《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》21- Ice cream with a prankster



"Oh come on. It will be fun, Harlow."

I sigh. Kaia and Rena are trying to persuade me to go clubbing. I'm not a party animal. I dislike the loud music, and sweaty ass people grinding on each other in clubs.

I shake my head. "I have nothing to wear."


"Bullshit." Kaia pouts using the puppy eyes. "I raid your closet all the time. You definitely have something to wear."

"I agree with Kaia. You wear new clothes everyday. I Know you have something to wear to the club." Rena speaks up with an smug smile.

I look at both girls begging me to go with them. "Oh fine."

They both let out squeals making the freshman in the hallway give us crazy looks. "We can go shopping after school, then hit the club."

Rena and Kaia decided to skip class today. I on the other hand said no. Finals are coming up in a few months. I can't afford to fail if I want to go to a good college. Besides, once finals is over will have Christmas break!

Now Christmas break makes me smile!

I walk into the English room only to be pulled by my arm. I growl at whoever pulled me.


"What the hell, dude? You scared me." I give him one of my best glares that he shrugs off. He points towards the English room. I raise an eyebrow and peak inside.

I bust out laughing and turn to Ace. The classroom is filled with about five-hundred water bottles. They're stacked around the teacher's desk.

"Wow." I say looking at the setup again.

"Yup." Ace nods. "I told everyone to skip today or I would make them my next victim."

I roll my eyes and look into his green ones. "Your such a troublemaker, pretty boy."

"Likewise, Princess." He responds with a tiny smirk. That famous smirk that makes a girl's heart pound. I would be lying if I said it didn't affect me.

"Well it looks like I'm skipping school too." I take one more peek in the classroom before joining Ace. We sit on top of the stairs viewing the hallway below. When the English teacher comes we will be able to see her thrilling reaction.


Ace digs in his backpack before pulling out a silver flask. "ACE KING!" I scold him, hitting the back of his head with my hand. "Why do you have a flask at school?"

Ace mocks in pain, rubbing his head. "Harlow Valentine. Like you haven't seen worse!?"

He's right. I saw a sophomore carrying a bong last week.

He tips the flask back just as the teacher walks in her room. I giggle in excitement. Ace hands me the flask that I take a little swig of. "Damn this stuff is strong." I wince at the burn it leaves in the throat. I hand it back to him and watch the English teacher scream.

"What the f-!" She trips over the hundreds of water bottles in rage. "I swear these kids will be the death of me!"

I can't help but laugh. Ace joins me and starts videotaping her reaction.

"Let's go before we get caught." We stand up, hooking arms, and cackle as we dash.

We run all the way to the parking lot. I stop in front of his black Maserati. "You up for ice cream?" He jiggles his keys with a wink.

"Hell yes!" I jump into the passenger seat and smile when I hear him laugh. My body flushed hearing his deep laugh. Her rarely laughs.

He drives to a little place called "Milkbomb ice cream." We walk in and I'm greeted by the pleasant aroma of sweets. I walk up to the an order a one scoop birthday cake in a waffle cup. Ace gets a double chocolate fudge in a cone.

I start to take out my cash but Ace speaks up. "Don't you dare." He quickly steps in front of me handing the cashier a credit card. "Thanks, pretty boy." I shyly smile and walk over to a table in the back corner.

"How's your little sister?" I speak up after licking the melting ice cream. "She's great. My dad is teaching her how to ride a bike. Lola isn't very good at it but she's eager." A smile blooms on my face seeing how Ace face softens when he talks about his baby sister.

"What?" Ace asks interrupting me from my thoughts.



He rolls his eyes frowning. "You were just staring. Do I h-!"

I laugh shaking my head. "No you were just lookin' all cute and lovey when you talk about you little sister."

He smirks and starts wiggling his eyebrows. "You think I'm cute?"

I chuckle, blushing slightly. 'Yes I think you are.' Is what I want to say but I don't have the balls. Ace really is full of himself but he's hot, smart, sexy-! What am I even saying? I'm dating Daniel for God's sake!

Clearing my throat I take a bite of my waffle cone. "Your ego is too big for your own good."

"Not as big as my d-!"

"Ace!" I cover his mouth while laughing. Jesus were in a public place.

We spend the rest of the day in a park near the ice cream shop. Ace drives me home just in time for me to meet Kaia and Rena.

"Let's get this over with." I step out the car and walk towards the clothing boutique.

"Try to enjoy yourself, Harlow. Once we get to the club you'll have fun." Rena rolls her eyes. She gives me a once over. "Let's find a cute outfit for you."

I walk in the shop and start coughing. I smells like my grandma's perfume. Rena and Kaia walk a head of me talking about boy drama. Apparently Rena has a new man but is not willing to share who it is. While Kaia tries to pry information out of Rena, I go to the dress area.

I end up finding a cream colored dress and matching stilettos to go with it. "See! Wasn't shopping fun?" Rena asks.

"Yeah, but-!"

"Oh my god, Kaia! Look at that one!" Rena suddenly runs towards Kaia, pointing at a velvet red dress.

Okay then.

I pay for my clothes and wait for the Kaia to find her perfect dress. "How about this one, Kai?" I point to a dark green strapless dress. Kaia starts to walk towards it but Rena says it covers too much skin.

Kaia finally settles on a blue, silky dress. I sigh in relief.

We decide to dine in at a Mexican restaurant.

"So how are you and Daniel?" Rena suddenly speaks. I widen my eyes. This is the third time she started talking about Daniel.

"G-Good. Really good." I cut up my chalupa and stick it in my mouth. "Is he freaky in bed?" I cough chocking on my chalupa a bit.

"W-we haven't-!"

"OH MY GOD! You haven't had sex with him yet?" Rena grins and takes a sip of her Sprite. "When I was with him....We banged like everyday."

I'm starting to get annoyed with Rena. This isn't the first time she has talked about having sex with Daniel. It's like she is bragging or some other type shit!

"Well we decided to take things slow." I try to downplay how fucking pissed off I am.

"Yeah there's nothing wrong with that. Brody and I are taking our relationship slow too." Kaia's eyes light up when she talks about Brody. I love when my cousin looks so happy.

"You guy don't know what you are missing." Rena shakes her head in mock pity. "You and Ace seem close." Rena smirks.

Where is she going with this? I nod. We are friends. I would even go further and say we are best friends. "It's just that Daniel always got triggered when I hanged out with other boys. He's the possessive type...." She trails off. "Not as possessive as Ace was though."

"He never expressed his concern when I'm with other boys. So I'm not gonna' worry about it too much." I shrug finishing off my Dr. Pepper.

Rena clears her throat before giving me a weird look. I raise an eyebrow and she looks away. What is wrong with her today? Is it me? Did I piss her off or somewhere? Sighing, I pay for our dinner and drive us back to my house.

I run upstairs and start getting dress for the club. I hope everything is going to be okay between Rena and I. She is just acting so strange now. I just can't quite put my finger on it.

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