《The Mandalorian x Reader》12)


Y/N's P.O.V.

"About 15 or 20 of them came through here on foot." Mando stated, looking at the ground.

It wasn't hard to find the raiders' tracks they weren't exactly trying to hide them. We barely had to step a couple of feet into the forest to realise which way they had gone.

"Well, something big sheered off those branches." I pointed up at the trees, Cara nodding in agreement. We walked a little further, before Mando stopped and bent down slightly, causing both Cara and I to do the same.

"AT-ST." The ex shocktrooper mumbled, clearly shocked.

"An imperial walker? What's it doing here?" Mando asked.

"I don't know." Cara sighed.

"But this is more than I signed up for." The tracks led deeper into the forest, but we didn't bother following them, we went back to the farmers, discussing who was going to break the news to the people.

"Bad news. You can't live here anymore." Mando announced, the farmers protesting instantly.

"Nice bedside manner." Cara muttered.

"He's always like that. You get used to it." I responded and she looked amused.

"You think either of you can do better?" Mando shot back.

"Can't do much worse." Cara sighed and I stepped forward.

"I know this is not the news you wanted to hear, but you have no other options." I tried to explain, but the protesting just got louder.

"You took the job!" One of the farmers yelled at us.

"That was before we knew about the AT-ST." Cara stood next to me.

"What is that?" Another farmer asked.

"The armoured walker with enormous guns that you knew about and didn't tell us." Cara spoke, making the crowd all start asking for our help again.


"We have nowhere to go." Winta's mother, who I leaned was called Omera, spoke up.

"Of course you do. This is a big planet." I explained.

"I mean, we've seen a lot smaller."

"My grandfather seeded these pods!" One farmer announced.

"It took generations!"

"I understand, I do, but there are only three of us." Cara sighed.

"No, there's not. There's at least 20 here!" Another farmer spoke up, causing them all to agree with him.

"I mean fighters! Be realistic!" Cara yelled over the loud crowd.

"We can learn!"


"I've seen that thing take out entire companies of soldiers in a matter of minutes!" Cara snapped and the crowd quietened down slightly.

"We're not leaving." Omera whispered, holding Winta close.

"You can't fight that thing." I sighed.

"Unless we show them how." Mando spoke up and I looked at him like he was crazy.


"You've got two problems here. You've got the bandits and you've got the mech. We'll handle the AT-ST, but you have to protect us when they come out of the woods. And I don't have to tell you how dangerous they are." Mando explained.

"Cara Dune here was a veteran. She was a drop soldier for the rebellion and she's gonna lay out a plan for you, so listen carefully."

"Now, there's nothing on this planet that can damage the legs on this thing, so we're going to build a trap.

"We're going to dig real deep, right here, so when it steps in, it drops. The three of us will hit their camp. Provoke them. That'll bring the fight out of the woods and down here to us." Cara left some of the farmers to dig whilst we moved onto the next part of the plan.


"I'm going to need you to cut down trees and build barricades along these edges." I pointed out the outline of the farm, showing the next group of farmers what I meant.

"I need it high enough so that they can't get over and strong enough to break through." They nodded in understanding and got straight to work, letting us move on.

"Okay. Who knows how to shoot?" Mando asked and Omera hesitantly raised her hand. Mando began handing out his blasters to the farmers, before turning to me.

"This is Y/N L/N an experienced bounty hunter and one of the best shots I've ever met. She'll be able to teach you anything and everything you need to know about shooting a blaster."

"Alright. Everyone line up." Mando nodded and went to check in the others.

The next week or so was spent preparing all of the farmers for the fight. Honestly, I didn't think they were ready, but we didn't have the time or equipment to train them properly. We did the best we could and I supposed that would have to do.

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