《Cupid's Arrow ✔》Chapter 18
Shock would be an understatement to what I was feeling at the moment.
Chase was standing behind me, holding me tightly against him as he stared at me. Just as the words left his mouth, my eyes widen, the hair at the back of my neck stood up. This wasn't the first time that we were close, but this was the first he saw me this way. He zipped me, for God sake. His grip on waist tightened as we looked at each other through the mirror.
He leaned towards my ears, not taking his eyes off me from the mirror. "Why did you snapped at me earlier?" He whispered in my ears, his lips slightly brushing it.
I swallowed. If it were any other situation, I would have easily answered him, but right now he was close, way too close to me, jumbling my mind.
I didn't answer him just stared at his blue-grey eyes with my wide eyes. I was breathing heavily and my stomach was behaving weirdly. Whenever he's near me, my stomach won't cooperation with me.
Suddenly, he turned me in his arms and pushed me back, so my back hit the mirror wall as he came close to me and trapped me between the wall and him. His hands on either side of my face. His body was pressing me more into the mirror. If my heart was beating fast before, now it just went crazy.
I looked at him. My eyes going even wide then it was before. This is scary. He leaned closer towards me almost touching my nose with his. I swallowed audibly. He smirked, leaning closer. There was only a tiny-miny gab between our lips now.
"Tell me. Why were you angry?" He asked, huskily. His voice lacing with curiosity, anger, irritation, frustrated, yet calm. This is even more scary.
"I-I..um.." Damn, this is not the time to stutter. I'm in a changing room with him. He had me pressed against the wall and he was so close that my brain won't work. It stopped working the minute, I felt him touching me. I broke the eye contact and looked anywhere but at him.
"Tell me." Chase asked, firmly. I was about to speak again– no stutter again when I heard a knock on the door.
"Hello, Chloe. What on the earth is taking so long. Didn't you want my help or something?" Ashley asked from the other side of the door. I sighed in relief. Did I mention I love my best friend?
I looked at Chase who was staring at me now with an unreadable expression. He clenched his jaws in annoyance, probably irritated from being disturb. But I can't tell you how happy I was. I just wanted to avoid this conversation.
"We're not done yet. I'm going to find every truth you're hiding from me. And trust me when I say, you're the only one who is going to tell me. Sooner or later," Chase said through his clenched teeth.
Before I could say anything, he stepped back and turned around towards the door. He unlocked it and opened, and was out within a second. Ashley stood there, watching Chase stomp angrily towards the entrance of the shop. She was still looking confused at Chase as he disappear from the sight.
I looked at ground and clenched my fist to my side. What does he think of himself? I'm not going to tell him my secret. He can't just barge in and demand answers. He doesn't know anything. He can't know anything.
"Chloe?" Ashley called, cautiously. "What happened? Why was he in the changing room with you? Why did he stomp out of the shop?" She kept on asking questions, back to back.
"I'm going to change. I don't like this dress," I said and closed the door behind me. I changed from the dress and wore my clothes. I opened the door and went out to see Ashley still standing there, blinking. The others came too.
"I saw Chase stomping out of the shop," Ryan began, hesitantly. "Did..Did something happen?" Even though he asked the question to everyone standing there, his eyes were focused on me.
No one said anything. They were looking at me. I could feel their eyes on me, but I stared at the entrance of the door.
Without a word, I turned towards the entrance and walked out. I could hear Ashley call me from behind, but I ignored her. I came to the mall with Ashley so I didn't have my car. So I guess I'll have to walk home then. It would help me clear my mind.
I walked home. Let me tell you, walking really helps clearing one's mind. As soon as I reached home, I went to my room; closed my windows and curtains. It's bad to have your neighbour next door whom you're fighting with. Even worst when his window is just across yours.
I jumped on my bed and removed my phone from my pocket. I could just call one person, whom I can rely on without any problems.
"Hey," I said, quietly. There was silence.
"Are you okay?" Liam asked.
I sighed. "Don't know."
"Who do I have to kill?" He said in protective voice.
I chuckled. "No one," I continued. "Yet," I finished.
"I have a gun, knives, ropes, belt and most importantly my fist," he said rather proudly. My brother is no gangster. Just a protective brother.
I smiled. "Ropes? Belt? Why may I ask?"
"Rope, to tie him. Belt, to hit him with," he explained. Oh?
"You don't have to. It's not even about a boy." There was silence from the other side. To anyone, it would seem like he hung up, but I know better. Still silence. I sighed, "Fine. It's about a boy."
"I want his name, address, description. I'll plan a murder," Liam said and went into planning it.
"I don't want my brother in jail just yet," I chuckled and shook my head.
"Don't worry. I'll make sure I won't get in trouble."
"Liam, when are you coming? I miss you," I whispered softly into the phone.
"Don't cry, Inno. I'll be there next week. I promise you. I already booked my ticket. I'm coming as soon as I can," he said. Next week? I smiled at that thought. Finally!
"Good. I'm waiting. I don't like to wait. You have to buy me ice cream and lots of chocolate when you get here. I'm not leaving you just yet, got it?" I had a grin on my face.
"Oh? So you're trying to bankrupt me?" Liam asked. I could imagine him tapping his finger on his cheek. I laughed at that.
"You aren't getting rid of me," I laughed. "Okay, but seriously, I'm expecting all that. I'm going downstairs for food. I'll inform Mom and Dad about you coming. We'll talk tomorrow, cool?" I asked.
"Yup. Cool by me. Love you, sis," Liam said and I could hear smile in his voice.
"I love you too." I smiled.
We said our goodbyes and hung up. I went downstairs and informed Mom and Dad about Liam coming. Later after dinner, I went to my room and prepared for a goodnight sleep. I changed in my nightwear and jumped on the bed.
Today was a lot to take in. But the best thing was the prank. Even thought, I was thinking about the prank, my mind subconsciously drifted to Chase and how safe and secure I felt when he was close to me.
My last thought before I fell asleep was Chase. I don't want us to fight. I want to make everything alright tomorrow. I'm thinking of another prank tomorrow, let's see.
The next day came pretty early. I wished to sleep more, but since I had school, I had to wake up. I thought about what happened with Chase and decided to take my revenge on him for barging in the changing room. I haven't thought about any pranks for him yet, but I wasn't going to leave him alone.
I talked to Ashley about Chase. She just forced it out of me. I, even had to tell her that I like Chase because she asked why it affected, even though it seems like she knew the reason already. She squeals and starts jumping. She kept on repeating 'I knew it, I knew it' over and over again. Crazy girl.
"Hey, Chloe?" A voice called from behind me. I shut my locker and turned around to find Aoron smiling at me.
"Hey, Aoron. How are you? Haven't talked to you in ages!" I exclaimed.
"We met each other, like yesterday, in math." He said and rolled his eyes. Does he think I'm dumb?
"I know that, Aoron. But you just say 'hi' or 'bye' you didn't stop to talk to me." I explained.
"Oh yeah about that. Look, I'm really sorry. It's just that, you know I'm gay, right?" He asked and I nodded in response. "There is this guy who I like and he likes me back. I know he does, but he isn't confessing. To top that we are in the same group circle. He isn't ready to come out yet. Due to which, we are continuously fighting. I don't know what to do. How to make him realize that he likes me and should confess," he said, throwing his hands in the air, frustrated.
"Why don't you talk to him about it?" I advised.
"I already did, but he won't say it back or talk about it. Heck, he isn't even talking to me. What should I do?" He seems sad. Well, if the person likes you, why can't they just confess and then live happily ever after. Why make stuffs complicated.
I tapped my finger on my cheek, a habit from Liam. Aoron is a great friend. If I can help, I should, but how?
Wait...wait a minute. I have a perfect plan. It will not only help Aoron, but also me as I get my revenge. I looked at him with a biggest grin on my face. He narrowed his eyebrow at me.
"Chloe?" He said, hesitantly. "Why don't I feel good about that grin?"
"I have a perfect plan for you," I said and beamed at him. He raised both of his eyebrows in question.
"That would be?"
I explained him what I'm planning on doing that will help both of us. After telling him what to do, his entire face lit up like the Christmas lights.
"Do you think it'll work?" He asked, unsure.
"Definitely!" I grinned at me. He grinned back.
"So lunch?" He asked.
I nodded. "Lunch. Don't be late and do as I asked you to. I'll take care of everything else."
He nodded and hugged me. He left for his next class and I went to my class. Lunch is going to be awesome. I smirked to myself. Oh! It's just great.
Lunch came by early and I couldn't wait to see his face. I can imagine it being priceless. I saw Aoron walking out of the cafe with Chase behind him. Looking at Chase, it seems like he's a bit worried. I wanted to laugh that very moment.
The next thing I know, I'm looking for Aoron's guy. I found him with Aoron's friends sitting on the table away from us. I made my way towards them. I stood at a little distance from them, but not too far. I made sure that my voice could be heard.
I removed the phone from my pocket and put it near my ears, pretending to talk.
"Hey, Aoron," I said, faking through the phone. From the corner of my eyes I saw, Aidan's head snapped towards me. I smiled lightly to myself. This is going to work.
"Yeah. I was just wondering if you could help me with math..." I trailed. I felt Aidan visibly relax. Oh no, boy. It's not done yet.
"What? No! Why?" I pretended to frown. All I wanted to do was laugh.
"You're with Chase?" I asked, trying to look shock. I felt Aidan go all rigid. He froze. I could feel his eyes burning holes at my side. "You think you like Chase and he likes you back? But I like Chase. I like him a lot. Why would he do such a thing? Leading me on and going behind my back with you."
Okay now it's really hard to control my laugh. Again, I managed anyway. I faked sighed through my phone, "Okay. If that's what you think is good. No problem, Aoron. I'm happy to see you two together," I said. I wiped my fake tears and acted like I hung up.
I slumped my shoulder in defeat. I think I should be an actress, what do you think?
Just as I was about to leave, I heard a voice. I smirked to myself. My plan just worked fine. This is so much fun.
"Wait!" Aidan said. I turned around and acted like I'm sad. "I'm Aidan." He introduced himself.
"Hello, Aidan. Not to be rude or anything, but do I know you?" I asked, feigning sadness.
"Probably not. But I think you know Aoron. I'm one of his friends." He said. I nodded and smiled at him. Oh god! I'm dying out of laughter. "I heard you talking to Aoron and he's with this guy. And you like the guy?"
I nodded and looked down, sad. My plan is working! My plan is working!
"I can help you if you want." I shook my head.
"No. I think Aoron likes Chase and I don't want to separate them," I said and shook my head, again.
"Trust me when I say Aoron doesn't like him," he said. Of course I know that, buddy. I only made the plan to make you jealous.
"Really?" my eyes lit up, not really. He nodded and grinned at me.
"Do you know where they are?"
"Yeah, when I talked to Aoron, he said they are in one of the classroom." I answered.
"Okay then. Let's go."
We made our way towards the classroom where I instructed Aoron to take Chase. When we reached the classroom, I saw Aoron standing close to Chase, who looked like he'll just pee his pants. Chase's face was priceless, just as I thought. He looked really uncomfortable. He was sweating, really bad. His eyes wide and he looked at Aoron, scared.
Aoron took a step closer towards Chase and he took a step back, until his back hit the wall. I, so wanted to laugh. I bit my lips from bursting into laughter. I saw Aidan hands turn into fist.
I looked back at them and it looked like Aoron was going to kiss Chase. Chase's his widen even more. But before their lips could touch, Aidan burst through the door, me hot on his heels. He pushed Aoron back and stood in front of Chase.
"You, stay away from him. He's mine. Do you understand?" Aidan spat out angrily. Chase nodded his head continuously, still wide eyes. Aidan turned around and kissed Aoron on his lips. I could see Aoron smile through the kiss.
They broke apart. "You're mine." Aidan said to Aoron. He nodded. "Let's go."
"I'll come in a minute. You go wait outside. Don't worry, I just want to talk to Chloe," Aoron said. Aidan nodded hesitantly, but left. Chase hadn't moved an inch and was still looking at the scene in front of him.
"Thank you so much, Chloe. If you wouldn't have helped me, he would have never kissed me. Thank you so much. Your plan always works, I have to admit it," he confessed. I smiled proudly at him with my head held high. He then turned to Chase. "Thanks, by the way. It was nice acting with you." He then left.
Chase looked shocked after what he heard. He was still standing there. I cleared my throat to get his attention. It made him snap his eyes back at me. He looked at me for a minute and then his face changed. It seems he realized what happened here.
He looked at me, accusingly. "You," he pointed his finger at me. "You did this, didn't you? You made him talk to me? He was about to kiss me. You told him to talk to me and act all gay stuffs with me. You did, didn't you?" He said angrily.
"Did I?" I asked him, innocently. I batted my eyes and looked at him with a puppy dog face. He narrowed his eyes at me.
I walked up to him and smirked," I just pranked you, Chase. You fell for my prank. You should never come in a changing room without permission." He narrowed his eyes even more. He looked angry. Very angry. If looks could kill, I would've been dead by now. I smirked at him even more and turned to walk out of the room. Just as I reached the door, I turned and winked at him and said,
"Karma is a bitch."
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