《Cupid's Arrow ✔》Epilogue


"Chase?!" I yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" Chase asked, worried.

"I want chocolate milkshake," I said, rubbing my stomach. I'm craving chocolate too much these days.

"Baby, it's 12 at night. All the cafe will be closed." He explained.

"No! I want a chocolate milkshake." I stubbornly crossed my arms over my large bump.

"Where will I find it?"

"That's your problem. Now go!" I shooed him with my hands and took spoon of my vanilla ice cream. Chase loves vanilla and living with him, I started liking vanilla too.

"Okay," he said, finding his keys in his pajama. "Be safe, okay? Call me if you don't feel well."

"Yeah, okay. Now go!" I said. He sighed, but went away.

It's really hilarious to see Chase all worked up. After he came to know about my pregnancy, he was so worried, I laughed my butt of. He wouldn't let me do a single thing. And from the time my stomach starting getting big, he wouldn't let me get out of our bed. Threats, that's how I used to get my ways with him.

After we graduated high school, Chase and I went to the same college. We found out that my dream college was the same college as Chase's college. We were happy to be together.

In college, you are bond to meet new people. Because of our different career, it became quite difficult for us to meet. Misunderstanding grew. First, I thought that we won't be able to come over our misunderstandings. But one day, Chase suddenly barges in my dorm room, saying he wants to talk.

My mind went blank. This is it, I thought. He would say he wants to breakup with me because he loves someone else. I was ready for it, even though thinking about it hurt so much. Because no matter what, I love him.

But he surprised me by demanding why can't we spend time together and that he misses me. I was relieved after hearing that. We made up that day. And since that day onwards, we would go out for lunch and he would ask me on dates. We would spend our time together in his dorm or mine. We eventually got back together.


All relationships have problem. I had too, but what's important is that you solve it. Now after so many years, just thinking about it makes me happy.

I'm going to become a mother and Chase, a father.

Currently, I've been craving a lot of chocolate, so this time I decided to send Chase for a chocolate milkshake.

Yum! My chocolate milkshake is on its way.

After half an hour Chase came back home. "Chloe, I'm back."

"In the living room," I shouted.

He hurried towards me. "Why did you leave the kitchen? I told you not to go anywhere without me? Oh God Chloe, why can't you listen for once." He said, a bit angry.

My eyes watered. I sniffed. Chase froze from next to me. "I'm sorry...."

"Chloe, baby. Don't cry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. You can shout back if you want okay? But don't cry. I love you." He said kissing my forehead. I sniffed, nodding my head.

Guilt card always works. In pregnancy, it works more than enough. I giggled inside at my acting skills.

Putting on a puppy dog face I asked, "Did you get my milkshake?"

"Of course, I did." He said, proudly. Handing me the milkshake, he kissed my forehead again. "Next time. Try to make your acting a little better around me. I know you well, Chloe Mason." I giggled at being caught. I'm glad he wasn't angry for that.

"Sorry," I giggled again.

"It's fine." He hugged me.

"My milkshake!" I tugged my milkshake, so that it doesn't fall.

"Sorry," he mumbled, smirking. I huffed, taking a sip.

"Come on. After you finish, we are going to bed." He said. I shook my head. "I'm not asking you. We are going." His tone was final.

After completing my milkshake, we went to bed. It was difficult for me walk upstairs, because my due date was near and my stomach was big.

"I look ugly."

Chase turned his head towards me, confused. "What?"

"I look ugly," I repeated.


"Why do you think that?" He asked.

"Because I'm fat. I'm eating too much," I muttered from self pity.

"Who said you're fat?" He asked, shrugging. I gave him 'Are you kidding me?' look. "It's our baby. You have to be healthy and for that you have to eat. No, you're not fat. You are beautiful. And even if you were fat without the baby, you would still be the most beautiful woman."


"Really." He smiled.

I grinned back at him. "I'm tired." I sighed.

"Come on. Your bed awaits." We entered our room. I changed and got in the bed with Chase.


2:15 am

Suddenly, there was pain. A lot of pain. Then I felt water. Water?

Realization dawned on me, my water broke!

Then there was a sudden pain, again.

"Chase!" I yelled. He frantically got up, looking around.

"What? What's wrong?" Chase asked, looking alert.

"My water broke!" I screamed from the pain.

He looked like dear caught in head light. If it weren't the pain, I would have laughed.

"What do I do?" He asked to himself.

I stared at him for a minute. Is he for real?

"Take me to the hospital!" I shouted.

"Oh yeah." He got up and carried me to the car. He called Dad and Liam on the way. Also Ryan because he didn't know what to do.

After we reached the hospital, I was taken to a room. Apparently, my time for giving birth was now.

"Chase?" I called, tiredly.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" He asked in concern.

"Are you going to be in here with me?" I asked, softly.

"Do you want me to?" He asked. I nodded. "Then, I will be."

I smiled back as the doctor came in. "Are you ready?" She asked.

I took a deep breath and nodded. Then the time began. Pushing, screaming, pain. I squeezed Chase's hand so tightly that I think it might bruise later. It didn't look like he minded. After a long hour, finally I heard crying. I was tired.

"You did it." Chase said. I smiled at him, tiredly.

"It's a boy." The doctor said, handing the baby to me. I gently took the cute looking baby, my baby in my arms. I softly placed my lips on his forehead.

"He's so beautiful." I said, smiling softly.


"Take him." I said to Chase.

"I don't want to hurt him." He said, blushing.

"You won't. He's your son." He nodded and gently took him from me. "What are we going to name him?"

I thought for a moment. "What about Daniel Blake Mason?"

"Daniel?" He thought. Nodding his head in approval. "Yeah, I like that." He looked back at his son with so much love that a single tear ran down my cheeks.

"I love you, Chase."

He looked at me. "I love you too, Chloe."

"We love you both." Someone yelled from the door. Ryan stood there, grinning like a madman. Beside him were Liam, Mom, Dad, Laura, Ashley, Jason, Alec and Leah. Basically everyone. Laura shook her head, smacking Ryan on his head.

"Hey!" He shouted.

"Ignore him." Ashley said, coming next to me while the rest went to Chase to see our baby boy. "You okay there?"

"I'm happy." I smiled looking at the weird faces Alec was making.

"Yeah. I can see that." She replied. Her attention too was diverted towards our baby. Chase handed Daniel to Liam and came to me. "I'll be there," Ashley said, walking towards Liam and standing close to Jason.

"You okay?" He leaned, kissing my softly.

"Yeah." His kisses still make me, breathless. He chuckled, pecking my lips again.

"Go to sleep for a while," he said.

"You'll be here?" I asked.


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