《SVSSS fanfic: Bing-ge and his new Shizun》'Rift'


Leaning on the doorframe, with one leg slightly crossed over the other, "Luo Binghe's" bare chest and extravagant abdominal muscles could be seen peeking through the loose folds of his robe. "Luo Binghe", looking at Shen Qingqiu with slightly glazed eyes, emitted a seemingly lazy sensuousness.

Shen Qingqiu could not help but twitch his eyes at his shameless appearance after managing to do many things the other night. Catching Shen Qingqiu's stare, "Luo Binghe" smirked, then he teased, "Shizun, what's wrong? You don't look very well."

He clearly knew that he trapped this Shizun and forced him to listen to last night's noises, and on top of that, he's asking what's wrong - he is definitely mocking me!

Shen Qingqiu twitched his brows.

This.......So shameless!!

"....." Shen Qingqiu stayed quiet.

"Luo Binghe" showed a mocking expression. However, his eyes never left Shen Qingqiu, as if hoping for something to happen.......

As if wanting to experience what he couldn't get....

Would he get scolded?


Or coerced to stop?

The silence lasted until Shen Qingqiu sighed and averted his gaze down to the floor. In response to this, "Luo Binghe" smiled in ridicule.

Of course.....

Of course, since I am different from him.

Sneering, "Luo Binghe's" eyes turned cold.

"Hmmm.......Perhaps Shizun wanted to join as well?"

Slowly taking steps forward, "Luo Binghe" stopped in front of Shen Qingqiu who was sitting on the chair modestly.

As if unable to bear the silence from the person in front of him, "Luo Binghe" placed an arm on the table and closed in on the person who was sitting.

"If you don't answer, I'm afraid....." Luo Binghe whispered into Shen Qingqiu's ear. "I will have to show you your standing..... Should I turn the dream of slicing your limbs into reality, just like the first time we met?"

As if responding to those words, Shen Qingqiu looked up and directed his frosty yet fearful gaze towards "Luo Binghe". With quivering lips, he answered, "I.... this....."

Please no, dear overload protagonist!!! This Shizun cannot handle pain very well!

Definitely not! Please no!


Sadly, these words didn't manage to leave Shen Qingqiu's mouth.


"Luo Binghe" reached out his hand to the trembling yet expressionless face of the person beneath him, only to be evaded, due to Shen Qingqiu's reflexes of turning his head away. On a short spite of anger, "Luo Binghe" grabbed Shen Qingqiu's chin and forcefully turned it to face him. Not giving up, Shen Qingqiu tried to peel off his fingers when his left wrist was grabbed and his mouth was pried open and dominated by the other's tongue.

Frowning, Shen Qingqiu tried to apply force onto "Luo Binghe's" hand in order to escape from the grip that was holding him in place. But how could he do anything? Especially since he is originally weaker than the overlord protagonist, and on top of that, his spiritual powers were still sealed! Quickly being taken over by a slow building of heat, the swirling of tongues slowly made his mind turn white. His lips were nibbled on, his mouth ravaged and claimed by the blackened protagonist.

Frustrated in being unable to push "Luo Binghe" away, Shen Qingqiu had to use his signature move.

What did he do?

Of course, bite again.

However, for some reason, "Luo Binghe" didn't back down. Blood flowed between their mouthes, mixing with saliva. Changing the angle by tilting Shen Qingqiu's head upwards, their body fluids inevitably rolled down Shen Qingqiu's throat. "Luo Binghe's" tongue forcefully roamed around, brushing past his teeth and twisting Shen Qingqiu's soft, slippery tongue.

Shen Qingqiu's fingers applied force as he slowly scraped "Luo Binghe's" hand. He was running out of breath, gasping every time they separated, only for his lips to be captured and changed to a different angle. Amidst the struggle of heat and desperation, a man clad in black bowed to the ground as he called in a monotonous voice void of emotions.

"My lord."

Upon hearing his call, "Luo Binghe" finally withdrew and paused, however with his hand still holding onto Shen Qingqiu. Then glancing sideways, he answered with a figure full of authority. "Can't you see that I am busy?"

Gulping because of the pressure, the demon soldier endured the oppressive aura released by his king. Managing to say something through his clenched teeth, he reported, "There has been a major problem concerning the discovery of a new 'rift'."


Hearing the soldier, "Luo Binghe" frowned, sighed and then stepped away from Shen Qingqiu.

"Let's go." Luo Binghe waved his sleeve as he strode towards the throne room, where many officials and demonic beings awaited his arrival.

Finally being let off the hook, Shen Qingqiu silently thanked the soldier. His opinions on this blackened protagonist Bing-ge was dropping rapidly. Gazing at the bright sky, Shen Qingqiu wordlessly cursed at this version of Luo Binghe.



The warm sunlight and the soft sounds of nature created by the rustling trees and bushes held a peaceful atmosphere in contrast to Shen Qingqiu's thoughts. Alongside the fact that it was currently peaceful and that he did not get any sleep, Shen Qingqiu decided to rest.

On the other hand, "Luo Binghe" had reached the conference room where he sat on the throne, listening to all of the reports from his subjects.

"Within the village in the northeast direction, there has been an attack due to the 'rift' appearing inside the mountain ranges nearby." A soldier stated, with his head bowed down.

With a hum from "Luo Binghe", the soldier continued to speak.

"The so called beasts seemed to be mutated, surrounded by a thick cloud of demonic miasma. They have been massacring the villagers and even finished off some of our men. Those who have scouted the area haven't come back, except for the one who sacrificed his life to report this information."

Narrowing his eyes, "Luo Binghe" steadied his posture and commanded, "Continue."

"The only concern is that these beasts have been classified as a part of the demon race led by you, my lord, as the humans believe that they were unleashed by your majesty. These demon beasts have never been recorded in history, and have never appeared on this continent before."

Interrupting the conversation, another soldier exclaimed with his hatred directed at "Luo Binghe".

"I recall the scout relaying the information that these creatures appeared from within a portal like space carved out in the middle of the forest range!"

Tilting his head, "Luo Binghe" cast a sidelong glance to the rude mortal.

Quivering from the pressure released by "Luo Binghe", the soldier bit his lips and continued with diminishing determination, "J-just like the portal that my lord creates..." Unable to withstand the oppressive power, the soldier coughed out blood.

"That is not my doing." "Luo Binghe" refuted. "It is a 'rift' - or so you named it? I believe that it is not the same portal I always create. Or are you..... framing me?" His eyes turned red as he expressed his irritation in being blamed for something he did not do.

Realising his naivety and lack of power, the soldier shakes his head out of terror. "Absolutely not, Your Majesty! I beg for forgiveness! I beg-" the soldier stuttered but was unable to finish off his sentence. His muffled screaming died down instantly as a dark energy entered his body and his limbs twisted as blood flowed out of his nose, eyes and mouth.

Standing up, "Luo Binghe" eased the tension. "I will personally visit the 'rift'. All of you are dismissed." Upon hearing "Luo Binghe's" command, everyone exited swiftly, with some other lower class demons cleaning up the bloodied corpse on the floor.

After everyone left, except for the harem members all shivering and some covering their mouths, a refined woman stepped forward.

"My lord~ Would you let this insignificant one accompany you to your journey?" A beauty that had been silently staying by "Luo Binghe's" side spoke up out of bravery. Turning his head to see the woman who had not backed down after witnessing his crude methods of disposing his followers, "Luo Binghe" raised his eyebrows in interest.

Smirking, he replied. "Hmm ~ this lord permits it."

After hearing the unexpected response to her proposal, the woman gleefully responded, "This one thanks his Majesty."

The other beauties that were near her snapped out and started to compete for "Luo Binghe's" attention by racing to ask the same question. However, turning around, "Luo Binghe" ignored all of their pleas and headed straight for Shen Qingqiu's room.


Ehem.... /(//∇//)

Sorry for the delay! Here's the new chapter!

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