《Cupid's Arrow ✔》Chapter 19


That was the last word I said to him, before I left. After the fiasco, I went to my locker as the bell for lunch had already rang.

He had it coming. I mean, has he ever heard of the word privacy? If I don't want him to find a certain things about me, I don't. You can't force it out of me by doing things that would make me uncomfortable.

"What an outstanding show that was." A voice said from behind me.

"What I can I say, I'm just the best," I said proudly, without even look back or processing who said that. But once I registered the voice in head, I let out small shriek. I swiftly turning around to look at the source of voice and noticed few people glancing my way. I smiled apologetically at them and muttered a few words under my breath. Once I was done beating myself up, I looked up to see Laura raising an eyebrow at me.

"What?" I feigned innocent. She held up her phone and showed me the video.

Once I saw what the video was about, my eyes popped out of my socket and my mouth hung on the floor. I quickly looked up to see Laura standing with an amused look on her face.

"Care to share what's this?"

"How about a no?" I suggested, nervously.

"Do I look like I'm giving you a choice?" She asked, getting impatient.

"Shouldn't you?" I said hopefully, trying to throw her off my back.

"Cut it, Chloe or I'll show this video to everyone in our group." She threatened, taking a step back.

"You wouldn't," I dared her.

"Try me."

"Laura, don't you dare," I threatened, taking a step towards her. She smirked at me, shaking her head. Before I could process, she turned on her heels and ran. Oh no! She can't.

I followed behind, trying to catch up to her, but she just disappeared around the corner. Oh, no! This can't be happening to me! I tried to find her, but it seems like she disappeared into thin air. I sighed in defeat and dragged myself to the class.

After the school ended, I made my way towards my car in the parking lot, only to see our whole group standing there along with Chase looking at something. Wait not something, but a phone that had...that had my video. Oh, you've got to be kidding me!

After the video ended, they all looked up. Laura caught my eyes and smirked at me. Seeing Laura, Leah's eyes followed her gaze as they fell on me. She squeals loudly and run towards me. Ashley, Ryan, Jason and Laura smirked at me and crossed their hands over their chest. Alec looked at me in disbelief and Chase had a smug look on his face.

Leah was quick to pull me in a hug and screamed in my ears. I tried not to flinch back, but it was kind of difficult.

"Why didn't to tell me you like Chase? Girl, you shouldn't hide such things from us," she squeaked again as she jumped up and down.

"I don't like him," I hissed at her.

"Sure you don't," she said, grinning. She dragged me towards the others while I glared at Laura. She shrugged back innocently.

"We got other couple forming here," Ryan said, smirking at me.

I scoff, "No, we don't."

"Sure whatever you say, sweetheart." This time it was Ashley. I glared at her too. Traitor.


"Karma is definitely a bitch," Chase teased. I looked at him and narrowed my eyes.

"You didn't tell him what happened after that, did you?" I questioned. I have a gut feeling that he didn't tell them about the kiss he was about to have.

"No. It's not important," he shrugged.

"Yeah. It's not. What's important is that why the hell didn't you tell me you liked Chase?" Leah asked, looking at me with hurt in her eyes. Drama queen.

"Because I don't," I snapped. They all gave me a look of disbelief. "He already likes someone else."

They all turned their attention towards Chase while I avoided his gaze. I could feel his eyes burning holes through my head. Probably thinking I'll tell them about Emma. When I looked at him, he didn't look angry, but it looked like he was trying to figure something out.

"Who is it, man?" Jason asked.

"Yeah. You never told us about her?" Ryan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You can't hide her from us forever." Alec stated.

"Tell us?" Leah and Ashley said, impatiently.

"Yeah. Come on tell us," Laura encouraged. Everyone tried forcing him to spill the beans.

"Well, I'd love to continue this, but I have work in library so I'll meet you guys tomorrow," I said, not wanting to stay and listen to him gush about it. They nodded, still not taking their eyes of Chase who doesn't seem to take his eyes off me. I forced a smile and left.

I didn't actually have to go to the library; I just said it to avoid them. Now, I'm walking around the hall aimlessly. While I was walking, I glance at the field and saw a soccer ball. A smile crept its way on my face as I began walking towards the field.

In two days our school will have a soccer match with our rival– Scotchland High School. Weird name right? That must be the reason for the spare ball to be lying on the ground. They must have forgotten to keep it away while packing other equipments.

When I reached the play ground, I took the ball in my hand and examined it, before I started playing. I threw the ball up and when it came back down, I kicked so it went flying towards the goal. Again, I went and took the ball and started running with the ball at my feet. Liam used to play around and he taught me few tricks too.

I don't know how long I played, but by now I was tired as I sat on the grass with the ball under my knee and took a deep breath. I lean back and lay on the ground to look up at the sky. I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't notice a person lying beside me until he cleared his throat.

"I never knew you could play." He said, sounding surprise.

"I do," I replied without looking at him. I felt his stare on me so I turned and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He chuckles and shook his head.

"When you left me there with a bunch of stupid, crazy hormonal teenagers," he said and I snorted at his comment, "they wouldn't stop asking me questions except for Ashley of course, for some reason I don't know. So I said, yeah I like Megan," I raised an eyebrow at him in disbelief. "I got the same reaction. Don't blame me. She just passed by us and I just blurted her name. But Ryan caught it and said I was bluffing which I actually was so that's not the problem. I, somehow managed to get out of there and followed you and saw you play."


"Does your mouth not hurt when you speak so much at once? Cause I feel my ears are going to bleed," I said, changing the subject as I pulled a face at him, showing that I wasn't interested, but truth to be told, it was kind of amusing.

"Yeah sure. Whatever you say," he remarked sarcastically. I smiled and looked at him. "Tell me, whom do I have a crush on?"

My smile flattered a bit, but I manage to force it again. "Emma."

He abruptly sat up and looked at me as if I had grown two heads. "What!?"

"You like Emma," I told him more clearly.

"Who said that? Emma?" He asked in disbelief.

"There was no need for her to tell me that. It was clear back in New York," I said without looking him.

"Are you jealous?" He teased. Heck, I am.


"No?" He asked back.

"No." I said more firmly this time.

"Really? Because I can clearly see that you're lying. Any blind person can," he said and I scoffed at him.

"You wish."

"Sure, I do." He smirked at him.

"Whatever, Mason." I dismissed him.

"You don't know how to handle jealousy, do you?" He asked, clearly enjoying my annoyance. I didn't answer him. "Why don't you talk to her and ask for yourself."

I looked at him and realized he doesn't know where Emma is. "I wish I could," I whispered, not wanting him to hear. But he did listen.

"You can, can't you?" He asked slowly and looked intently at me. He was staring at me so intensely that I was afraid he might be looking directly at my soul. I looked away from him and shook my head to clear my thoughts and got up. He got up as well, not saying anything. There was an awkward silence.

"You play soccer, right?" I broke the silence by asking him.

He nodded, "Yes, me and the guys are in the team."

"So you guys have a match on Friday, and today is Wednesday. Why don't you have practice today?" I asked him, confused.

"Because we have been practicing way too much so coach gave us free today. There will be practice tomorrow though." I nodded. An idea propped in my head.

"So why don't we play a game. I've played before, you know to play. What do you say?" I asked him, grinning.

He grinned back and took the ball from my hand, "Get ready to lose, Wilson."

"You wish, Mason."

With that I began running behind him as he ran with the ball at his foot. We continued playing for God knows how long, but it was time to go. We made our way towards our car.

"I'll see you later," Chase said, waving at me.


All the problems, all the secrets, all the truth, all the pranks, everything was forgotten for now. Because I'm 100% sure that Chase is not going to leave me alone without knowing just yet. But I wish it takes him longer to question me. I wanted to enjoy as much as I can before he knows the truth. I can just wish for the best.


Next day was boring. It was like a typical teenage school life. Come to school, attend class, go for lunch, meet your friends, back to class and bye-bye, go home. Typically boring.

Today was Friday meaning the day of match. We had our match against the rival school. I don't like to attend the school soccer match, but this time Chase was on the team along with the boys.

That's the reason I am currently sitting in between Ashley, who's shouting for Jason like a madwoman and to my other side was Leah, who was scowling at Alec. As for Laura, let's just say she won't leave her phone for a second. Reason, because she was playing a stupid game and she wants to break a high score. Not any high score, but her own freaking one.

And me, I'm sulking ready to run out of here if I was given any chance. I like to play soccer, but it's boring to watch.

"He looks so cute in that jersey," Ashley giggled.

"So cute that a puppy might just run away from embarrassment," I mumble sarcastically. She only scoffed at me.

"You're just jealous. Even though you have no apparent reason," Leah said, still glaring at Alec who is now flirting with some cheerleader.

"Why would I be jealous? I don't like Jason. There isn't a reason for me to be jealous."

"Chase." Came the reply from Laura whose nose is still stuck in her phone.

"Yeah sure, whatever."

Our rival team came on field and I was shock to see one of the players with number 13 written behind.

Never in a million years would I have thought that he would be a player of our rival team.

I was staring at him, don't know for how long, but he must have felt my stare because he looked up and scanned the stands until his eyes reached mine. He smirked and winked at me. I stared at him, dumbfounded. You won't believe who it is?


Yes! Emmett was the boy in number 13 who just winked at me. He is in our rival team. Well, damn.

I looked at our team and found Chase glaring at Emmett. He looked back at me with an angry face. This is so not going to end well. He looked back at Emmett and Emmett looked at Chase. They stared at each other. Well, Chase glaring at him while Emmett was smirking at him.

Shit just got real.


The game had begun and since then, I've been sitting on edge of my seat waiting for something bad to happen. But luckily, nothing happened. Both the boys behaved. I had called Ryan and told him to make sure Chase stayed away from Emmett. Ryan did as much as he could and everything ended well.

For starters, our school won.

We made our way towards the boys who were waiting near their car. After the game, we were suppose to go to a party for which we had to get ready. The boys offered to ride us home.

I was going with Chase as we were neighbours and the rest went in pairs. Jason and Ashley, Ryan and Laura and Leah and Alec. It was hard to convince us, except for Ashley, but then we said yes. No point in arguing.

The boys said they would take showers at home and we didn't object. Chase was going to take me to the party. Shockers, I was going, but they blackmailed me, so I didn't have a choice.

As I was walking towards Chase's car, I heard a voice call from behind me. I turn around to see Emmett coming my way.

"Hey," he smiled.

"Hey. Good game, huh?" I teased.

"Yeah, but we lost," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You were meant to lose," Chase grumbled behind me. I shot him glare.

"Ignore him," I forced smile.

"Don't worry. I don't mind." He shrugged.

"I never knew you were in our rival team?"

"I didn't either. We never talked much. I don't know anything about you. But I have an idea. How about you go on a date with me?" He asked. Date? Really?

"No, she won't," Chase snapped at him and stood behind me. I froze for a minute, but then relaxed.

"Let her answer," Emmett smirked at Chase.

"I don't know," I said quietly.

"It's fine. If you change your mind, you know where to find me." He winked at me.

I chuckled and nodded my head. "Sure. Will do." He grinned at me.

"Let's go?" I asked Chase and he nodded stiffly.

I was about to go to the other side when Emmett grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him and leaned forward and whispered in my ears, "I like to make him jealous. And you say he doesn't get jealous. Babe, he's head over heels for you. Don't lose him."

Turning back, he made his way inside, not before giving me a knowing smile. I stood there, dumbfounded. I blinked. Twice. Did that just happened?

"What the hell?" A voice boomed from behind. I snapped out and looked at Chase who was about to burst from anger.


"What do mean what?" Chase grumbled.

I sighed, "Relax. It was nothing."

"Yeah sure. Whatever you say," he said, sarcastically and went inside the car.

"Chase?" I called as I followed in.

"What?" He sounded irritated.

"You won today. Please be happy." I whined. I don't want to ruin his mood at his first win here.

He looked at me and I gave him my best puppy dog face. Eyes wide and lips pouting. He narrowed his eyes and tried not to give in but, "Fine."

I did a happy dance while he chuckled. We reached home and I dashed out of the car to get ready.

"I'll meet you in half an hour. I have to get ready," I yelled at him as I reached my front porch. Without a reply, I opened the door and shut it close behind me.

"Mom? Mom? I need your help in getting ready for a party." I yelled in the house and ran to my room.

"Did I just here Chloe going to a party?" I heard my dad's voice.

"Yup." I shouted back.

"No way. What if something happened? I'm not letting my baby girl to a party." Dad said and shook his head. He crossed his arms over his chest and stood there firmly.

"Mom?" I whined.

"John, she will go. I'm not letting you say no." I heard my mom's stern voice as she came and stood in front of my dad, next to me.

"But baby," my dad whined, all seriousness vanishing away. He's so whipped.

"John? Do you want to sleep on couch today?" Mom asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No," dad immediately replied. So whipped.

"Then shoo. Let my baby get ready," she said and entered my room. I pocked my tongue out at him and he did the same. Really mature my family is.

Half an hour and I was ready. I was wearing a black shinny dress with sleeves that reached just below my elbow. The dress was short, but not too short to classify as slutty dress. It reached the middle of my thigh. It hugged me in right places and showed my curves pretty fine. I wore black heels with it and took my matching clutch. I straightened my hair and applied a little bit of makeup. All in all, I think I looked pretty.

I made my way down when I heard voices coming from downstairs.

"Girls take a lot of time to get ready," dad said.

"Yeah. I don't understand why thou–" The voice was cut off when mom cleared her throat. I felt eyes on me and I blushed furious red. "Holy shit."

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