《Outta Her System》Elipogue
"Here's your keys to your car," the rental car employee grinned, "Prendre plaisir."
"Thanks, have a nice night." I smiled before grabbing the keys from him and quickly making my way over to my rental.
Thank God, the rental place right by Paris' airport was still open. They were closing in an hour, so I made it just in time.
I got inside of the car and turned on the ignition. After I fastened my seat belt, I used my GPS for the directions to the nearest five star hotel. It pulled up one that was on the other side of the bridge that stood over the river Seine and I began making my way there.
I'm ready to go straight to sleep, so I'm very eager to check into my room. Hopefully it isn't too late.
As I passed by the large beautiful buildings, my mind wonders off to my family. Were they freaking out even after reading the letter? Was my dad mad at me? How much did Queen wanna beat my ass right now? Did Omari let them know that he seen me at the airport? Was everything okay with Slum Money?
Let me stop thinking so negative before I regret coming here, I thought to myself.
I finally took in the scenery when I reached the bridge. It was the most breathtaking thing I've seen in a while. Like something out of an expensive painting.
"Paris is definitely beautiful." I spoke to myself as I was getting ready to make a turn onto the bridge.
Once I was able to, I noticed the hotel straight ahead. It looked like a castle instead, but I wasn't complaining. The building was huge and stood tall with many windows covering it. It appeared to be made out of expensive, ancient stone, but maybe my eyes were just being dramatic.
I was studying the hotel so much, I didn't notice my surroundings until movement headed straight towards me. Rapidly. As soon as I glanced over, a black van crashed right into my side of the car causing my head to slam into the headrest all while my rental flipped over and off the bridge. The impact of colliding into the water instantly made me dizzy.
I panicked when I realized I was in a sinking car that was quickly filling with water from the river. I hurriedly unbuckled my seat belt and tried to open the door on the driver's side, but it was jammed. I rushed over to the other side, ignoring my agony, and tried to push open the other door, but the pressure of the water around the vehicle was keeping it from opening.
I began crying. I was scared for my life. I was fucking terrified and I had no one here with me. Now, I was wishing someone came here with me, but then again.. I didn't want anybody in this situation. Especially, not anyone that I love.
Coming to Paris was a mistake.
The car soon filled all the way up with water and I knew then I had a little bit of time left until I drowned.
I thought about my dad. He's going to take this hard. He lost the love of his life and now he's about to lose me. His daughter. Or in his words, his baby girl. I hope he take cares of himself and doesn't stop caring about life. He deserves happiness and I hope he finds it someway, somehow.
Queen. My rock. My best friend. I'll truly miss her. I know she's going to hate me for the rest of her life. I won't be there for her when she loses her virginity. Or when she gets married. Or when she gets pregnant. Or when she grows grey hairs. I'll be leaving her in this world without a best friend. A sister.
My heart beats rapidly as an image of Omari's face flashes in my mind. He is my heart. He is my everything. Just the thought of leaving him permanently is hurting my soul. He'll probably think I lied to him about coming back, but I never expected this to happen. Paris was suppose to give me peace, but instead it's making me break my promise to Omari.
His voice echoed in my head, Don't leave me out here alone, man.
I'm sorry, Omari. I never meant for this to happen, I thought before the water began filling my lungs and my conscience slipped away.
I sat across from Rob, Aunt Mo, and Queen inside of Rob's living room. Hours after Lanae left my presence at the airport I spent time to myself. Regretting. Reminiscing. Praying. Worrying. Everything above.
I shouldn't have let her leave. My gut was proving my thought right when I got this weird feeling in my stomach. Something wasn't right.
Did she lie about coming back? Did she really just want to get away from me? Was she running away again? Is she safe? Is she in the country still?
My mind is running wild with questions. Questions, I could've avoided if I would've just made her ass stay, but that's what I get for trying to be understanding right?
I sighed and shook my head before speaking, "She left."
"Left?" Rob raised an eyebrow, "You seen her leave?"
"Yeah. I ended up goin' up to the airport and saw her getting ready to catch a flight. I couldn't stop her 'cause I had my gun wit' me. I couldn't get passed the metal detectors." I somewhat lied and told the truth.
"Dammit!" Rob cursed before rubbing his chin hairs. "I swear once I find her, imma make her wish she never left."
"What you gon' do Nate? Whoop her?" Aunt Mo asked him.
"Yup, that's exactly what she need. I then spoiled her ass too much. Talkin' 'bout sum' I needa break and I'll be back for college. She then lost her damn mind!" He spat before storming off to his room.
"I'll go talk to him." Aunt Mo sighed, "Thanks for trying Omari."
I nodded my head only feeling guilty for not preventing all of this.
I ran my hands over my face before noticing Queen staring at me.
"What really happened?"
"What you talkin' 'bout?" I dumbly asked.
She folded her arms, "You know what. I think you lied about not being able to stop her. Your posture is sayin' it all."
I sighed, "Yeah... but she brought it to my attention that leavin' would benefit me."
"She'll be away from this nigga Hex that's threatenin' her and I'll be able to focus more."
"I get the first part you said, but the second one.. no. You really think you'll be able to focus without knowin' where she is? If she's safe? If she's comin' back?"
I clenched my jaw, "She's comin' back."
Queen sighed while nodding her head, "Yeah, she better. I just hope she's safe."
"She is," I told her, but I was really trying to convince myself and this gut feeling I was having.
"Yeah," she paused, "so what pushed her to leave really?"
I looked at Queen and blew out a breath, "You know that bartender at my club, Christina?"
"Yeah, the thirsty bitch?"
I nodded my head, "That bitch drugged me last night and while I was past out.. she sent Lanae ah picture with my dick in her mouth."
Queen shook her head. "I hope you killed her ass."
"I'm goin' to after I leave here."
"Good because if you don't, I will."
Everybody that was in the trap earlier was still in here when I walked down to the basement.
"What's goin' on, B? You find Lanae?" Bean questioned as soon as he spotted me.
My eyes traveled around the room and noticed everybody was eager to know.
"I found her, but she still left." I admitted.
"You let her go?" Nick asked with a surprised look on his face.
"Why the fuck would you do that?" Bean scrunched his face up.
"Because nigga," I spat. I didn't feel like explaining myself.
"Lucky, please tell me you at least know where she went." Sunny said pinching the bridge of his nose.
"I don't know shit, aight!" I yelled out in frustration. "She's gone! I can't do shit, now!"
I yanked my glock out of my waistband and directly pointed it at Christina who has been quiet this whole time.
"W-wait!" She screamed.
Her pleads fell on deaf ears as I took my gun off safety and fired my whole clip into her chest.
I turned to Slum Money and was greeted with shocked and horror looks.
"I don't wanna hear anything about Lanae until Hex is no longer ah factor, comprendre?"
Everybody nodded their heads in agreement before getting to work.
I had to focus on the task at hand.
"Its about time we caught this mothafucka'." Bean mumbled as we watched Hex walk outside of this abandoned building.
"Right, I'm mad it took us ah whole month tho'." Nick shook his head.
I stayed silent and just observed the scene in front of me. Hex looked around before pulling his phone out and dialing a number. He spoke to whoever he called for about five to ten minutes before heading back inside.
"Let's get this over and done wit'," I nonchalantly spoke before opening the passenger door and hopping out of the packed van.
Everyone followed suit.
Every Slum Money member was hyped about finally murking this nigga Hex, but I was the complete opposite.
I was numb to all this shit.
Yes, I wanted to murder him more than anybody, but it wasn't going to bring Lanae back home.
She was suppose to come back to Harlem two weeks ago, but she was still missing in action. Rob tried looking for her immediately after noticing she wasn't back in time for college. He didn't find not one clue.
We are all clueless.
I can't stop the feeling that she actually planned for this to happen. Maybe the so called mini getaway was exactly what I thought it was. A permanent getaway.
Shaking my head, I focused on reality.
"Just in case this nigga got somebody in here wit' him watch y'alls back when we enter this house." I warned everybody.
They all nodded their heads in agreement before we all swiftly made our way onto the porch. I shot the door knob off with my silencer before moving aside letting the rest of them rush inside the house.
"Shit!" I heard Hex yell before a loud thud flowed through my ears right after.
I entered the front doorway and noticed everybody surrounding Hex as Oscar held him down on the floor.
I pulled out my phone and called Rob.
"Y'all got him?" He questioned as soon as he answered the phone.
"Yeah, you want us to bring him to the trap o-"
He interrupted me, "Nah, nah. I'm comin' to y'all, so we can burn his bitch ass to the ground."
"Aight." I hung up the phone. "Y'all can have fun wit' him until Rob get here."
"You b-" Hex's outburst was cut short by Oscar's fist.
Members of the gang wasted no time on added their punches and kicks to his torture. I just stood there, satisfied, as I watched bruises form all over his body and blood coat his clothes.
"Aight, aight." I said causing them to ease up before slowly stopping their movements. "Y'all gon' fuck around and kill him before Rob get here."
Nick backed away from the crowd mugging a bloody Hex before walking towards me.
"You gon' let some of yo' anger out before Rob kill him?" He asked.
I shrugged, "What's the point?"
"What's the point? The fact that none of this drama would've happened if it wasn't for his punk ass."
He gave me a weird look, "What's on yo' mind, Omari?"
I sighed, "Too much, B. Killin' Hex ain't even gon' help the anger I feel, so how will torturin' him make any difference?"
He nodded his head in agreement.
"I feel you," he admitted. "This situation goin' on wit' Lanae is fuckin' wit' me too. We doin' all this shit for her tho'."
"I guess." I trailed off as I watched Hex spitting blood onto the floor.
"This really ain't the Lucky I know." Nick said.
I slowly gazed over at him, "I don't feel like myself."
"Is it because Lanae is still missin' in action?"
I stale faced him, "Do you really need me to answer that question for you?"
"I guess not," he paused. "I hope she wouldn't just up and leave after everything."
"Well, she did." I said coldly. "If she didn't plan on leavin' all along, then she would've been startin' off college wit' Queen and Chris."
Nick blew out a breath, "I don't know, son. I don't wanna believe my sis would do something so selfish. I don't wanna jump to conclusions."
I didn't even bother to respond back because the conversation was pissing me off.
"Why yo' ass ain't over there cuttin' off that nigga's fingers or sum'?" Bean asked strolling over to us.
I just stared at him before looking ahead at the crowd.
"Fuck wrong wit' him?" I heard him ask Nick.
Nick just shook his head, telling him to leave me alone.
All heads turned towards the doorway when we heard nearby footsteps outside. Seconds later, Rob marched into the abandoned house and searched the room with his eyes. Once his eyes landed on me, he made his way over to me.
"What's good, yungin'?" He greeted before giving me a manly hug.
"Not shit," I uttered and pulled away. "You ready to make this nigga suffer?"
"More than ready, baby boy." Rob smirked sinisterly.
He turned his body towards the crowd and everybody took a few steps back away from Hex. His eyes landed on Rob and he shivered in fear.
Rob laughed humorlessly, "Remember me?"
Hex shook his head as Rob walked towards him, "Lo-look.. I can explain. I have money. Name th-"
Rob pimp slapped him before grabbing him by his throat and lifting him off the ground.
"Shut yo' pussy ass up! You think money can save you, huh?" He spat while squeezing his neck. Once Hex turned blue in the face, Rob dropped him to the ground and kicked him in his stomach. "There ain't enough money in the fuckin' world."
Every member watched the old gang leader in action and carried looks of satisfaction and honor.
I already knew Rob was a killer when I seen him. He wasn't someone you wanted to fuck with. Just seeing him in action made me realize how heartless and ruthless you had to be in this lifestyle in order to lead and survive.
You had to put fear in people's heart, but most importantly respect as well.
"Bitch, you signed yo' death wish when you threatened my daughter." He snarled, kicking him in his face this time.
"I'm sor-" Hex screamed when Rob pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed it into one of his eyeballs.
As creepy as it might seem, we all observed this torture happen with complete content.
By the time Rob got bored with him, Hex had his cut off dick inside of his bloody mouth and every other limb sawed off.
"I'm ready to burn this bitch down." Rob stated with blood all over his face and clothes.
"Damn, Lucky. He worse than you." Sunny mumbled, still shocked how Rob just chopped off Hex's dick.
"He is." I admitted.
I don't ever think I'll be able to do that shit. Even if I wear gloves or whatever. That's a no go for me.
"Bruh, I fucks wit' you. You snipped his shit off like it was ah hot dog." Bean laughed.
Everybody scrunched their faces up, even Rob.
"Don't even mention that shit." He said.
We all walked out of the house before Rob threw a couple lit matches in the house, creating a rapid spreading fire inside of the building.
"Now that he's gone.. we needa find my baby girl." Rob solemnly said.
"No doubt." Everybody agreed while I stayed silent.
Where could she be? I asked myself.
"Ma'am, can you hear me?" A French nurse asked her patient who has been unresponsive for one month until today.
A male doctor rushed in after being notified about the news of the patient found over the bridge. He has been praying for her recovery and it seems like his prayers have finally been answered.
Every citizen in Paris was curious about the foreign girl's story. They wanted to know what drove her to the city of love alone and how she ended up in the river Seine. The case is still unsolved.
Lanae unknown to her whereabouts or her current state, slowly opens her eyes and scans the spacious hospital room cautiously and confusingly.
"Here you go, darling." Lanae heard a foreign accent invade her ears before peering over and noticing a nurse holding a cup of water.
She slightly lifted her head up and gulped the cool water down her parched throat. She thanked the nurse before trying to sit up all the way, but hissed when a sharp pain occurred in the back of her head.
"Hey, I'm Doctor Cortez,. I want you to take it easy for me. You nearly died and have been unconscious for a month now. Your body isn't fully healed yet." The doctor informed her causing her eyes to widen.
"Died?" She panicked as her heartbeat increased. "Where am I?"
"Paris, France ma'am." Doctor Cortez answered.
"Paris?" Lanae questioned as she tried to think of why she was in Paris.
Her mind was blank. Memory was no where to be found.
Both the doctor and nurse glanced at each other with worried expressions noticing her struggle.
"Ma'am.." the doctor trailed off, "all of your belongings were lost in the river. We have no information on who you are. Do you know what your name is?"
Lanae thought long and hard, but what scared her the most was the thought of really being clueless. Her mind was completely blank and her memory was empty. She felt as if she was born today, not having a clue on who she was or what the world was capable of.
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