《SVSSS fanfic: Bing-ge and his new Shizun》Back to that day


Although "Luo Binghe" brought his Shizun back and got doctors to treat him, Shen Qingqiu did not wake up. The sleeping figure of Shen Qingqiu was very pleasant, especially with the warm and serene sunlight peeking through the curtains. Every time "Luo Binghe" came across this scene, for some reason his feet would stop, and for some reason, he would just stare blankly at Shen Qingqiu.

Not taking a step forwards, nor a step backwards. He just stood there. After a while, he would leave. His increasingly frequent visits caught the eyes of certain people, which led to spreading rumours and some discussions behind the scenes. After a while, their ringleader seemed especially pissed. Gritting her teeth, she gazed at the room where Shen Qingqiu was in, with great animosity.



Sitting in a place that was pitch black, Shen Qingqiu was confused.

'System, what is this?' He asked.

[You're obviously inside your consciousness]



[Simply put......]

[My superior saw your situation with being caught again and they decided to give you a refund]

Of course, the system did not mention that it was its own fault...... it was judged to have not helped his host whatsoever and therefore forced it to give Shen Qingqiu a compensation.


'Wait, what?! Caught....?!?'

Before Shen Qingqiu could have started to curse the system with fury and demand answers to what it meant by being caught again (by "Luo Binghe"), the system hurriedly changed the topic.

[Aren't you curious to see what happened to your discip- lover?]

Becoming dead silent, Shen Qingqiu's movements paused. Then, after processing what the system said, he lifted his head to see the screen with the words, [Aren't you curious to see what happened to your lover?] written on it. Widening his eyes, Shen Qingqiu's eyes lit up. With a bit of excitement, a bit of hope, helplessness and a bit of worry, he made an almost audible sound, although not much of a difference when talking to his system.


'R.....really?' Realising his stammering words and almost inaudible squeak, he coughed, fixed his expression and then questioned, 'Will you.... allow me to go and see him?'


[This system doesn't have that much authority. But you can just see what happened to him. Do you accept?]

The screen had two options on it.



'I do, I do!' Shen Qingqiu answered in a hurry and at the same time pressing the [Yes] button.

[Refund accepted. Replaying time......]


[Complete. You are now invisible to others, and remember - this is just a memory of what happened to Luo Binghe, so you cannot intervene]


It was snowing. The pure white glow of the snow contrasted to the saturated crimson. On the ground, a man lay unconscious. With a wound on his heart and many minor cuts on his body, he lay against the snowy ground. The cold winds blew, and the red was slowly absorbed into the white, blending together and creating a larger area to become scarlet.

The place where he lay had many traces of fierce battling - the debris of nature, fallen trees, and craters on the ground. But for some reason, the bamboo house in the middle of this chaos was almost perfectly fine, except for maybe it's roof that was half blown off.


(Good job, Bing-mei)

Seeing this scenery, Shen Qingqiu was awed. He didn't notice the amount of destruction that took place. However seeing his beloved on the floor, injured and battered, Shen Qingqiu's heart almost flew out.

"Binghe-!" Shen Qingqiu shouted as he rushed over. Wanting to make sure that his little disciple was fine, he reached out, only to go through him. Pausing, he remembered the system's words.

[.......you cannot intervene]

These words were like cold daggers going through his chest. Yes, he remembered. It was his powerlessness that caused this. It was also his fault that his Luo Binghe came to be in this state.


If only he was more on guard.......

If only.....

He..... he didn't catch the original "Luo Binghe's" attention.......



Calming down again, Shen Qingqiu kept his sad gaze on the injured Luo Binghe. Afterwards, he heard a large shattering sound. Like the shattering of broken glass - when he looked up, a visibly black barrier surrounded the area.

'What....?' Shen Qingqiu muttered.

Yes, in reality, there was an invisible barrier casted within the specific place, encompassing until a certain distance, with the bamboo house as the centre of the formation. From the inside, it looked as if nothing was wrong, but from the outside, the Cang Qiong Sect disciples were in an uproar. There was a large black dorm that covered the place - the place where their Peak Lord, Shen Qingqiu was!

The wisps of black swirled around, making it impossible to know what was going on inside. Gathering their forces, the Cang Qiong Sect members also reached out to Liu Qingge. Although - Liu Qingge already felt a demonic aura and had arrived even before the disciples went to call him.

Finally breaking the barrier, Liu Qingge was the quickest in flying inside - only to discover the heavily injured Luo Binghe. With a slightly scrunched face, he lifted Luo Binghe up and then checked his surroundings. He checked again.

"Luo Binghe, where is he?" He questioned as he became alarmed.

However he didn't hear a reply. But seeing from Luo Binghe's current state and that there was no other presence around, Liu Qingge tsk-ed. (Like clicking his tongue - Tch.)

When the other disciples finally caught up, they looked around, eyes landing on Luo Binghe. The minor disciples started to cower a little - that was Luo Binghe, the Luo Binghe! Out of them, Ning Yingying, in panic and out of breath, saw Luo Binghe's state and then shouted in worry, "A-Luo!"

After the silence, Ning Yingying squeezed out the words, ".......... Where's Shizun?"

A frown appeared on Liu Qingge's face. With Liu Qingge giving the injured Luo Binghe to Ning Yingying, he scouted the area. However coming back after a short while, his face seemed to have become more stern and his eyebrows were furrowed.

With silence answering her question, she started to tear up.

With this, Shen Qingqiu was forced to realise - that he left. He left the world where all of his precious disciples, friends and companions were.


(You were kidnapped! (・Д・)ノ)

But upon seeing that they carried Luo Binghe back, Shen Qingqiu felt relieved. At least now, he knew that his Luo Binghe was safe.

As if being pulled back, Shen Qingqiu opened his eyes after being blinded by a bright light. What greeted him though, was a face that he didn't want to see the most.

— — — — — — —

Hmmm.... I'm not sure now.....

It feels like I still don't know the actual characters of SVSSS that well - so I may be (probably am already) creating a different type of SQQ and LBH.... 。゚(゚'Д`゚)゚。

Well, I'll just enjoy writing this anyway -


A few questions I wanted to ask.....(for the upcoming plot line)

If my readers have preferences to which course the upcoming chapters will be surrounded on:

1. Should SQQ be bullied?

2. Or.... attempt to run away again?

3. Don't mind

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