to get disgusting… I mean it already was but....

“You bob for apples in the toilet and you like it!”

“...You play ball like a girl!"

Everyone's smile disappeared and everything got silent. Our group burst out with laughter again, harder than before.

"W-what did you say?"

"You heard me"

“...Tomorrow. Noon. At our field, Be there buffalo-butt breath”

“Count on it pee-drinking crap face!”

“Let’s make a deal. If you guys win we’ll leave you alone, but if we win, we get to use the Sandlot while Y/n over here hangs with us again and does whatever. I. Want.”


Both mine and Benny’s heads shot up and I looked between Ham and Phillips




“It’s a good deal!”

“It’s settled then, see you idiots tomorrow”

They rode away and my eyes snapped back to Ham

“Ham, what the hell is wrong with you!”

“If we win they leave us alone”

“That’s if we win!"

"Nice job, Blockhead!"

“We won’t lose”

“We can't be sure!"

“We’ll be fine, no sweat guys”

I sighed heavily but let it go. I really hope we win, this is a dangerous deal to be dancing with and I was caught in the middle of it.


We arrived at their field and they saw us as soon as we came

“You actually came, I thought you’d chicken out”

“Whatever, let’s just get this game started. Your the ones who are going to lose”

“Confident are we?”

I just rolled my eyes already tired of both of them arguing. I pushed Ham over the benches and threw his bag at him. I grabbed my own bag pulling out my glove and looking up to locate my usual position. That's when one of Phillips' friends stood in front of me. I have long forgotten their names but I could barely remember them when I was with them in the first place.

"You won't be needing that"

"And why not?"

"Because it wouldn't be fair if you play. You might ruin your manicure"

"I'm going to ruin face of you don't get out of mine, now move"

I pushed him out of the way and walked over to right center field. I refuse to lose this game.

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