《Outta Her System》Chapter Four - Squad
I cruised down the street in my sliver Audi with Bean sitting in my passenger seat.
We were running a few errands and checking if everything was straight with the gang, but of course this nigga couldn't shut his mouth about Lanae. His ass missed her as much as me.
"Man sis really grew up on us," Bean laughed.
"No lie," I agreed keeping my eye on the road.
"That ain't sis for you no more, huh?"
I side eyed him only to see him grinning like a fool before looking ahead again.
"Don't start nigga," I said.
Him and Nick use to stay saying we both liked each other, but I always saw her as my sister. Well, not anymore. She's more like an old family friend or best friend cause we ain't as close as we use to be.
"What, you know it's true dawg."
I shook my head, "Nah, that's fam and you already know I'm wit' Brittany so.."
From the corner of my eye I saw him wave me off, "And? You know I ain't got nothing against my nigga Brittany, but Lanae is ah better match for you."
I raised an eyebrow before pulling up in front of Grubs, our soul food restaurant, and turning off my whip.
"What you spittin' Bean?"
"I'm spittin' facts B. I don't know why y'all be actin' like y'all don't like each other. Shit, Stevie Wonder can see the chemistry between y'all two."
I shook my head laughing, "Man you buggin'. This why niggas stay sayin' niggas and bitches can't be best friends."
"Oh, now y'all best friends? I thought she was yo' sis nigga," Bean smirked.
I smacked my lips before opening my door and stepping out the car. As I shut the door, Bean hopped out.
"I wish Nick's ass was here cause nigga you shook," Bean laughed.
"I ain't shook nigga. I'm just not entertainin' yo' matchmaker head ass," I shrugged as we both walked inside of Grubs.
It was busy as usual. Waitresses walking everywhere with plates and shit, while some customers were paying for their food to go.
"Hey Lucky and Bean, how are y'all," Ms. Pam greeted us as she handed over a receipt to one of our customers at the cash register.
"Good, how you doin' Ms. P," Bean smiled.
"I'm doin' good baby," she grinned before taking the next customer's order.
"Hol' up, hol' up," I repeated causing everybody at the front to pause, "Ms. Pam what chu' doin' workin' at the register?"
Everybody know that Ms. Pam only cook here. That was her job. I don't pay her to work at the register so I was pissed off seeing her doing another person's job.
"Oh Lucky its fine," she assured me, "ah few people called off today so we're ah little backed up."
"Nah, Ms. Pam that ain't yo' job. I'm finna have someone come up here cause that's some dumb shit," I spat while pulling out my phone.
"Nah, B. I'll help 'em out. Shit get ah couple hoes' numbers and grub all day, that shit sound good to me," Bean mumbled the last part causing me to shake my head.
"You sure? I'll have somebody here real quick," I said.
"Nah, it's coo dawg. Imma help out my ladies and my homie Ms. Pam, just make sure you pick me back up when we close."
"Aight. Good lookin' out and imma make sure ah couple mothafuckas lose they jobs tonight cause this ain't no damn volunteer place, this is ah mothafuckin' business."
"Fasho', but chill out son," Bean chuckled before I sighed and walked out of the building.
Once I got inside of my car, I unlocked my phone and read the time. 4:30.
I went to my contacts and found Lanae's name before shooting her a text.
Wyd ?
I exited out of my messages and turned my car on before plugging my shit up to the aux cord and putting on my song Booty by Blac Youngsta. I turned the volume up as I pulled off and headed towards our gas station a few blocks from here.
I got there in about five to seven minutes. There were cars at every gas tank and the parking spots in the front was filled up. Business was doing hella good.
I checked and saw that Lanae texted me back.
❤️Nothing bored. Me and Queen on lockdown lol hbu?
Aww damn😂 but nun. Runnin' errands and shit. You think she'll let y'all out tonight?
I placed my phone in my pocket before getting out of my car and walking towards the gas station.
"What's poppin' Lucky?" I heard some greet me causing me to look at the person and nod my head.
A few other people greeted me as I made my way to the building and I continued to just nod my head at them. Once I was inside I headed straight towards the back.
"Waddup Lucky," one of my gang members named Sunny said.
"Waddup my nigga," I said before slapping my hand with his, "how is everything?"
"It's good. It's ah Monday too, so you know everybody rippin' and runnin' today."
"That's wassup, but how the supply lookin'? We need more?"
Sunny glanced over his shoulder before looking back at me, "yeah we only got like two or three boxes left and the week just startin'."
"Aight, I'll have somebody come and drop off some more supply."
"Aight," he nodded his head as I heard my phone ding.
"Aight G, you already know to call me if some shit go down."
"Aight my nigga, stay up."
We slapped hands before I made my way out of the gas station and back to my car. I unlocked my doors with my key and hopped inside. I sat back as my phone dinged again causing me to pull it out of my pocket once again.
I had two recent unread messages and 536 old unread messages. I checked the one I just got and it was from Oscar.
💉Aye. The spots I checked was coo. Hbu son?
Oscar was a old timer in the gang. He was here before a lot of niggas in the gang now. He was one of the first members of Slum Money and Lanae's dad's right hand man back in the day.
When Lanae's dad got looked up he went to war on the streets and made sure Lieashia and Lanae were in good hands. I never got to meet her dad because I became a Slum Money member when Lieashia first took over.
Everything was coo'. I just gotta check the trap now and I'll be done.
Next I checked Lanae's text.
❤️idk🙄 why wassup ?
just wonderin' cause y'all can come to Grubs tonight and kick it w/ me and Bean for a lil bit.
Seconds later..
❤️I'll see what I can do and I'll let you know. When do it close?
it close around 9 but you can come later if you want just lmk
❤️how if it close at 9 ?🤔
don't ask no questions lmao just do it Nae
❤️you so damn difficult🤦🏽♀️
Ik you not talkin'😂 you the one that stay askin' questions and shit
don't send me that weak ass reply😒
❤️who are you ? You ain't my daddy💁🏽
I raised my eyebrow before dialing her number. After two rings she answered the phone laughing.
"Yeah you laughin' and shit now, but when I fuck yo' ass up, yo' ass gon' be cryin'," I chuckled causing her to smack her lips.
"Boy bye," she said.
"I'm ah man baby girl, so you ain't addressin' me."
"Mmm," she paused, "what makes you ah man?"
"My money flow, my success, my wants and needs, and my balls that sag to the floor," I smirked as I put my car key into the ignition and drove towards the trap.
"What the fuck Mar," she exclaimed causing me to laugh, "that's nasty."
"You asked, but I'm fuckin' around. Where you at?"
I heard her sigh before she spoke again, "This boring ass hotel. Queen act like she can't wake up and my aunt still pissed off at me, so I'm alone."
I smirked, "That's what yo' ass get for actin' grown."
"But I am grown."
"Nahhh," I chuckled while shaking my head, "you wish. You'll be grown to me when you get ah job and yo' own place."
She huffed, "Why do people keep tellin' me that?"
"Cause it's true."
"Mm," she hummed, "I guess. I'm proud you got outta the gang and all that."
I raised an eyebrow as I made a right turn, "What makes you think that?"
"Cause you own ah club now and I didn't see you or Bean at the get together."
"That's cause y'all left mad early and the gang owns ah couple of businesses." I informed her.
"Since when?" She questioned.
"Since I became the gang leader, Nae."
She was quiet for a second before she spoke again, "Really? I'm happy you're makin' something positive out of it, just promise me one thing."
"Promise me," paused with seriousness in her voice, "that you will be safe and don't get into any deep shit.. promise me, Omari."
"I promise, Lanae."
"I'm dead ass because I don't need to be loosin' nobody else to this shit," she sighed.
"Now c'mon Nae, you gotta think positive and have faith in me. You ain't loosin' me no time soon."
"Now tell me which weak ass school you go to." I demanded, trying to lighten up the mood.
I heard her laugh before she answered my question, "I go to Linmoore, don't be tryna play me. My school dumb lit."
"Get the fuck outta here," I chuckled as I slowly pulled up in front of the trap and turned off my car.
"Nah, for real! Niggas was fightin' and shit. You know, doin' the most."
"Yeah, I know. Don't be fuckin' wit' 'em pussy ass niggas either." I warned.
"What you gon' do if I do?" She challenged me.
"I'll beat yo' ass and I'll put that nigga in the hospital, try it if you want to."
"Oh wow," she dragged out, "Mar, you gotta chill. I'm not a lil' girl anymore."
She sure wasn't. Baby girl glowed up over the years, even though she was already beautiful three years ago. She was the shit now. To be real, if I didn't know her I would've thought she was my age or something cause she most definitely don't look 18. More like 21 years old.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her voice again.
"Besides," she paused, "I got my eyes on this fine ass nigga."
I scrunched my face up, "Who?"
She giggled, "I'm not about to tell you."
"Aight bet," I nonchalantly said, but I was curious as fuck.
"Aww," she cooed, "is Mari Mar mad at me?"
"Don't call me that, got me out here soundin' like ah bitch."
She laughed, "Fine, but you still ain't answer my question."
"I'm good. Do you, ma."
She sighed, "Yeah, I'll text you later and let you know if we'll be able to come out tonight."
"Aight coo'," I said, confused on why she wanted to get off the phone all of a sudden, "why you tryna rush me off the phone now?"
"Cause I'm tired."
I smacked my lips, "Aight let ah nigga know when you not tired."
Without saying anything else, she hung up causing me to put my phone inside of my pocket and get back to what I was doing.
I hopped out the car before closing and locking my door. Pulling up my slightly sagging Balmains, I glanced around before making my way towards the front door to the trap. Once I was standing on the porch I did the code, which was knocking four times and stomping twice, but you had to do it a certain type of way. It was just something we created to let us know if the person was welcomed or not.
I heard the sound of metal turn before my nigga JB looked through an opening. He nodded his head before closing the opening and unlocking the door.
"Wassup Lucky?" He asked while opening the door and stepping aside.
"Shit livin', what it dew?" I questioned as I dapped him up while stepping inside.
"Nun'," he shrugged, "just watchin' the door as usual, you know same ol' shit."
"Yeah, where that nigga, Louie?"
Louie is his twin brother and JB is older than him by ten minutes. They were both in Slum Money, but their main job is to stay on the lookout. Basically like bodyguards. They were good at it since they were both almost seven feet tall and stocky as hell.
"That nigga got caught up in some shit wit' his baby moms," he said while shaking his head.
"Oh aight, he coo' now? Or he need some help?" I questioned, making sure my nigga was good.
"Nah Lucky, that nigga probably just gave her some dick since she was buggin' out."
I chuckled while shaking my head. "Aight, tell his ass to be here tomorrow and I'm takin' some kush outta his stash 'cause this ain't no volunteer work. His ass gotta be here like everybody else."
"You know I gotchu', lil' homie." JB laughed as I walked away from him.
When I came across a set of steps, I made my way downstairs and soon stood in front of a metal door. I took my keys out before unlocking all three locks on the door, causing it to crack open. I pushed it open, revealing most of the Slum Money members sitting around and on their phones as Gucci Gang by Lil Pump blasted through the wall speakers. I slammed the door letting my presence be known.
"Oh shit!" I heard my little nigga Chris shout as everybody quickly pointed their gatts at me.
I smacked my lips, "Man don't be pointin' no mothafuckin' guns at me like y'all stupid, put 'em bitches down! If y'all would've been workin' like y'all should've been, then we wouldn't be havin' this problem right now."
I heard a series of my bad and my fault as everybody lowered their guns and put them away.
"What the fuck is goin' on, G? There ain't no work to be done?"
"Yeah, but not that much. That's why we took ah lil' break," one of the younger members informed me.
"Is that right, Kenny? Well, lemme school y'all niggas on somethin'. Niggas that got respect and money don't sit on their asses all fuckin' day, chillin' and shit. They bustin' they ass everyday, even when they ain't got no damn work, so boss the fuck up and grind." I preached causing everybody to get up and do something productive.
"Damn Lucky, who got you spazzin'?" Chris questioned with an amused look on his face.
"Y'all mothafuckas, man." I chuckled while shaking my head a little, "I always gotta get y'all niggas on track."
"Tell 'em Lucky," I heard a familiar voice say from behind me.
"Wassup Oscar?" Everybody greeted him making him look over my shoulder.
"What's poppin' lil' niggas," he smiled before giving me his attention, "what's up youngin'."
"Waddup OG," I greeted him before shaking hands with him, "I thought you was headed back home."
"Nah, I texted you and said I was on my way, but obviously yo' lil' ass ain't see it," he chuckled.
"Oh yeah, I was on the phone wit' Nae, but her ass start tweakin' and hung up on me."
"Aww shit, what you do to my niece ?"
"Not ah damn thing."
He side eyed me causing me to laugh and wave him off.
"Anyways nigga that's who I wanted to talk to you about," he informed me.
"Yeah, wassup? Something wrong? She good?"
He smacked his lips, "Yeah Omari. Just shut the fuck up and listen, stop worryin' and shit."
"You right, my fault. I just can't help it, but what's up?"
"Yeah I know, but I wanted to throw ah surprise party for her and get everybody together," he said.
I blinked twice, "but OG she just had one."
"Nigga, I know that shit. I was thinkin' you should throw ah get together at yo' club tho'. I know my niece tryna get lit." He said.
"She already been gettin' lit, I caught her lil' ass in my club two days ago." I informed him.
He laughed while shaking his head, "and knowin' you, yo' ass probably dragged her out the club as soon as she walked in."
He had a point. Lanae let me know the other day that her and Queen didn't even have time to turn up like they wanted to because of me. I told her I'll make it up to her later and I guess this is my chance.
I sighed before nodding my head and looking around, "I'll throw her something when she get off of punishment."
"Aight fool, I'm finna get up outta here."
"Aight OG, stay up."
"Always," he said before walking out the room and up the stairs.
I looked back at everybody as they were moving around before I shouted, "who tryna plan ah party?"
Me and Queen stood outside of the hotel as we waited on Omari to pick us up. Someway, somehow Queen convinced my Aunt Mo to let us out for a couple hours. We're still not off punishment, but soon enough we will be.
"You still mad at Omari?" Queen asked with a smirk on her face causing me to side eye her.
Earlier, while we were on the phone, he made me mad. Well, more like he had me salty because for a second there Omari sounded like he was jealous of me having some type of interest in a man, but when I wanted him to confirm it he switched up and acted like he didn't care.
I shook my head, "No, I don't even give ah fuck any more. I shouldn't have gotten mad in the first place."
"Shittt," she dragged out, "if I was in your shoes I would just let the nigga know about my feelings and make shit happen."
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