《Outta Her System》Chapter Twenty Seven - Ecstasy
I answered Omari's FaceTime call as I put Cantu products in my wet hair.
"Hey babe, you made it home?" I questioned as I looked at myself in the mirror.
"Yeah. What you doin'?"
"Nothing." I looked down at my phone screen and noticed him watching me. "Just got done doin' my hair."
"I see," he licked his lips before smirking, "you lookin' good, ma."
I blushed hard, "Thanks Mar."
"Mhm, come through." He told me as I grabbed my phone and stepped away from the mirror.
"Okay." I paused when I heard voices in his background. "Who over there wit' you?"
"The usual. Bean, Nick, Chris, and Sunny." He chuckled.
"I should've known." I said shaking my head. "But I'll be on my way soon, I just gotta pack my bag and stuff."
"Aight coo'." He nodded his head.
"Bones!" I heard Bean shout in the background.
I rolled my eyes. "What he want?"
"Shit, who knows?" Omari laughed before his phone was snatched out of his hand.
I wasn't surprised when Bean's face popped up on the screen. "Yes Bean?"
"Don't be actin' like you don't fuck wit' me. 'Cause I've been team Bones since day one." Bean stale faced me.
"And I've been team Bean since you and Queen first met, so don't do that." I pointed out.
"Yeah, yeah. No lie, you ah real one. Bring her wit' you since she on the subject."
"Why don't you just tell her to come? I know y'all probably textin' each other right now."
"And why you just won't bring her? Y'all live in the same building."
"I don't have ah problem wit' bringin' her, I'm just confused on why you won't just text her, but if you're scared I gotchu'."
Bean smacked his lips before scrunching his face up as everyone in the background start cracking up.
"Damnnnn, she blasted you out!" I heard Nick's teasing tone.
"No sh-"
"Yes, the fuck she did. How you gon' front when we just witnessed her doin' it?" I heard Sunny laugh.
"Hol' up, hol' up. Ah nigga is not scared, understand? Shit.. I can text her right now." Bean said, dropping Omari's phone and I'm guessing going to go get his phone.
"You lucky my shit dropped on the couch 'cause I would've beat yo' ass if you cracked my screen." Omari threatened while picking up his phone and displaying the mug on his face.
"You wasn't gon' do shit, B."
"Yeah aight." Omari looked at me through his screen and smiled. "Let me know when you on yo' way, aight?"
"Okay, love you." I said while hovering my fingertip over the end button.
"Love you too."
I ended the call before wiping off the hair cream from my phone and placing it on the toilet lid. I applied more curling cream to my hair until my curls were fully defined.
My phone began to ring causing my eyes to drift over to it and notice Queen was calling me. I quickly wiped my hands off with a hand towel before answering.
"Hey girl."
"Hey bitch! What you doin'?" She asked.
"Nothing, just got done puttin' this Cantu in my hair."
"Ouu," she laughed, "I'm finna FaceTime you so I can see."
"Aight." I laughed a little as she ended the call and quickly FaceTimed me.
"Yessss," she hyped me up once she seen my head full of curls, "'em curls is sh'poppin'!"
"Thanks boo. Yo' hair on point as usual. I'm surprised you ain't got it wrapped up since you layin' down in the bed."
She sighed before playfully rolling her eyes, "Nae, you know I'm dramatic as hell. My ass snatched my scarf off when I seen Bean text me talkin' 'bout come chill wit' him and the gang."
I laughed while walking into my room. "So dramatic!"
"I know."
"So you gon' go?" I asked, setting my phone on my dresser.
After I made sure she'll be able to see me as I walk around the room, I began packing my
night bag.
"Girl, why you askin' me like you ain't finna be over there?" Queen smacked her lips causing me to laugh.
"I don't know."
"But yeah imma go. I would ride wit' you, but knowin' you, you gon' be over there for a long time."
I looked towards my screen and gave her a stale face. "Queen, now you know Bean would drop you off whenever you wanted to go home."
She smiled brightly, "I know, I know. Come to my house once you done packin' yo' bag."
"Aight." I nodded my head while putting my outfit for tomorrow inside of my bag. "You 'bouta start gettin' ready?"
"Aight, I'll be over soon." I informed her.
"Okay girl." She said before hanging up.
After packing my toothbrush, perfume, undergarments, Omari's large Astros shirt for bed, and two other outfits, I zipped up my bag. I felt like I was forgetting something, but I had some of my stuff at his house as well. I should be fine.
"Daddy?" I called out as I carried my belongings out of my room and closed my bedroom door.
"Wassup?" He questioned.
"I'm about to stay the night at Omari's tonight." I informed him as I entered the living room and sat down on the couch beside him.
He glanced over at me as he muted the tv with the remote. "Oh, I already knew that as soon as I heard about him bein' discharged from the hospital."
We both laughed before I leaned my head on his shoulder. "You gon' be okay here by yourself?"
I heard him smack his lips. "I'm grown, baby girl. I'm okay wherever I go."
I lifted my head up before turning my body to where I was facing him. "I know, dad. I just hate leavin' you here by yo' self."
"I'm good."
I sighed. "I know, I know. You should invite Aunt Mo or Uncle Oscar over here.. have sum' fun."
He side eyed me. "Is that why you hate leavin' me alone? 'Cause I might be bored?"
"No." I scrunched my face. "I just want you to have sum' company. Or options when I'm not here."
"So I'm lonely?"
He stared at me before looking back at the tv screen, turning the sound back on.
"My ass ain't lonely."
I shook my head at him before placing a kiss on his cheek. "I just want you to get out more, dad." I stood up from the couch while grabbing my bags, "I'm headin' out now. Did you need anything?"
He gazed at me and gave me a tiny smile. "I'm good, Nae. Do you need anything before you leave?"
"No." I shook my head before making my way to the front door. "I love you."
"I love you too, baby girl." He said as I opened the front door and walked out into the hallway. I quickly closed the door and locked it with my key.
I wonder if Queen is still packin' her bag? I asked myself.
As if she knew I was thinking about her, her name popped up on my screen letting me know that she was calling me right now.
"Hello?" I answered as I made my way towards the elevator.
"Girl, where is you at?" She questioned.
"I'm finna get on the elevator right now, where you at?"
"Finna head out. I just got done gettin' ready."
"Damn," I laughed while stepping onto the elevator and pressing the button with the number five on it, "sis ready to see her mans."
"Shut up." She giggled as I heard a door shut in her back ground. "Don't act like you ain't pressed to see Lucky."
I smirked as the elevator finally stopped on her floor and the doors slowly slid open. I stepped out and immediately made eye contact with her. We both hung up as I approached her.
"You ain't got shit to say, huh?" She said in a taunting tone before pulling me in a hug.
"Nope 'cause I know I'm pressed to see my nigga. You the only one tryna' act like you ain't ready to see Bean."
She playfully rolled her eyes at me as she stepped away from me. "Nae, you and me know I'm dyin' to see my big headed nigga."
I laughed at her dramatic ass before noticing she kind of curled her hair up.
"Queen how the hell did you have the time to curl yo' hair up ah little bit?"
She flipped her hair over her shoulder, smiling. "I have my ways."
"Oh god," I smirked at her while shaking my head. "I'm done witchu'."
She just shrugged her shoulders. "You love me, bitch."
"Yes," I sighed dramatically, "sadly I do."
I burst into laughter after she pushed my shoulder.
"Yo', don't try me."
"You know I'm playin'. You know I couldn't live without my bitch." I smiled.
"I love you too, bitch!"
I laughed before unlocking my phone, "Lemme text Mar and let him know we on our way."
💍😍We on our way
Aight, don't talk too much while you driving and be safe
💍😍okay Mar.. I love you❤️
I love you too Nae😘
I locked my phone screen before setting it down on the coffee table in front of me.
"That was Lanae. She said her and Queen is on their way." I informed, smirking at Bean.
"Fuck you lookin' over here for?"
"Cause you know you hyped, nigga." I chuckled as I leaned back on the couch.
"Nigga, you the only one hyped and shit wit' yo' smirkin' ass."
"Fuck you." I laughed as everyone else joined in.
"Man, that nigga cappin'." Chris smiled.
"On the gang, son!" Nick exclaimed. "He was just beggin' Queen's ass to come through."
"For real tho'." I said.
Bean mugged everybody around the room, instead of Victoria, before smacking his lips. "Dawg get off my dick."
"We speakin' facts, pussy." Nick laughed.
"Hell yeah. Don't make me have Victoria text Queen and tell her you out here cappin'." Sunny joked.
Bean twisted his lips to the side before yelling out, "Fuck all y'all! Y'all niggas aggy as fuck."
"Ahhh!" Sunny laughed out loud. "This nigga sick as fuck, yo!"
"No lie." Chris agreed.
"Stop co-signin' shit, lil' nigga." Bean told him.
"Never co-signin' just agreein' to facts, B." Chris corrected him.
"Agreein' and co-signin' is the same shit, dumb ass."
"Nah," Chris shook his head. "But I'll let you think that."
"I don't think, I know." Bean stated.
"Y'all are all crazy as hell." Victoria laughed while laying her head on Nick's shoulder.
"That's 'em niggas." I chuckled while pointing at Bean, Sunny, Nick, and Chris.
"It's all y'all." Victoria said.
"Right, son. Ion' know why you tryna' front like you don't know." Sunny side eyed me while smirking.
"He be tryna' play that innocent role, dawg. Just like 'em other light skin niggas." Bean uttered.
"Here you go!" I blew out an exaggerating breath. "Now ah nigga act the way he act cause he ah lil' brighter than mothafuckas."
"On the homies, I hate that shit too, Lucky!" Sunny said while dapping me up.
"Aye Bean!" Nick called out while laughing. "These niggas is true yellow twins. Knowin' each other's struggles and shit."
"No doubt, I told you." Bean said in between laughs.
Me and Sunny glanced at each other before looking at these two funny looking niggas.
"Man, get off our asses!" I smirked.
"Oh my gosh," Victoria sighed after laughing so much, "I swear y'all are hilarious. Do y'all got any videos of y'all selves when you were younger or just anything?"
"Hell yeah!" Nick said before looking at her, "Babe, you know I stay wit' the videos."
"You kept all 'em ones from back in the day?" I questioned, curiously.
"Hell yeah, B." He answered while turning towards me. "I got ones from back in the day and ones that were recently made."
"Bruh, go get 'em bitches!" Bean said in an excited tone.
"Man.. listen, my house and this crib is two different places. The distance between these two places is large, you feel me? So shit lookin' hella slow right now." Nick dramatically explained.
"Stop bein' lazy, Nick. Go get 'em I wanna watch 'em wit' everybody." Victoria pouted.
"Mama.. is you gon' go get 'em?" He asked causing her to roll her eyes. "That's what I thought. I ain't gettin' 'em."
I watched Victoria lean into Nick before she begin mumbling stuff into his ear.
"Ouuu! She probably backmailin' that nigga." Bean spoke loudly.
"Or she probably cussin' his skinny ass out." Chris snickered.
"Or maybe y'all niggas just needa mind y'alls own business." Nick chimed in while standing up from the love seat. "I'm finna go get 'em."
"My nigga." Sunny grinned.
"But she comin' wit' me so.." Nick informed, looking at Victoria.
"Fine, I'll go wit' you." She smirked before standing up from the couch as well.
"Aight, we'll be back."
As they began making their way to the front door, Bean shouted, "Don't take all night either! No fuckin' when y'all get home, I repeat no fuckin' when y'all get home!"
"Shut up, Bean!" Victoria laughed as she walked out the front door.
"Right, we'll do what the fuck we want." Nick mugged him before closing the door behind him.
"That nigga gon' try to fuck, watch." Bean said.
"Shit, I mean they grown and they together. Let 'em do 'em." Chris mumbled while laying his head against the chair he was sitting in.
"Nigga, who was talkin' to you?" Bean asked causing Chris to smack his lips.
"Y'all niggas is clownin', son. What we doin' tonight once everybody get here?" Sunny asked.
"Gettin' t'd nigga, fuck you mean." Bean answered.
"Aye," I cheesed, "that shit sounded nice, G."
"I got 'em bars, hannn!" Bean's geeking ass smirked before dapping me up.
Chris side eyed the both of us. "That shit ain't even rhyme."
"Right." Sunny agreed.
"Man, they sum' hatin' ass niggas!" Bean said with his face scrunched up.
"Exactly, like damn! I never said it rhymed, I said that shit sounded nice." I laughed.
Chris and Sunny just laughed, knowing they were hating on my nigga Bean.
"Man, fuck all that. Roll up!" Bean said throwing a bag full of kush on the coffee table.
"Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout, B." Chris said, rubbing his hands together.
"Feignin' ass nigga." Sunny laughed.
"Aye, our connect's weed is the best I ever had." Chris admitted.
"It's the best worldwide, lil' homie." I said, reaching under my couch and grabbing a magazine and a box of Russian Cremes.
"You hear this nigga?" Bean asked, laughing. "Talkin' 'bout worldwide. How the fuck you suppose to know that shit?"
"Shit," I dragged out. "It better be. We get that shit straight from the island of Jamaica."
"True shit." Sunny nodded his head.
"You got ah grinder?" Bean questioned, looking around.
"Nah, I use my hands." I answered causing him to smack his lips.
"The fuck, dawg! You got all this shit, but you can't buy ah damn grinder?"
"Right, why the fuck you ain't got no grinder?" Sunny asked, giving me a weird look.
"Cause I'm ah technical man, dammit." I chuckled.
"Oh hell no," Bean busted out laughing. "I remember you sayin' that shit when you used ah fork and knife to eat spaghetti that one time. We were fried as fuck!"
I start cracking up thinking back on that day.
"Gone off the gas tho'." I laughed, opening up a pack of Russians and pulling the backwoods out. "Call Nick and see if he got that video?"
"Say less." Bean uttered while typing on his phone.
"Y'all be geekin' mad hard, I swear." Chris laughed.
"Dead ass." Sunny laughed, "How you gon' be a technical man, but you ain't got no grinder? I think you gettin' technical man and handy man mixed up, son."
"Damn, he right." Bean realized as he held his phone up to his ear.
I pointed at Sunny and Chris, "Hop off my dick."
"Shut up, bitch!" Sunny chuckled.
"Yeah? Where you at?" Bean suddenly spoke, waiting on Nick to respond over the phone. "Man, do you got that video when we were all high and this nigga Omari was eatin' his spaghetti with a fork and knife?"
I zoned them out before focusing on rolling a few blunts. My ass was trying to get fucked up tonight. Minus well celebrate my twenty first birthday since everybody coming through tonight.
I parked my car behind Omari's before popping the trunk and turning my car off.
"I can't believe this my first time seein' this house. This bitch is fly!" Queen said in awe while getting out of the car.
"I know right? I still haven't gotten use to it." I admitted as I got out the car as well and grabbed my stuff from the trunk.
"Girl, I don't blame you! This shit is hella nice." She suddenly gasped gaining my attention, "Look at that fuckin' pool! I'm divin' in that bitch tonight."
I threw my head back laughing as I closed my trunk.
"For real. I never seen a pool like this."
"Me either."
As we made our way to the front door with our bags, we heard several loud voices.
"Damn, what the hell they doin' in there?" Queen asked.
"Sound like they kickin' it without us, girl." I said before banging on the door a few times.
"Who the fuck bangin' on my door like they 5-O?" I heard Omari shout.
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