《Lost Memory》lost love



So, he thinks I've forgotten? I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it! Of course he would think this! He's so absent minded and has never even thought about what might've happened.

He stopped writing to me.

I waited and waited for those letters that would come to me almost every day. One day however, they just stopped arriving. I didn't know what had happened during that time and I just assumed that he had forgotten.

As he always does.

I wasn't going to forgive him. Not now, not ever. I was sick and tired of him and I didn't want anything to do with him until I stepped into that classroom. That's when I felt it again. That same feeling from when those letters stopped arriving.

That feeling..

that feeling of lost love.

He was back with me but- he probably didn't even remember me. Heh.. that was so funny of him. The way he looked up at me like it was the first time. He looked so dumb yet, so lovable.

But then again, I still wanted to grab him and smack him in the head. I wanted to yell at him for how dumb he was but, I did none of that. Because I still cared about him.

My lost love..


DOUBLE UPDATE?? HELLO??>:>}{"> lol anyways, i hope you all enjoyed these two updates. I felt pretty creative today and I didn't want to forget this little idea of mine. I hope you all get those characters you want from the upcoming banners and that you all enjoy your day / night !!

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