《Outta Her System》Chapter Three - Truth Is
I slowly opened my eyelids, feeling the sun peeking through the blinds in my room. I stretched and yawned causing Brittany to roll off of me.
Last night, I was putting in work. All that shit she been talking and her fucking attitude lately has been pissing me off. On top of that I found Lanae last night, just building up more stress for me. I used fucking as my stress reliever. Simple.
I lazily sat up and stood up from the bed, butt ass naked. As I walked to the bathroom I glanced inside of the living room to see both of the girls sleep. I was thankful for that because they would've seen all my shit just swinging around if they would've seen me.
Once I entered the bathroom I closed the door behind me before I lifted the toilet seat and started pissing.
When I was done I flushed the toilet before turning on the shower. I stepped inside of it and let the water droplets hit my body.
I was going to take Queen home before taking me and Lanae somewhere alone to talk. I didn't decided on where yet, but I was thinking about IHOP or Waffle House. It really don't matter I just really need to know what's been going on with her these past three years. We both had a lot of catching up to do.
I twisted the handle and turned off the shower. I slowly stepped outside of it so I wouldn't bust my ass cause I almost did a few days ago and I wasn't about to go out like that. Got me fucked up.
When I made sure I was steady on my feet, I grabbed a towel from the rack on the wall before wrapping it around my waist. I opened the bathroom door and began making my way back to my room, but I stopped when I saw Lanae moving around on the couch.
"Lanae," I called out causing her head to snap towards me. "I just wanted to let you know that we finna be headin' out in ah minute."
She blankly looked at me before nodding her head a little and laying back down. I shook my head and entered the living room.
I heard her huff before she abruptly sat up and glared at me causing me to raise an eyebrow.
She got a whole attitude and shit when I'm still pissed about what she did. She ain't got no damn right to be upset about whatever it is that she mad about. I ain't even do shit.
"Fuck wrong wit' you," I asked.
"Nothing, Omari. What you want?"
"Who the fuck you think you talkin' to," I questioned with my nose flared up, "don't forget who you barkin' at, dead ass."
She rolled her eyes before removing the covers off of her and siting up on the couch.
Damn I forgot she was wearin' ah dress, I thought to myself.
"Even though you buggin' out right now, imma still give you some clothes to change into," I told her causing a confused look to replace the mug on her face.
"What you talkin' 'bout? Aren't you droppin' me and Queen off," she questioned.
"Yeah I'm droppin' Queen off and you comin' wit' me cause we still need to talk."
"Why can't Queen just come wit' us?"
"Because we need to be alone, aight? Any more questions?"
"Yes," she uttered before I let out a long breath. "How is Queen gonna explain to my aunt that I'm wit' you when she goes into the hotel by herself?"
I shrugged, "Tell the truth."
She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it when her eyes fell on something behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Brittany standing behind me with sheets wrapped around her naked body.
"Hey baby," she smiled as she walked closer to me, "I was wonderin' if you left already."
She stood on her tippy toes before pecking my lips twice.
"Nah," I licked my lips while looking down at her," "I'm 'bout to tho'."
She fake pouted, "Okay Omari. I'm finna go back to sleep, so just let me know when you do leave."
"Aight," I said.
I watched as she limped back towards our room before I turned my attention back to Lanae. She had a look on her face that I couldn't describe, but she seemed to be thinking extra hard about something.
"Lanae," I called causing her eyes to snap towards mine, "I'm finna go get some clothes for you. You can take a shower and all that good shit, just let me know when you ready."
She nodded her head while taking her eyes off mine.
I quickly made my way back into my room and grabbed an outfit out for her before heading back towards the living room. As I was about to step foot inside of the room, Lanae walked out accidentally bumping into me. I gripped the towel around my waist with my free hand, in case it tried to slip off.
"Oh shit," Lanae gasped while holding her hand up to her chest, "my bad Omari."
I chuckled before licking my lips, "You good Nae. Here go some clothes to put on."
I held out the clothes for her and she grabbed them from me before thanking me.
After I thanked Omari for the clothes, I headed straight towards the bathroom down the hall. I closed the door behind me once I got inside of it and placed the clothes on top of the sink. I stripped out of my dress before lifting the toilet lid and sitting down to pee.
I sighed in relief because I kind of been holding it all morning. I was just too lazy to get up earlier, but I was hyped up about finally letting it out. After I got down wiping myself clean, I flushed the toilet and stood up straight. Quickly turning on the shower, I stepped inside of it and began to wash my body while making sure I kept my hair away from the steaming hot water.
I was so tired. I didn't even get no damn sleep last night. Two reasons. Brittany's loud and dramatic ass and my thoughts. My emotions were all over the place. Anger. Hurt. Disgust. Worry. Happiness. That's all I've been feeling since last night.
I was angry at myself for not keeping touch with Omari. I was hurt about him having a girlfriend and being so upset with me. I was disgusted because last night he was literally in the next room, fucking his bitch and her ass was moaning hell of loud. I low key feel like she was doing that shit on purpose. Like this morning, she literally got up out her sleep to kiss him in front of me. That shit was petty, but I can't lie and say that it didn't fuck with my emotions because it did. I was worried about about me and Omari never being able to grow close like we use to be. Last, but not least, I was happy because I finally am reunited with Omari and I see how successful he has became. Not to be shady, but I never pictured him being a club owner.
I rinsed myself off before turning the shower off and getting out. I shivered as the cold air hit my skin causing goosebumps to immediately form. I thanked the man up above when I saw a clean towel laying by the clothes I was about to put on. I quickly unfolded it and wrapped it around my dripping figure. When I stopped shivering I quickly dried my body off and put some Vaseline all over me before putting on Omari's black briefs.
I mentally groaned when I realized I didn't have a bra to wear. I mean my boobs were perky, but I didn't like going to public places without a damn bra on.
I sighed before sliding Omari's big ass white t-shirt over my head and pulling his black joggers up my long legs. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and noticed how big his clothes looked on me.
"I look like ah damn bum," I mumbled to myself while looking down at a tube of Colgate.
I picked it up before twisting the top off and squeeze some toothpaste on my index finger. I put a little bit of water over it before I started brushing my teeth with my finger. Now I know that shit is ghetto, but I ain't have no damn toothbrush here and I wasn't about to be walking around with hot ass breath. Fuck no.
I spit it all out once I was done and gargled some mouthwash that was in one of the bathroom cabinets. When I was done I spit that out before wiping my face and exiting the bathroom.
"It's about fuckin' time you came out. I almost pissed on myself waitin' on yo' slow ass," Queen blurted out once I walked into the living room. She ran past me and towards the bathroom causing me to laugh my ass off.
I grabbed the cover she was using and folded it up before putting it back into the hallway closet. By the time I sat down on one of the couches Queen came back and dropped down beside.
"Whose shit you wearin'?" She questioned.
"Who you think?" I smirked while looking at her from the corner of my eye.
"Ayeeee," she smiled, "you already stealin' this bitch's man."
I threw my head back and laughed. My cousin was truly the craziest person I knew.
"Girl shut up," I said in between laughs, "it's just his clothes."
"Exactly. Soon he gon' have you wearin' no clothes."
"Oh god," I laughed again, "you are a trip, I swear."
Queen shrugged, "I already know boo, but why you change into something different?"
"Mar want me to go wit' him somewhere to talk alone," I informed her.
"I should've known, but damn imma have to face my mom alone. She gon' be yellin' at me for ah long ass time."
"I know, my bad."
"You good Nae," she laughed before sighing, "y'all really need to have this talk anyway. You know?"
"Yeah," I agreed, "you ready?"
"Yeah I ain't got no shit to change in," Queen said causing me to laugh and put my hands up in surrender.
"My bad girl. Trust me you gon' get you ah mans soon."
"Shittt," she dragged out, "I better."
I smiled at her before yelling, "Omari we ready."
A couple seconds later he said okay and I heard his room door open and close. I heard him walking towards us before he appeared in the living room doorway. He looked so damn good in his chill attire. All he had on was some black sweatpants with a Nike red and black jacket on and he had the all black forces on his feet.
I felt Queen nudge me on my side causing me to look at her and see the smirk on her face. I quickly glared at her before quickly turning my attention towards him, but he wasn't even paying attention. He was typing some shit on his phone.
"Y'all got all y'alls stuff," he asked once he placed his phone inside of his pocket. We both nodded our heads while grabbing our purses and standing up from the couch. Omari's eyes scanned me from head to toe and then trailed back up and landed on my chest. My heart started beating fast.
Why was he lookin' at me like that, I asked myself.
He turned and opened up the hallway closet giving me and Queen enough time to exchange looks. Once he closed the closet back up, he had a green bomber jacket in his hand. I knew it was his because it was big as fuck. Plus I wouldn't be able to fit any of his girl friend's clothes, but even if I could I wouldn't wear her shit anyway.
"Here Lanae. That shirt low key see through," Omari said while handing the jacket over to me.
I blushed, "Thank you."
"No problem. Let's go," he said as I was putting it on.
He walked past both of us and unlocked the door before opening it. He stepped aside letting me and Queen walk out the house first. As we continued making our way towards his car, he locked the door and unlocked the car doors with his keys. I got inside the passenger seat as Queen sat in the back once again.
"Lanae that nigga was lookin' at you like you was ah snack," Queen squealed as I watched Omari walk towards the car.
"For real," I asked curiously, "I only thought he was lookin' at me cause of these baggy ass clothes and the shirt being see through."
"Yeah Nae. You lookin' good in his shit and I know niggas love when girls wearin' their clothes."
I wanted to respond to what she said, but I kept my mouth shut because Omari was opening the door and hopping inside of the car.
"Which hotel y'all stayin' at," he asked while turning on his car.
"That Comfort Inn ah couple minutes away from your club," Queen informed him causing him to nod his head.
"Aight. I know exactly what y'all talkin' 'bout."
After he plugged his phone up to his aux cord and started playing I Like, by G Herbo, he switched the gear to drive and sped down the street.
I leaned my head back against the headrest as I put my seatbelt on. I heard Omari laugh beside me causing me to look his way.
"You still don't fuck wit' how I drive, huh?"
"No," I admitted, "you be speedin' like you racin' or something."
"Right," Queen agreed, "actin' like you in the movie Fast and Furious or some shit."
Omari started cracking up as he stopped at a red traffic light.
"Y'all just wildin'. Niggas be drivin' faster than me and here y'all asses complainin'."
I shrugged, "We just not use to it."
"Excuses," he smirked while skipping to another song by G Herbo.
"Ayeee," Queen yelled, "this my shit!"
"For real," I smiled while looking back at her.
"Fuck outta here! Y'all don't know shit 'bout G Herbo," he teased while starting to drive again once the light turned green.
Me and Queen waved him off and began to rap once the intro was over.
She want shopping sprees
Oh, she want to design jeans
Oh, she want a wedding ring
Oh, she bringing anything
She give me anything
She want control of me
Oh, she want a hold of me
Oh, she want my soul from me
She tryna fuck my mind but I don't have no time
"Y'all hyped y'all know the words," Omari said causing us both to laugh.
"Shut up," I playfully mugged him.
"Y'all just like Brittany's ass when she know some trap music," he uttered while shaking his head. My face fell blank as Queen stopped laughing.
What the fuck he bringin' this bitch up for, I asked myself.
"I ain't nothing like her ass. Nigga I'm Queen," she told him causing him to chuckle.
"I see."
The car fell into silent, no more conversation. Just Control steady playing.
I listened to the second verse to keep my mind from thinking too hard and making myself mad.
Say she ain't never going back to not havin' shit
She say she ain't gave a nigga her heart, who ain't damage it
She say she can't stand niggas, she say we so scandalous
She say she can't fall in love, her heart like a mannequin
This bitch just a sack chaser, she got me panicking
Might let a nigga air me out, money all she care about
She want a new car, she want a new bag
She don't fuck with last season, she want that new swag
She almost fooled me, I gave myself a news flash
Dex put her on Balmain, ain't even buy his ass a du-rag
When the paper dried up, that's when she moved back
These bitches ain't shit dog, I already knew that
She want jewelry, clothes, and bankrolls, and bank hoes
She just want control in your mind, in your soul
In your time, stop your grind, no more shine, no more hoes
That's a double wrong, what you focused on?
"Aight Queen," Omari said while pulling up in front of the hotel, "let yo' moms know you was wit' me and Lanae will be home in about two to three hours."
"Two to three hours," Queen groaned, "she finna be talkin' my damn ears off. Y'all both owe me."
As she stepped out the car I rolled my window down, "Make sure you text me when you get inside of the room."
"Okay. Have fun," she smirked before walking into the hotel.
Everything became silent after as I waited for her to text me. My mood was shitty right now and I didn't even feel like going with Omari anymore.
After a minute or two my phone dinged. I looked down at the screen and read Queen's text, letting me know she was inside the room.
"She made it into the room," I informed Omari while typing back a response.
"Aight." He drove onto the busy street before speaking again, "Where you tryna eat at?"
I shrugged, "Doesn't matter."
He smacked his lips, "IHOP or Waffle House?"
I exited out of my messages and got on Instagram. After a few seconds I answered his question, "IHOP."
He nodded his head before quickly turning up his music causing me to roll my eyes.
"Your waitress will be right with you," the IHOP host said as me and Omari sat at a table in the back of the restaurant.
"Thanks," me and Omari said in unison.
I grabbed one of the menus and scanned through it. Since this is my very first time ever coming to IHOP I didn't know what to choose. I heard their pancakes were bomb and they always looked good on their commercials.
In the next few minutes I decided to order the New York Cheesecake pancakes along with eggs and some orange juice. I set the menu on the table and noticed Omari staring at me.
"Yeah," I questioned dryly.
I saw his nose flare a little before he briefly closed his eyes and stare at me once again.
I glared at him wondering when he was going to stop looking stupid. I'll admit I'm just highly annoyed with him right now that's why I'm acting funny.
"What the fuck is yo' problem," he spat.
"Me," he dryly laughed, "oh yeah you must be tweakin' cause I'm the one who should be havin' the fuckin' attitude. Plus I ain't even do shit."
"You did something, but it's coo'."
"If you got something to say, say it. I ain't finna press you about it."
"And I didn't ask you to, the fuck."
Suddenly he grabbed my chin firmly, but not too hard and looked me dead in my eye. I watched as his nose flared up even more and a mug grew on his face. I can tell I was pushing his buttons, but shit he has been pushing mine as well.
"Imma really need you to chill the fuck out and watch who you talkin' to cause I ain't the fuckin' one Lanae. I don't know who you been fuckin' wit', but I ain't no bitch so don't talk to me like I'm one. Dead ass," he said in a dangerously calm tone causing me to grow nervous, but I pushed that feeling away and smacked his hand off my chin.
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