《Lost Memory》Lost Love



How long ago was it.. ? Months? Years? God- I don't even remember. I remember his face but- what was his name? Fuck- what was his name??

" Chongyun- are you even listening? "

Xiangling had started poking at me. She was talking about- someone, I think. I simply nodded and put my phone down. What was I even doing on my phone? Probably messing around to ignore Xiangling.

"Anyways.. yun, did you hear about that new student that's transferring from Mingyun? "

' Mingyun? You mean- that city close to Yaoguang? '

" Mhm! That place. Have you heard of him? "

' I haven't. '

" I think the two of you would get along very well. He seems nice from what I've heard. "

' From what you've heard. The guy is probably a jerk. '

" Don't say that yun! He's nice. "

' Sure. Anyways, I'll see you later. I have class. '

" Ah right. Good luck and actually pay attention in class. "

' Sure. '

I held onto something. From everything that we had gone through in Qingce.. I still held onto the way he used to look at me. So gentle. So caring. I loved him back then. I still do. But I lost him. I lost that caring look. I lost that gentle person. I lost- .. my love.

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