《Lost Memory》lost.. everything?


[ CHONGYUN'S POV ] TW// injury. blood, memory loss

What happened.?

Why am I here?


' YUN! Yun are you okay?? '

" Wh-.. who..? "

' Yun- It's me, Xiangling! "

" Xiangling..? "

A doctor came in and explained to the girl who called me "yun" what had happened. Apparently I had lost my memory after I got into that crash. Huh.. that explains a bit. Then someone else came in. A boy with short navy blue hair. Brown-ish eyes that mesmerized me on the spot. A so called "Xingqiu." His name sounded familiar but- just who was he? I had never seen him in my life. I only knew about him because he had walked in. But that look he gave me..


" Chongyun..? "

' Ah- sorry but.., who are you? '

I almost felt like bursting right then and there. He forgot. He forgot? HE FORGOT! NO NO NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANTED TO HAPPEN. God. What luck, huh? Yet- I introduced myself to him again. That boy on the bed who looked so tiresome. My lost love. I lost you again. I lost.. everything.


lolol hey guys ! sorry i didnt update yesterday. I just- sigh idk i just felt a bit down yesterday and today too. However, i managed to get this part out and yeah ! enjoy.

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