《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》10- Netherlands


"Fucking Hell, Kai! I don't know what to wear!" I throw random clothes out of my closet. Nothing is satisfying me right now. Danny asked me on a date, and I don't have shit to wear!

"Alright. Step back, the professional is at work." Kaia smirks, pushing me out my closet. I huff setting on the edge of my bed. My leg bounces from anxiety.

"Okay I got the perfect outfit for you." She exclaims, clapping her hands together. She tosses the clothes in my arms and smiles.

I put on the outfit, not sure if this is the one. I look in the mirror prepared to scream in horror but instead I grin.

"Now tell me you love me and how great I am!" Kaia hops up and down in excitement.

"Yeah your pretty damn great!" I kiss her cheek and head downstairs. I sprinkle food pellets in Chubb's fish bowl. I can't thank Ace enough for winning me this fish.

I would fucking die for this fish!

I sit at the dining table and call my dad before Danny comes.

Dad's face fills up my phone screen. "Hey Honey pie!"

"Hi dad!" I wave to him.

"You look nice. Where are you going?" I gulp not wanting to tell my dad I got a date. He is a very protective father! He literally starts cleaning his guns in front of my dates.

"Umm...Out with a friend." I smile trying to make my lie successful.

"I smell cap!" Dad squints his eyes, but I laugh because of the teenage slag he tries to use.

"You going out with a boy, Harley! My Father senses are at work."

I sigh. There is no getting past him. I give a weak smile ready for the pep talk he always gives me before dates.

"Harlow Valentine, you better not let that boy treat you bad. If he does, kick him in his dick!" I open my mouth to respond but he's not done. "That also means be back by midnight. I'll text your mom to tell her to keep a look out. And NO SEX!"


"DAD!" I say in horror. Thank god the doorbell rings before he can say anything else.

"Love you daddy. But I gotta' go!" I end the FaceTime and open the door. Daniel stands at my door with a smile on his face.

I grin taking in his appearance. He's rocking white skinny jeans and a black tee. He has a hint of a 5 -O -clock shadow and a smile plays on his lips.

"Hi. You look gorgeous!" His cheeks turn a hint of pink but I'm sure mine are pure red.

"T-thanks!" We walk to his car and like a gentleman he opens my door.

He drives me to a cute little restaurant. It was filled up with plants like a greenhouse.

I look around in awe. "Pretty isn't it?" I look over to Daniel and see him looking down at me.

I smile shyly as a waitress walks over to us. "Table for two?"

Danny nods taking my hand and leading to a table. I look through the menu at all the food. It was a Mediterranean place that consisted of a lot of salad.

Yuck I hated saying the S word.

I settle on a chicken kabob and macaroni and cheese. Danny gets a big burger with fries.

"So gorgeous...What's your favorite color?" Danny trails off as I steal a fri off his plate.

"Pink." I smile thinking of the best, prettiest and cutest color ever.

"Your cute. Oh and stop stealing my fries." I laugh shoving the last fri in my mouth. "What do you like doing in your free time?"

"Football." He shrugs taking the last bite of his burger. "I also like dancing."

Dancing? I remember Ace telling me he liked to dance too. He was good on his feet unlike me.

"Let's get out of here!" He smiles, grabbing my hand and throwing money on the table.

I climb in his car. "Let's go to an ice cream shop. Do you like ice cream?"


"Of course! Team chocolate!" I exclaim.

He gives me a look like I'm crazy. "Chocolate!?" He cringes in disbelief. "More like Vanilla!"

"Nope. Who likes plain old vanilla?" I look at him waiting for an answer. "Me!"

I shrug, totally disagreeing with him.

We walk in the ice cream polar. I breath in as the aroma, sweets fill up my nose. It smells so good.

"Hallo Daniel. Wie is dat mooie meisje?" I look at the older woman behind the counter. She speaks a different language, it sound like Dutch or another language from the Netherlands.

"Fantastisch, Esther." I stare at Daniel in amazement and shock. I didn't know he spoke another language.

That's kinda' hot. Not gonna' lie!

What? Can you blame me?

"Dit is mijn date, Harlow." Danny rests his hand on my shoulder and kisses my cheek. The lady winks at us causing me to blush. "Harlow this is Esther. She was my nanny when I was younger."

I nod and smile. "It's nice to meet you." I stick out my hand for her to shake but she yanks me into a hug.

Damn the woman got some muscles!

"It is so nice to meet you! You are such a pretty girl. I'm glad Danny is finally dating sweet and pretty girls." I smile, feeling truly flattered.

"What can I get you two?"

"I'll take the same old and Harley-!" He looks over to me. "I'll take chocolate on a cone."

"Good choice, Honey." She starts to scoop the ice cream. "You know Danny. You should try to be more like Harlow here by getting chocolate. Instead of old fashion Vanilla!"

"Hah!" I point at him. "I told you know one likes vanilla." He rolls his eyes and pokes my side playfully.

Once we're done with the ice cream, we sit on a bench and talk. Genuinely I liked hanging out with Daniel. He's funny, kind and hot. I really enjoyed our little date.

My phone rings interrupting our conversation.

"Hello?" I answer before looking at caller ID.

"Harlow! I need you to come home now!" My mom's panicked voice shakes.

"W-what is wrong, mom?"

"Just-! Please come home! I'll explain later. Oh and hurry up!" With that she ends the call leaving me worried.

"Is everything alright?" Dan rubs circles on my palm.

"Umm...yeah. That was my mom. She is asking me to get home." I start to walk towards the car.

I want to get home as fast as I can. My mom could get a temper worst than the Devil's!

We stop in front of my house. "I had fun. I would like to do this again." I look at Daniel who nods with a grin.


We just stare at each other for a bit. I don't know if it's the fact that his A/C is broke, or if the world can sense vibes but it gets hot.

We slowly lean towards each other. His lips press against mine. Our lips move in sync, it feels like pure bliss.

I pull away remembering how bad the wrath of my mom can be. I kiss him once more on the cheek and say goodbye.

I run into the house only to see my mom's head in her hands and she's sobbing.

"Mom!?" I run over to her. "What is wrong?"

She looks at me through teary eyes. Her blue eyes are filled with sadness. "Y-Your dad is in the Hospital. He got hurt really badly during his football practice. He's in coma."

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