《Cupid's Arrow ✔》Chapter 16
"Evan," I whispered. I haven't seen him in a very long time. I quickly wiped the tear that had fallen before Chase could see it.
"How are you? Haven't seen you in a while?" He asked, shoving his hands in his pocket. He was younger than me by two years.
"Yeah. I stopped coming here after, well you know," I muttered, not being able to look at him. I glanced at Chase who was looking at us in confusion. "Um.. Chase, this is Evan. Evan, this is my friend Chase," I introduce them.
Chase and Evan shook hands and smiled at each other. It was silent for a while, before I decided to break it.
"Evan, were you..were you able to move–" I looked at him with tears in my eyes. I blinked back a few times.
"No," he whispered to himself, but enough for me to hear. "I couldn't do it." His voice broke at the end of the sentence.
Evan was Emma's age. They were best friends until they realized their feeling for each other. Evan asked her out one day and took her out on a date. You should have seen her that day, she was so happy when she came home, all giggling and blushing. She was so happy.
Evan was blonde hair boy with blue eyes. A typical golden boy. He was sweet, a gentleman. He had a straight nose and high cheek bone. He was a bit built, but after Emma, he started losing weight, but still good looking. He wasn't from our school, but what I've heard from Emma, it looks like he was quite popular. After the incident, Evan became distant. I always felt that it was my fault. I could have done something.
"I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I'm the reas–" I was cut off by Evan, who was shaking his head.
"No, it's not. You would have done the same thing." He argued. I sighed; of course he would think that.
I took a step closer to him and tightly hugged him. My arms went around his neck. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back.
"You know she loved you right? She always does and always will," I whispered in his ears. He only tightened his grip.
We broke apart a few minutes later. I gave him a sad smile while he nodded his head.
"I know," he replied and turned around. He walked out of the park, leaving me with Chase.
I turned to look at Chase who had an unreadable expression. "Sorry about that," I muttered and scratched my neck.
"It's fine. Want to talk about it?" He asked.
"I rather not." I sighed and shook my head. I looked at him with pleading eyes, because I knew he wanted to know what's going on.
He hesitated, but gave in. "Fine. Let's go back home. I have to get you ready for the exam. Wouldn't want the nerd to fail, would we?" he said, trying to lighten the mood. I grinned at his attempt.
"Yeah, let's go." Leave it to him to make anyone happy.
We headed back home. I told him I'll meet him at his place and went to bring my books. He told me to jump from my window, but I declined. I'm too young to die, even though, there isn't much of a distance between them.
I grabbed my books and went to his house. He taught me the laws and all that scary stuffs, while I tried to listen and understand them. I have to tell you, he indeed is smart in physics.
"Oh my God! That was easy. Never would I have ever thought that these words will come out of my mouth," I said and grinned at Chase, who grinned back at me.
Currently, we all–that includes me, Chase, Ashley, Laura and Ryan– were making our way towards our locker. Laura and Ashley had lockers across mine, so the guys tagged along with us.
We just gave our physics test. I would say I'm happy, but that would be an understatement. I'm confident that my test went well as compared to my hatred towards the subject. Chase taught me enough to pass my test, and I think I'll definitely pass with B atleast. Well that's what I think.
"Wow! You really were prepared, weren't you?" Ashley asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah," I said, giddily. Without thinking, I turned towards Chase and tackled him in a bone crushing hug. I heard people gasp around me, but ignored them.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I repeated over and over again in his ears. I closed my eyes and hugged him. It was no big deal, but for me passing in physics or atleast getting B was a big deal.
He hugged me back to my surprise. I broke the hug and smiled at him. I could feel eyes on us. My cheeks warmed from the amount of people staring and gaping at us. Even my friends were looking at me as I just committed a crime in front of them.
I flushed like a tomato. I cleared my throat and looked away. From the corner of my eyes, I could feel Chase grinning to himself and Ashley smirking at me.
"Show over, guys. Get back to your life," Ashley yelled to the people around us who scattered after hearing her. I was startled at her sudden shouting. In fact, not only me but the rest were too, as they were looking at her if she's gone crazy.
She gave us a sweet smile and looked at her watch. "Ah! Time for lunch." She said and began walking towards the cafe. We followed her.
"Hey," Ashley chirped and strode her way towards Jason. She sat down on his lap and they both began eating each other's face? Gross!
I wrinkled my nose and looked away. I hate PDA. How are they so comfortable in kissing each other in front of the whole school. That's so gross!
"Ew! Not when I'm having lunch, guys. Spare me the horror," Ryan exclaimed and gagged at them.
"I feel your pain, Ryan," I said and patted his back.
"I know, right?" He huffed and threw his hands up. "Kids these days," he said, trying to mock an old lady. Key word trying. We can't always succeed. Oh well.
"Look who's talking." Laura snorted and began eating her lunch. Here comes the argument.
"Ryan Baldwin," he said, proudly.
"What?" Laura asked, looking at him as if he grew two head. I snorted.
"Ryan Baldwin is talking," he explained.
"Are you crazy? Do you even know what you're talking about?"
"I'm not crazy. And I know what I'm talking," Ryan replied hotly.
"List–" Laura was cut off by a loud shouting coming from outside the lunchroom.
"Stay the hell away from me, you piece of shit. People like you can never change." A voiced shouted loudly. The whole lunchroom went silent.
"Why do you even care?" Other voice boomed. All of us instantly sat straight. We know that voice all too well.
"I don't care about you." The first one yelled. We all quickly scrambled on our feet and dashed out of the cafe.
There stood, a few feet away from us, Leah and Alec having a game of stare down. Both look red, hot with anger. They were glaring at each other. By looking at them, it felt like if we don't separate them now, they'll kill each other.
What happened so suddenly?
We made our way towards them. "Woah, guys. Relax." Chase said and came in between them placing a hand on Alec's chest. I went next Leah to calm her down.
"Leah," I called. "What's wrong?" I asked her, softly. She was angry, very angry. And when she's angry all hell broke loose.
She let out a humorless laugh and looked at me. "Really, Chloe. Now I have to tell you what's wrong?" She shook her and gave me sarcastic smile. "Why the hell do you think I'll tell you anything, when you never tell us about anything? You're little secret with Ashley," she spat. I froze.
Did she really just say that? I know she's angry, but she would never hurt me like that. Would she? No.
It felt like a stab in my chest when she said that. Hurt flashed through my entire body as I took a step back. I looked at her wide eyes and swallowed the lump in my throat.
I can't tell you.
"What the hell is wrong with you, Leah?" Ashley shouted and was suddenly in front of her face, blaring with anger. Jason tries to hold her back, but it was no use. "How could you even say something like that?"
I don't know what to think. I won't be able to calm her down. Ashley can make a person's life living hell if she wants. She will screw your life without thinking twice. Even her own friend, like Leah in this case, if that friend says anything about me. It makes me happy. Someone other than my family, cares about me.
But now I couldn't concentrate on anything, because one thing kept repeating in my mind.
It's your fault. You could have saved her. It's your fault. You could have saved her.
I could have. I should have. My heart started beating fast. My hands started sweating. My vision started blurring. No, not again. I had zoned out of the fight by now.
I have to take my medicine. Or else.... Everyone will know about the panic attacks.
I blinked to clear my vision. Rubbing my sweaty palms on my jeans, I tried to take deep breath to calm my heart. I have to take Ashley and go to the nurse's room before anyone found out.
I stumbled towards Ashley and grabbed her hands. She stopped what she was saying and looked at me with wide eyes, instantly knowing the problem.
"Please, let's go," I said, pleading her to listen.
"Shit, Chloe. I'm sorry. Let's go." She took my hand and helped me walk to nurse's room.
We reached the room and Ashley quickly brought my medicines. Liam gave her some and explained her what to do, in case of situations like this. She found out about it somehow and bugged me to tell her. Eventually, she came to know and also was able to handle, if needed.
I quickly relaxed on the bed and closed my eyes. Can I tell them the truth? Will they hate me?
"You okay now, Chloe?" Ashley asked, softly. My heart melted instantly. God, I love her so much.
"I'm fine. Thank you so much, Ashley. It's-it's just... If it weren't you, I would.. I don't know...how," I stuttered.
"Hey, it's fine. Don't stress. You need to relax, okay? I'm here." She placed her hand on my forehead. She rubbed my arm in a relaxing way. I sighed. I'm lucky to have a best friend like her.
"Can you...can you just call Liam and inform him," I asked, looking at her. She nodded and left the room. I closed my eyes and relaxed.
After a few moments, Ashley came back. A grimace look on her face.
"Um.. He got angry. Like really, really angry, but I told him you're fine. He told you to call him as soon as possible. He got scared. It's twice this month." She explained and gave a sad smile.
I nodded and gave her a half-hearted smile. I knew he would panic, but I had to tell him. He was the only one to calm me down. I can't listen to anyone, but him. So I had to tell him, even if I didn't want to. He'll understand. I know he will.
"Mom. I'm home," I said as I came in. She doesn't work frequently, only sometimes. She told me she'll be home today. I won't be telling her about my almost panic attack or else she'll get a real one.
"In kitchen, honey." Her voice came from the kitchen.
"I'm going to my room to complete my homework. I'll meet you at dinner," I said and paddled my way up after hearing an 'okay' from her.
I didn't talk to anyone after I left the nurse's room. I avoided meeting everyone, especially Leah. I wasn't angry at her. Just hurt and disappointed.
I was just trying to make sure if everything was alright between Alec and her, but she snapped at me. I'll need time to cool, but I'll eventually forgive her. She is my friend, a close friend.
I kept my curtains close, so that I don't have to face Chase. I sat on my chair and completed my homework.
Tap Tap
I heard the voice coming from the window. I groaned and got up to check the person disturbing me from my homework.
I snapped opened the window. "What?" I barked. Suddenly, I winced at the pain on my forehead. Urgh! It hurts, for God sake! "What the hell?" I demanded. I opened my eyes, only to stared back at blue-grey which belongs to none other than Chase.
"Oops!" He exclaimed. "Sorry about that. I didn't see you already opened your window. I'm trying for so long. Didn't you hear?" he asked, innocently.
"No, I didn't," I snapped at him. "Is there anything you want?"
"Are you alright?" he asked, softly.
I sighed. He's just trying to be nice. I can't get angry at him for no reason. So much for not talking.
"Fine," I replied, not looking at him.
"You know she didn't mean it, right? She was just angry and snapped at you. She wou–" I cut him off by raising my hand.
"Look, I know, okay. But just because something happened with Alec doesn't give her the right to snap at me like that. I have some..." I rubbed my temples. "I really don't want to talk about it right now."
He sighed and nodded his head. "Take your time to cool off. Get some rest. You look exhausted," he said, eyeing my homework. I looked at the books and back at him.
"Yeah, I think I'll do that. Thanks and goodnight."
I closed the window and then my books. Homework wasn't due until two days which gave me plenty of time to complete it.
I changed into my nightwear and stood in front of my long mirror for sometime. Just as I was about to jump in bed and call it a night, there was a knock on the door. It slowly opened and Dad stuck his head in, "Can I come in?" He asked.
"Of course, Dad."
He came in and closed the door behind him. Walking towards my bed, he sat on edge and patted the seat next to him. I made my way towards him and sat next to him. He turned and looked at me.
"Is everything alright?" I asked.
"Yeah. But you look exhausted. Dinner is about in half an hour, but it seems you have called the night?"
"Hmm." He didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Chloe?" He called, gently and placed his hand upon my hand that was resting beside me.
"Yes?" I asked, questioningly.
"You got your panic attack today, didn't you?" He asked, but it was more like a statement. I looked at him, shock. How..How did he know? Did Ashley call him?
"Yes. How did you know, Dad?" I asked him.
"I'm your father, Chloe. I would always know if something is wrong with my children," he chuckled softly.
I smiled, but it was more like a grimace. "You're right."
"Want to talk about it? You didn't inform your Mom about it. But I'm guessing you must have talked with Liam?" He asked.
"Yeah. I told Ashley to call Liam and tell him about it. Luckily, Ashley was there with me," I said and looked ahead. "And I don't want to talk about. It's better this way."
"You can, if you want. Maybe with Liam?" He asked hopefully.
"Maybe," I mumbled.
He nodded. "Take rest, kiddo. I'll tell your Mom that you called it a night," he said. I was about to tell him not to tell Mom when he said, "Don't worry, I won't tell her," he said. I sighed in relief. "....yet." With that he left my room and went downstairs.
Tomorrow, I have to face Leah and the rest. I just wish everything goes back to normal. That being my last thought, I slept almost immediately. Smiling, as I was dreamed my life with Logan Lerman. If, only it could come true.
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