《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》22- Bad Girls


I sit in my pink robe, straightening my hair. I gloss up my lips with red Chanel Gloss and make wings with eyeliner. I coat my eyelids in neutral colored eyeshadow. Once I'm done I change into my dress.

"You look so pretty!" Kaia chimes in as I walk out the bathroom. I playfully do a turn and wink. "Thanks babe."

Kaia's blue dress made her look so pretty. Rena was wearing a short neon orange knit dress. It brought out the natural blush in her cheeks.

"Are you ready to go?" Rena asks. She slips her phone in her bra with a wicked smile. Rena insists that I drive. So I do. I park in the very front and already here the loud, obnoxious music.

We walk in and find the club packed. I mentally groan just thinking of the accidental contact I'll make when passing by someone. We go up to the bar with a man a few years older than us behind it. "What can I get ya, girlie's?"

"I'll take a Malibu Sunset Cocktail." I say with a tiny smile. He nods writing the order down. "I'll have a Peach Paradise Cocktail." Kaia adds. "And I'll have a Sex On The Beach, please." Rena winks at the waiter who bites his lip. "Coming right up, girls." He walks off and starts shaking up drinks.

"What was that about?" Kaia questions Rena with a sly smile. "Oh nothing....Let's just say Carlos and I..." She points at the waiter who gives her a seductive smirk. "We dated a while back. He's twenty-one and likes younger girls."

"Wow." Kaia looks just as shocked as I feel.

Damn Rena gets around!

After finishing my cocktail, Rena and Kaia went to dance. I was the designated drive so I couldn't have much to drink. I look over to drunk Rena grinding on some man. Kaia laughs while busting in some sick dance moves.

I start to make my way towards them. Right when I'm about to speak up the doors fly open and sirens play over the music. I freeze and so does everyone else.


Oh fucking shit!

The music is shut off and everybody is scattering like roaches when they see the chaos. I grab Kaia and Rena by the hand as the Police start to speak. A tall officer holds a megaphone and clears his throat. "STAY WHERE YOU ARE! THERE ARE UNDERAGED KIDS DRINKING AND DRUG DEALING GOING ON!"


"WE WILL DETAIN YOU AND SEE IF YOU ARE GUILTY OR NOT!" He gives the megaphone to one of his partners and tries to control the crowds of people trying to flee. "We need to get out of here!" I try to tell both of my drunk friends.

"Rena's friends!" A man's voice calls making me turn around. I see the waiter, Carlos, waving me over to him. I practically drag the girl's by the hand to meet Carlos.

"I can get y'all out of here. Follow me." He starts to jog towards the back. He opens a door and beckons me out the door. I debate whether or not to go. "Come on." His pleads becoming impatient. I sigh helping the two girls not trip over their feet.

I knew this club was a bad idea. I rush out thinking Carlos. I pull out a twenty dollar bill and thank him. I run out before the cops can discover there is a back door.

"Damnit Rena!" I scold her drunken state as the heel of he stiletto's brake. "Bitch shush up. Did you get Carlos' number for me?" Rena slurs her words with a hiccup.

"No I did not, Rena." She pulls out of my grasp and falls to the ground. Sighing, I sit Kaia down in the curb when she starts to vomit. I gag too.

I can't be by a vomiting person without getting grossed out. I help Rena up who just shoves me and falls down again. "Fine." I huff leaving Rena on the ground. "I'm going to get my car. I hope the police aren't blocking it."

I run and peek from the side of the bricked building. Nobody is outside. They must all be in the club. I get my keys ready and run like a madwoman with a mission! I hop inside and drive to Kaia and Rena.


Rolling down my window I yell, "Get in loser's!"

Rena and Kaia grab on to each other to stable themselves. I snicker when Rena falls and hits her cheek on the hood on my car. "Hurry up!" I yell and hear her cuss. After minutes of struggling their in. I speed off dropping them off at their house.

What a crazy ass night!


Waking up was easier than pie. I was on time and had a wonderful breakfast. Dad bought doughnuts and chocolate shakes.

I get dressed in a white-knit crop and blue jeans. I comb my hair out and twist it in a bun. I spitz on a little floral perfume then head downstairs. "Asher, buddy, let's go!" I scream. They say girls take a long time. Asher takes even longer!

I drive us to school and even find a good parking space. I meet Daniel under the bleacher's like everyday and settle for a granola bar from the school's vending machines.

It's lunch time and Kaia is complaining like a baby. "My head is killing me! The aspirin didn't even fuckin' work!" She rubs her temples as Brody rubs her arm.

They are so cute!

Daniel isn't at the table like usual. Rena isn't either. But it doesn't worry me. Rena is always late to lunch....and all her classes.

"Oh my god! Ariana Grande looks so pretty with hair down. She sooooo fabulous!" Cal gushes over Ariana's Instagram. He shows me the photo and I smile. "She is a queen." I agree.

Taking out my homework I find that I'm missing a book. "Shit. I must of left it in Calculus class."

"What?" Ace raises an eyebrow.

"I left my book in Calc class. I need to get it so I'm able to do my homework." I start to get up and push my chair in. "Need me to go to0?" Ace asks. I smile at his offer.

"Nah...I'll be quick." I get up and head to calculus. I'm about to twist the doorknob open but stops when muffled voices are behind it. "Faster please!" A girl scream making me freeze.

Oh Fuck! Is someone getting murdered?

I slowly back away from the door but stop. If I let a girl be murdered that would be my fault from not helping when I could. I pull out my car keys ready to use them as a pointy shank.

Taking a deep breath, I twist the knob and scream.

I didn't scream in fear.

But a screamed because I'm hurt.

I cover my mouth with my hand and feel tears well up in my eyes.

The two people separate from each other and fix their clothes. "Baby- I-!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I cut off Daniel's voice. His eyes widen and I can see fear in his face.

"Shit, Harlow....I swear I-!" Rena smoothes a hand over her messy hair. "I said shut the fuck up!" I repeat making Rena cower behind Daniel. I roll my eyes at my best friend. Well she was my friend. But not anymore!

"Babe, please. This was a mistake. I'm sor-!"

"Don't even say your sorry. And yeah it was a mistake because now we're over!" I yell as hot tears stream down my face. My heart is aching in pain from seeing Rena and Daniel fucking.

He fucking cheated on me!

"No wait....Babe I love you. Please I-!" As Daniel speaks nonsense, I run out of the school into my car. I drive as fast as I can trying to stop my tears from falling.

But I can't!

Because I'm mentally wounded!

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