《Stuck in Between (Reaper!Sans X Reader)》~Chapter 6~


You weren't even close to being in a good mood when you woke. Such idiotic words could only upset you, but clearly that fact was just to unclear to him. You hand traced the mark where you had broken your ribs, wincing slightly as you brushed a bruise.

My body is falling apart... if I don't get ahead of these dreams... I could...

You shook your head and sighed. You had to get through this as fast as possible. If you were going to die, it would be to free the monsters. Not because of some shitty dream.

You sat up in your bed and looked around. Hades slept peacefully on the table next to you and Frisk was no where to be found. You stood and patted down your hair down as best as you could, smoothing out your clothes as well. You knew what needed to happen.

Grabbing the belongings you had, you marched out of the room and to the living room where, as you expected, Toriel and Frisk sat. You straightened your posture and cleared your throat, looking at Toriel. Her magenta eyes fixed on you and she smiled.

"Good morning my child. It's nice to see you up again. How are you feeling?" She asked sweetly.

You kept your face solemn, not wanting to give way to any sentimental obstacles. "Toriel, I need a favor of you." You said curtly.

She picked up on your serious tone and bookmarked her page, setting it on her lap. "What is it my child?"

You took a moment to compose yourself, then spoke steadily. "I want to know how to leave the ruins."

She froze and Frisk whipped around, surprised by your still composure. Toriel fumbled with her book and plastered a shaky smile on her face. "Wouldn't you rather-"

You silenced her with the movement of your hand. You could feel guilt on your heart but this was for the better. "No mom, this has to happen. I know it's sudden but we have to leave." You said curtly.

"B-but my child, I thought you were happy here... I thought you wanted to stay..." She said, voice fading out.

You took her hands in yours and looked into her eyes gingerly. "Toriel, I'm telling you the truth when I say I do love it here. You're kind and gentle. You take great care of me and Frisk. You can cook and teach and offered us shelter when we fell into a bad situation. It's just... we have a job to do and not much time to do it. I truly do love it here, and you're the best mom I've ever had, but it just needs to happen."


Toriel sniffled and wiped away a few tears, standing abruptly. "I have to go do something. Stay here." She instructed.

She brushed past you, heading towards the stairs to the basement. Frisk leapt to his feet and gave you a crazy look. "Is this how you always break the news to mom?!" He asked.

You shrugged, "I don't know! I have amnesia remember!"

Frisk rolled his eyes and darted after Toriel, you following directly on his heel. In the corner of your eye you saw Hades make an appearance, following a few feet behind you. As you hit the last step you saw Toriel disappear beyond a corner.

Frisk grabbed your hand and you increased your speed, dashing through the dimly lit hall. As you skid around the corner, you saw Toriel facing away from you. Around her she had enough wooden planks to make a small house. She spoken softly, but her words seemed to harsh for her.

"I wished that you'd never known about the world outside of the Ruins. However... I can't not stop you if you wish to be fools. I will let you leave... but you must first prove yourself. Prove you are strong enough to survive!"

Her hands engulfed his flames as she turned towards us, eyes giving way to pained tears. The color leaked from the world leaving only Toriel and the door behind her. You could feel your soul forced away from your body. Frisk's soul did the same. You looked at your soul, brow furrowing. Something seemed off about it.

You didn't have time to dwell on it as the fight began. Hades hopped around the outter edge of the battle, not close enough to be summoned into it. Good thing too, considering he was just a small crow.

Before you and Frisk sat two options: act or fight. Not wanting to harm her, and added reasoning being the guilt you already felt, you chose to act. You tried to talk to her but couldn't think of a topic. Frisk tried as well, coming up with nothing. You were consumed in a bath of flames as Toriel attacked. You did your best to dodge and protect Frisk from the fire.

Resulting in a mere few burns, you repeated the act. The rain of attacks continued, you taking the brunt of the damage. Her assault began to wane, slowly becoming more and more inaccurate. Eventually her effort went into curving the flames around you. Your eyes locked with hers and she broke.


The color returned to your world and Toriel fell to her knees, crying into her palms. "I'm so sorry... I-I just can't loose another one... I can't face that again..."

You approached her and dropped on to a knee. You placed your hand on her shoulder and forced her to look at you. "Toriel, we aren't ever going anywhere. Just because we have a job doesn't mean we're going to disappear. We'll always be in your heart, and I promise we'll meet again."

She nodded weakly and threw her arms around you. You pulled Frisk into the hug and you all shared a warm embrace. Toriel broke off and stood.

"You two be careful. I plan on holding you to your word."

You grinned. "Count on it."

She turned and left, leaving only you, Frisk and Hades. Taking a deep breath, you smiled at Frisk.

"That was easy." You chirped. Hades perched himself on your shoulder again.

Frisk rolled his eyes. "You took almost all the damage. You should really stop acting like your an ungodly tank." He nagged.

"Potato Tomato." You shrugged.

"Those aren't even the same thing!" Frisk whined.

You laughed and ruffled his hair. "Come on Frisk, let's go meet up with Sans. You'll finally get to hear the whole story." You promised.

"FINALLY!!! Now you're talking."

"Uh, Frisk, I've been talking this entire time." You teased.

"You know what I mean!" He grumped.

You snickered and turned to the doors. Placing your hands firmly, you pushed the doors open to reveal the winter wonderland.

You took followed after Frisk, jumping slightly at the loud thunking noise the door made when it swung shut. Hades buckled down on you shoulder, shivering slightly. You giggled and lifted the fabric of your sweater up, allowing an opening to form. Hades saw it and took it, huddling in your sweater with his head peeking out. You pet him twice and returned your attention to the task of getting to Sans. Frisk walked ahead of you, moving quickly through the snow.

You heard a few branches break but brushed it off as an animal. You quickly approached a wide looking gate hanging over a deep chasm. Chills climbed your spine and you froze. Turning slowly, you could see the sillouhette of a small monster.

"Hey pal, don't you know how to greet a new friend? Come on buddy, shake my hand."

Frisk was reaching to take his hand when your eyes widened. Memories of this happening before flooded your head and you squealed happily, tears appearing at the corners of your eyes. Your body sailed towards Sans and you nearly knocked him over. Hades cawed in surprise as his feet dug into your flesh to stay on. You wrapped Sans in a tight hug, pulling him closer than you thought possible.

"Sans! I'm so glad you're okay!" You whimpered, tears streaking your face.

He was startled by your sudden hug attack, but smiled and returned your hug. "Hey kid, you had me worried back there."

You nodded. "Sorry, I ran into some trouble... I'm just glad I got out of it."

No you didn't.

Shut up me! Let me be happy!

Fine... but only for a little bit. Then I'm crushing you with stress again.

You released him from the hug and wiped away your tears. Frisk looked happy that you'd shown your largest burst of energy so far. He knew you remembered something.

"New memory?" He asked.

"Yeah." You nodded.

Sans looked at you curiously and raised a brow. "New memory?"

You laughed. "I'll explain it to you later. When we're not freezing in the snow."

"Heh, yeah. And Pap will be getting here soon anyway so-"


Sans looked at you and Frisk and chuckled. "Frisk, quickly, behind that conveniently shaped lamp. (Y/N), behind the guard station!"

You rushed to your spot just in time to watch the encounter between the two brother in safety. Once again, you remembered this. Of course, the memories you were making at the moment were slightly different since you fell WITH Frisk but that only made the old ones even better.

When Papyrus left, Sans motioned for you to come out of hiding. You stood and snickered. "Skele-ton. I get it."

Sans chuckled. "You'll know what to do from here. Meet me at the house when you're ready to explain your dillema."

"Okay!" You chirped, hugging him again. "I'm just glad to see you smile again."

"Heh, me too kiddo..."

Sans left ahead of you and Frisk grabbed your hand. "Come on (Y/N), this'll be your first time with these puzzles. This is gonna be fun!"


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