《Outta Her System》Chapter Twenty Five - Best Part
"Hey girl, you almost here?" I asked Queen as soon as I answered my phone.
"Yeah, I'm parkin' my car right now." She informed me.
"Okay. I'll see you when you get to the front." I said.
"Aight." She spoke before ending the call.
I placed my phone inside of my purse before patiently waiting on Queen.
I was standing in front of the hospital waiting on Queen because she wanted to visit Omari today. She comes with me sometimes to support, but not too much. In the past when he first went into a coma, she said she couldn't stand to see Lucky like that. Or any other family or friend that she loves.
"Who you dressed up for girl?" I heard Queen ask gaining my attention.
"Nobody, I just put this on because I've been dressin' bummy lately." I said before giving her a hug. "You must've parked close 'cause you got here quick."
"Yeah, I got lucky when I saw somebody pulling out. Plus, I know you anxious to see yo' mans." She smirked.
"You know I am." We began making our way inside of the hospital. "So what's been goin' on witchu'?"
"Nothing just tryna be there for you and Bean. Yo' stubborn ass don't be wantin' me to know you really hurtin' inside, but Bean tells me everything."
"I know," I admitted, "but I'm happy to hear you and Bean are on the right path. Him openin' up to you is ah good sign."
"Don't try and change the subject, Lanae." Queen pointed her finger at me as we headed towards the elevators.
"I'm not," I smiled a little, "I just wanted to point that out."
"Mhm." She hummed and watched me press the up botton. "But thanks Nae. I can say that me and him have grown closer these past two months."
"Good, I'm happy for you." I truthfully said.
The elevator dinged before the doors slowly slid open. We both stepped onto it, along with a few other visitors, and clicked our floor number. 5. Once we made it to our floor, we both walked to Omari's room.
My eyes immediately landed on him and my heart fluttered. Just the simple sight of him can make my mood lighten up, instantly.
I strolled over to my familiar seat. Right next to his bed. I kissed his warm moist lips before sitting down.
"That's new." I spoke out loud.
"What?" Queen questioned as she sat down as well.
"His lips usually be cold and dry, but now they're warm and moist."
Queen raised an eyebrow, "I hope these nurses ain't tryna fuck wit' yo' man because we'll have to rip shit up in this bitch."
"Most definitely." I felt myself getting mad just thinking about one of these nurses trying to do something to Omari.
"We'll ask 'em ' bout it when they come back in here," Queen promised, "but you know college is right around the corner."
I groaned lowly before running my fingers through my untamed hair. "I know."
"Why does it sound like you ain't ready for all that yet?"
"Because I'm not Queen. A lot has changed this summer. Omari being in here is the main reason."
"You mean the only reason." She corrected me.
"Yes." I nodded my head before looking at Omari. "How will I ever be able to focus on school if I'm worried 'bout Mar constantly?"
Queen shrugged, "You got ah point there, but I don't think you should just give up on college Lanae."
"I'm not plannin' on givin' up... just takin' a mini break on everything until Omari wakes up. I wanna be here for him."
She sadly smiled at me before nodding her head.
"I understand." She mumbled before sighing. "Whatever you believe is best for you, do it."
"Thanks boo." I looked at her with sorrow on my face, "I'm sorry you'll have to go to school by yourself this year."
"Shit," she dragged out. "I'm not goin' if you not. I'll be damned if we don't experience our college years together. Nope. Uh, uh."
"I don't wanna slow you down, Queen."
"You're not. You'll take ah break to be here for Lucky and I'll take ah break to be here for you, even if you try to push me away."
"Aww." I cooed as my eyes got slightly glossy. "You're the best, really. I love you."
"I love you too, Nae. We in this together."
I nodded my head in agreement, "So.. we'll start college next August?"
"Yes ma'am." She grinned causing me to mirror her expression.
Suddenly a raspy deep voice filled the room.
"Like hell y'all will." I heard a familiar voice mumble.
My head quickly turned in Omari's direction. His eyes were still closed and nothing seemed to change. Not his posture or expression.
Am I trippin', I questioned myself.
"Bitch did he just talk?" Queen asked me causing my eyes to meet with her wide ones.
"I wasn't the only one that heard that right?"
"Hell no." She confirmed before we both glanced at him.
A smirk was planted on his face.
"Omari?" I called out to him.
His smirk grew bigger before his eyelids slowly lifted up and revealed his dark brown orbs. My mouth fell open from the shock my body was going through as he looked me in my eyes.
"Why you lookin' so stuck?" He teased causing me to snap out of my daze.
"Oh my gosh! Babe you're up," I smiled so hard my cheeks start hurting, "I missed you."
I hopped up out of my seat and moved closer to him. I wasted no time grabbing his chin and kissing him, fiercely.
"Damn Lanae, don't be too rough. My nigga just woke up." I heard Queen laugh from behind us.
When I tried to pull away, Omari gripped my hips and pulled me closer.
"Ahem." I heard Queen clear her throat.
I gasped when I felt his hand squeeze my butt. His tongue swiftly invaded my mouth, dominating the heated kiss.
"Hey! Hey! HEY!" Queen shouted, finally getting us to pull away from each other. "What the hell? Y'all was just gonna ignore me and get busy while I was standin' here?"
"Yeah." Omari smiled causing me to softly hit him on his chest. "I'm playin'.. kinda, but what's good Queen?"
"What's up, Lucky. I see you finally woke up." Queen smiled at him.
"Yeah, yo' boy was geeked when he finally opened his eyes last night."
My eyes grew wide, "Last night? You tellin' me you been conscious all this time and they haven't bothered to call me."
Before I could try and head out the room, Omari shoot me a look before speaking. "Calm yo' ass down. I asked for 'em not to call you 'cause I wanted to surprise you, so chill out."
I rolled my eyes before sitting down.
"Please don't y'all start arguin'." Queen laughed.
"We not. She just mad 'cause she not runnin' shit no more." He stared at me with a grin, "ain't that right baby?"
"You not runnin' shit," I mumbled under my breath.
"Huh?" He asked. "You talkin' shit, Nae?"
"Of course not, babe."
"Y'all are just too much for me." Queen shook her head at us.
"Nah, y'all asses is too much for me." Omari said causing me and Queen to look at him funny. "Talkin' 'bout y'all goin' to college next August."
"'Cause we are." I said.
"Still?" Queen questioned with confusion laced in her voice
"Yes." I stubbornly confirmed.
Omari squinted his eyes at me before looking at Queen, "Sis lemme talk sum' sense into her real quick."
"Okay." She nodded her head. "I'll be back later. Talk don't fuck." She pointed to us.
I gasped and watched her walk out of the room.
"She is crazy just like her nigga. Her and Bean still together right?" Omari asked.
"You know it."
Silence filled the room as I avoided eye contact with him because I knew he was about to lecture me about college.
"Look at me." He demanded making me want to roll my eyes, but I didn't. I gazed into his eyes. "You know you goin' to Columbia at the end of this month right?"
I shook my head, "Omari, no I d-"
"Nah, you goin' period. Why you tryin' not to go? I'm awake. I'm coo'."
"Yes, but I still don't wanna be away from you. What if you get hurt again? Or worse?"
He sighed before licking his lips, "C'mere."
I stood up and moved to the side of the bed. He stretched his arm out and wrapped his fingers around my wrist before pulling my body on top of his.
"Omari," I whispered before trying to get up, but he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm not suppose to be on you. You got shot, remember?"
"Baby girl relax. I'm not in pain, so I should be straight." He kissed my forehead.
"Well your wounds aren't healed yet. You still got ah few months left to recover."
"Nae," he groaned into my ear, "you makin' me feel crippled. Chill."
I sighed heavily before laying my head down on his chest. "I just want you to be healthy again."
"I am." I rolled my eyes knowing he couldn't see me. "But on sum' real shit. I don't want you worryin' about me-"
"How a-" he interrupted me just like I did to him.
"Listen," he paused. "I'm here. You not losin' me no time soon, aight? I don't need you stressin', I just need you focused on school. Fulfill yo' dreams, baby. Don't put 'em on hold 'cause of me."
"How am I suppose to do that when you'll be away from me? Imma be in Upper Manhattan while you here in Harlem. I want you there while I follow my dreams."
"And I will be. You actin' like the lil' bit of distance is gon' fuck shit up.. it's not. I'll call you everyday and visit you whenever I can." Omari uttered as he rubbed small circles on my lower back.
"It's not that Omari." I huffed before looking up at him, "Do you realize this was literally my summer to spend all my time wit' you before I went away? I wanted to make memories, Mar. I wanted to spend quality time wit' you before I went off to college."
I didn't even know I was crying until Omari wiped a tear that ran down my cheek with his thumb.
"It's okay, Lanae. We still got ah lil' more time to kick it and even when you do start college, we can do shit on yo' breaks."
I just nodded my head before burying my face into his chest. I didn't want to talk about me leaving anymore. I just wanted to enjoy his company.
I guess he noticed because he soon changed the subject. "I'm feelin' these curls, baby." I heard his deep sexy voice mumble before I felt his lips kiss the top of my head.
"Really?" I slightly laughed.
"Hell yeah, it's different. You should start rockin' yo' curls more." He suggested.
"I will, Mar." I whispered as I closed my eyes enjoying the happiness that I was experiencing.
Before I knew it, I fell into a peaceful slumber on top of Omari.
It's been a few hours since Lanae fell asleep on me. Her ass woke up about a hour later because I was being moved into another room. Once we settled into the room, Lanae said she was going to go get some clothes from her house and come back.
So here I am. Lonelier than a motherfucka in this big ass hospital room.
"Nigga, I'm finna beat yo' light bright ass!" I heard Bean yell right before him and the rest of my niggas rushed into the room.
"I must've spoke too soon." I mumbled under my breath.
"What you say nigga?" Bean asked as he started squaring up.
I blankly stared at him as I laid in my bed, unbothered. "Bean if you don't sit yo' hyped ass down somewhere."
He put his fists down and laughed walking over to the side of the bed. "Wassup, dawg. I'm geeked you awake."
We dapped each other up before pulling away. "My G, how you think I feel?"
"Blessed." Nick answered while smirking. "What's happenin', B?"
"Chillin'. What it dew, bruh?" I smiled as I shook hands with him.
He stepped away from me before crossing his arms, "Nothing. I'm happy my nigga opened his eyes for the first time in two months."
"Damn, two months?" I questioned.
"Yeah, big homie. You missed yo' birthday yesterday." Chris informed me before pulling me into a brotherly hug after I sat up on the bed.
"Word?" They all nodded their heads. "Ah nigga 21, I gotta do sum'."
"You already know we gotchu', son. Just work on gettin' outta this hospital." Sunny grinned and shook hands with me.
"Yeah, don't be gettin' too happy. We don't need yo' ass gettin' high blood pressure or no shit like that." Bean smirked.
"Fuck you, nigga." I chuckled as they all began sitting down.
Chris and Nick sat on the couch while Bean and Sunny sat on nearby chairs.
"So what I miss these past months?" I investigated because I was very curious.
"You missed life, fool." Bean's smart ass said.
"Shut yo' goof ass up." I laughed.
"For real. It took yo' ass forever just to open two eyes, son. Two." Bean dramatically said while holding up two fingers.
"Bean shut the fuck up," Nick laughed, "you sound like ah naggin' ass girlfriend."
"Damn, he played yo' ass." Chris burst out laughing.
"Damn he played yo' ass," Bean mocked him using a squeaky voice. "Shut yo' baby ass up, Chris. And Nick don't start wit' the jokes 'cause you know I'll win any roast session."
"Here these niggas go. Roastin' and shit." Sunny shook his head while laughing.
"Right. Always fuckin' arguin'." I said.
"The yellow twins tryna talk shit. Let's roast 'em, Nick." Bean side eyed me and Sunny.
"I'll roast yo' peanut head ass right back, nigga." Sunny joked.
Bean flicked him off as everybody in the room start cracking up.
"My girl like it, so fuck you and everybody else." Bean mugged us.
"Oh yeah.. so tell me how y'all been." I said, interested.
"We been good. You know.. openin' up to each other and gettin' to know each other on ah deeper level." He cheesed.
"Oh shit," I grinned. "Lemme find out Queen makin' yo' goofy ass grow up."
"Nigga, I've been grown out here. Fuck you talkin' 'bout?"
"Nah." Chris butted in. "I'm way more mature than you, B."
"Yo' voice don't prove it," Bean laughed.
Chris straight faced him. "Fuck you, nigga. My actions do."
"I don't know 'bout all that, lil' homie. Stop dreamin' aight?"
I chuckled while shaking my head. "Y'all fools are sum' clowns."
The room filled with laughter before Sunny sighed.
"Yeah, I'm happy you up. Harlem been foreign without you, homie." Nick admitted.
"Hell yeah." Sunny agreed.
"Man, I'm happy to be back. How Slum Money been doin'?" I asked.
"Good. We just been grindin'." Sunny answered.
"Yeah, you'll be proud of 'em niggas. They've been focused on the hustle." Nick smirked.
"I see. No partyin'?" I questioned causing them to shake their heads. "We really gotta celebrate then."
"Most definitely, dawg." Bean nodded his head in agreement.
When the room drifted off into a comfortable silence again, I asked. "So what's goin' on wit' the rest of y'all?"
"I've been coolin', man. Dealin' wit' Victoria's crazy ass." Nick chuckled.
"Why you callin' her crazy? She be seemin' all sweet and innocent in front of us." I stated.
"Nigga that's what I thought until she spazzed out on Nick's toothpick ass." Bean said with wide eyes.
"Why she spazz, bruh?" I chuckled while watching Nick shake his head.
"She start cussin' me out 'cause I was goin' to the trap again. Mama not use to me being away all the time, but shit been busy since you.. you know."
I nodded my head, understanding what he meant. "Lanae is the same way."
"Oh yeah we know, Lucky. Yo' ass stay gettin' cussed out." Chris chuckled.
"No lie." Sunny smirked.
"Nigga while you laughin' over there, I hope you know yo' ass still goin' to college." I said causing his laughter to stop.
"Damn, he still on yo' ass." Bean laughed while pointing at Chris.
"Yeah, he know. His ass even promised you he'll go if you wake up." Nick blasted him out.
"Damn, why you have to do my lil' homie like that?" Sunny chuckled.
"Right, like damn." Chris side eyed Nick.
"Promise or not, yo' ass is still goin'." I said.
"I know." He mumbled under his breath.
"Aye, I heard college is fun tho'." Sunny smiled at him.
"Yeah.. I'll be back. I'm finna go get something from the vendin' machine." Chris informed everybody before getting up and walking out the room.
"What?" I asked once I noticed I was the center of attention.
"Yo' wanna be preacher ass just had to bring up college, huh?" Bean asked.
"Yeah and?" I asked confused.
"Nigga, you know he don't wanna go." Nick smacked his lips.
"I already had ah talk wit' him about it."
They all shook their heads at me.
I stepped out of the elevator, but jumped once I noticed someone was standing directly in front of it.
"Excuse m- Chris?" I scrunched my face up in confusion.
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