《SVSSS fanfic: Bing-ge and his new Shizun》Heart


A fair, mysterious beauty lay unconscious on the stone road. With the handcuffs and blood staining his figure, Shen Qingqiu gave expression to the phrase of being a 'damsel in distress'. Unfortunately due to the setting sun, not many people crossed paths on this pathway, especially due to the proximity of the miasma.

~A few desperate moments before~

(Inside the forest)

Shen Qingqiu, who darted off as if his butt was on fire didn't notice the unusual expression on "Luo Binghe's" face. It was only a mere few centimetres, no, only a few more millimetres away, and yet the silky robes of Shen Qingqiu slipped away from "Luo Binghe's" fingertips.

Without taking his eyes off the fluttering white robes and small running figure of Shen Qingqiu, "Luo Binghe" could only extend one hand in that direction. He made a grabbing hand motion, only to grasp the air. A very rare expression of bewilderment covered his face. Widening his eyes, "Luo Binghe's" gaze was at a loss for a split second.

"Luo Binghe": "......."

He snapped out of it as the rumbling and shrieking of a hideous animal approached. After being dragged into fighting against another boar, "Luo Binghe" swung down his sword in many directions, his footwork carrying him swiftly along the battlefield. Wanting to finish his battle early, "Luo Binghe" slashed relentlessly.

However the more he sliced, the more the boar kept regenerating. Landing on the ground again, "Luo Binghe" took a breath and sensed his surroundings. Realising how far away Shen Qingqiu went, "Luo Binghe" smirked and instantly his eyes gleamed red. Strong bloodlust exuded from his being.

The tinkling of a bell was scarcely heard from a distance away. This slight sound caused "Luo Binghe" to raise his awareness and concentrate on his surroundings. Hearing the tinkling of the bell attached to Shen Qingqiu getting further away, "Luo Binghe" felt something that he never expected - anger and slight desperation. Even though Shen Qingqiu was nothing but another plaything for him, "Luo Binghe" felt that his interests were already piqued the moment this Shizun of his was different to the one in his memories.


"Luo Binghe" never realised, no - he never knew. He never knew the feeling of love - he never truly loved anyone. That was why he was able to wield Xin Mo and reign the world. On the outside, he had no weaknesses. But deep down, there was something locked up, something that was sealed and could not be seen nor felt by anyone. That was his hollow heart. Up until now, no one was able to unseal the chains guarding his wounded, fragile heart that was heavily protected due to the countless suffering of his past.

"Luo Binghe" knew, that every woman that surrounded him was only after his body, fame and power. This was why he never realised how to open his heart to someone. The moment that Shen Qingqiu (Shen Yuan) appeared in his life, he chased after the warm feeling that this person released. It was Shen Qingqiu's expressionless face that had a pair of warm, sparkling eyes that carried hints of worry, love and devotion.

For the first time facing the reality that one of his possessions was able to escape his clutches, "Luo Binghe" internally panicked slightly. It was the first time that he felt restless. Upon realising his faltering feelings, "Luo Binghe" felt a further fury rise up. His mind furiously denied his heart. Yes, Shen Qingqiu is merely a possession of his. This was why he felt angry, as something of his disobeyed him.

He paused.

He felt angry? Restless?

"Luo Binghe" snickered.




"Hahahahahaha!" Holding his stomach and bellowing, "Luo Binghe's" face lightened up.

With Xin Mo obeying his command, it minced and diced the boar into pieces with one swing. "Luo Binghe's" crazed expression was further enhanced by the blood splattering across his face.

Seeing her lord behaving in a crazed way, Xing Jiang finally felt fear. She felt scared of their king. For the first time, she realised that she didn't truly understand - no, she didn't know her lord. She didn't know that there was such a side to him. Her legs felt weak and she slumped down on the spot. She sat there, on the grass, gazing at "Luo Binghe" with fright.


After the monster finished regenerating, "Luo Binghe" picked up his sword and started walking towards it. Then, changing from his initial slow footsteps, he dashed towards it. Charging towards the boar, "Luo Binghe" felt his heart race. Heartbeat fastening, "Luo Binghe" felt slightly excited.

Interesting! This is so intriguing!

His face distorted into a smile. Lifting his sword vertically above his head, "Luo Binghe" laughed. Then, bringing the blade down, a horizontal line was engraved before him. Not only did the boar, but the ground had indented - the air pressure creating a large crater. There was nothing but a pile of green and red liquid mixing together to create a murky liquid - the boar was flattened to a pool of fluid without mercy.

Smiling, "Luo Binghe" sat down crossed legged in a relaxed manner with his sword stabbed in the ground before him. Resting his face against his hand, he gazed into the dense miasma.

Let's see how long you can run, Shizun~

(To the current time)

With Shen Qingqiu knocked out, "Luo Binghe" finally stood back up. Turning his head towards Xing Jiang, he questioned, "What's wrong?"

His calm face and smiling demeanour caused her to freeze. Her internal turmoil had been further enhanced. She knew, that she could absolutely not mess up. She instinctively knew that her neck, whether it stayed on or rolled off, depended on this person.

Taking great efforts in creating a smile, Xing Jiang replied, "I'm fine, my lord, thank you for your generosity." Then, with shaking legs, she put on a normal appearance by brushing invisible dust from her clothes. Staying behind "Luo Binghe", she silently followed him.

Smiling back, "Luo Binghe" then paid her no more attention and walked. Prehaps due to the monster being defeated, the miasma slowly faded away. Although not perfectly gone, it had become much better than before. The setting sun and forest was now visible.

Not in a hurry, "Luo Binghe" took very careful and slow, majestic steps. One step by one, he approached Shen Qingqiu in a very relaxed pace.

His smile widening even more after seeing Shen Qingqiu battered and unconscious, "Luo Binghe" softly whispered, "Shizun, I see you ~~" brushing his fingers to move a little lock of hair off of Shen Qingqiu's face, "Luo Binghe" sweetly voiced, "Why did you run away?.........This disciple is sad."

Scooping his Shizun into his arms, "Luo Binghe" gently carried him as the party of three made their way back to the castle.


Oops 😦

Did I perhaps just make LBH go mad?

Anyways, thank you so much!

This story is #1 on #scumvillainselfsavingsystem !!! And many other great rankings on different tags!

I can't thank my readers enough!

Due to my motivation rising (and because of holidays), I am planning to increase the frequency of my updates!

So, I just wanted to explain, that it will be the usual every Friday updates, and now there will be additional chapters during the week - but I'm sorry, they will be updated on random days and times, so I cannot guarantee any specific updates except for the Friday.

Till next time!

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