《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》11- Miami cry fest


"Y-Your dad is in the Hospital. He got hurt really badly during his football practice. He's in coma." My mom starts to stand up and pick up her purse. I just stand there feeling numb.

Dad is in coma? I just talked to him a few hours ago!

"Asher, dear. Let's go please." Mom wipes her eyes as Asher comes down the stairs. I look to Asher and see him looking grim. His usual cocky smile is no where to be seen.

I lock the house door as we climb in my mom's Range Rover. The sadness doesn't hit me until now.

Tears start to bleed out my eyes. "Oh Harlow." Mom looks at me and she starts crying again. "He'll be okay. We just have to have some faith. You father is a strong man." I hold my mom's hand in comfort as she steers the wheel with the other.


"Harlow!" I wake up to Asher shaking me. "We're here." I look out the car window and see we are parked near an airport.

Mom is talking on the phone with a scowl on her face. "No, I can't come into work for the next couple of days." She rubs her temples. "I don't care if I get fired! My husband is in the hospital! If I get fired then screw all of you hoes!" She hangs up and bangs her fist on the steering wheel.

She must notice Asher and my eyes on her. "Hey my babies. Let's go buy some plane tickets to Florida. You dad is in a Hospital near Miami."

After a lot of waiting, we finally load on the plane. I sit near the window in first class. They only had three first class seats left. It's like God is on our side!


I slept the whole plane ride. Now we're sitting in a waiting room while I annoy my brother.

"Your stupid. Why would Android be better than iPhone?" I stare at him, wanting to know where he got his stupidity from.

"It's a fact that Android is better, Har."

I shake my head. "Your such a loser."

"The Valentine family?" A doctor walks out just as all three of us stand. "Jay was knocked out unconscious. His head was banged pretty badly. We took care of the head trauma, but he is in coma."

"Oh my lord! Can we see him then?" Mom dabs a napkin on her eyes.

"Yes ma'am, this way."

I don't know what I was expecting. But seeing my dad looking dead, and knowing he won't wake up any time soon makes me sob. I fall to my knees by my father's bedside. "Dad, please wake up!" I clutch his hand.

I feel arms pull me into a hug. I hug my brother, thankful for support. "He will wake up, Har. Let's just hope soon."

Soon my mom tells me to drive my brother and I to the hotel. She wants to stay by my father's side until he wakes. And who am I to argue!?

Our hotel room wasn't anything extravagant like what we usually get. It was all that was available last minute. Asher says nothing to me as he gets under the bed's duvet. I don't think anything's wrong until I hear a sob.

I immediately run to my little brother. We fight and bicker a lot, but he's my brother and love him no matter what.

"Hey Ash." I rub his back as he sits up. "It's going to be fine." I try my best not to start crying.


I'm one emotional mother fucker!

"I know....I just can't get the thought of dad not making it out of my head!" I nod and ruffle his hair. "It's okay buddy. Your allowed to have emotions. Besides your the one who is supposed to call me a crybaby and comfort me!" I joke and smile when he wipes his tears.

"Yeah I know. You cry a lot." He chuckles making me hit his arm. "Hey!"

"Get some sleep. And don't worry....Dad will wake up.....Eventually."


It's been two days since my dad's accident. I scroll through the messages from my friends. I answer some of them and ignore some.

I sigh but laugh at the same time. Kaia is crazy!

Next I text Danny.

Last to text is Ace.

Just talking to my friends lifts my mood. I turn on the TV and watch SuperNatural on Netflix.

Damn Dean is hot!!

After sharing pizza with Asher, my phone dings like crazy.

"Asher, lets go." He groans and stands. "Why?"

I smile feeling blessed. "Dad is awake!"


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