《Lost Memory》a familiar face



This school is.. huge. I got lost quite a few times. How many grade levels attend this school exactly? 5 floors. Over 70,000 classrooms and offices. A rough calculation as to how many rooms there are in this school since I skimmed over the school map that was given to me. To find my way, I used my phone. The app I used for my grades helped. It showed the room number right under the course name and I would simply follow the room numbers until I found my classes. There were elevators but- us students weren't allowed to use them. They were only for teachers and disabled students. A shame that students have to go through that but I still hold hope for those students. At least they're getting proper treatment. As for the teachers.. they should be able to walk up the stairs as well. I haven't really said much since I entered the campus. "Hello" and "Morning" being passed around as I walked past other students. I found my classroom and from the door window, I found someone that caught my eye. Light blue hair with light blue eyes. Contacts, perhaps. No, they looked natural. How though? I know that blue eyes are possible to be made genetically but eyes that were that bright and light? How? I found myself mesmerized by them. Suddenly I snapped out of it as I found the teacher inside said classroom staring at me. A few steps back and I took a deep breath. I knocked, opened the door, and stepped in. I was nervous. The teacher handed me a price of chalk and gestured over to the black board. Looking around, I spotted the boy again and hummed softly. Then I turned and wrote my name in Liyuean. The delicacy in the strokes I put towards writing my name, it almost seemed like those of a painter. My friend, how I miss you. I hope that you are doing well, Albedo. A few seconds passed and I was done. The petite price of chalk was put down and I turned, stepping to the side of the name written in chalk.


" Xingqiu, is my name. I arrived from Mingyun to Liyue and am approaching an advanced study at this academy. It's a pleasure to meet you all. "

Why do I always have to make everything sound formal? I could've simply said a hello. Yet no, I had to sound formal so I wouldn't sound off from everyone else. Yet- everyone was unformal. I spoke to a few students here and there yet I could never seem to get a word out of the light blue haired boy. The only thing i got out of him was a few glances. He looked so familiar. A familiar.. a familiar face that I had seen in my dreams.


lolol hey- no i did not forget to update for 4 days. I just- uh- lol yeah. Anyways, i will be updating more frequently from now on i promise ya'll !!

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