《Catch My Fall | ✔》03. Spaghetti and Sunshine
Indy forced a red cup in my hand. "Drink up."
We were in the kitchen, which was practically empty, a bulk of the people in the living room-slash-dining room area. The counters were sticky with spilled drinks and littered with empty chip bags.
My eyes darted from Romeo, who stood beside me, a can of soda in his hand, and back to my sister. "I can't get drunk. Mom will notice when I get home."
"I'm not trying to get you drunk," she said, a slight edge in her voice like I was a child she was trying to be patient with. "But you need to loosen up."
Indy and Romeo watched as I raised the cup to my lips and took a tentative sip. That wasn't my first time having alcohol. Indy and I tried her mom's wine once. We both spit it out as soon as it hit our tongues.
Whatever my sister put in the cup wasn't that bad. I mostly tasted peaches. Indy grinned when I took my second sip with her having to tell me to.
"Please stop staring at me like I'm a toddler that just took her first steps."
"But you are!" she cooed, pinching my cheek.
I smacked her hand away. "Is this supposed to make this the best night of my life?"
"No, this is supposed to prepare you for the night," she said, taking a drink from her own cup. "Once you're out of your head, you'll start having fun."
I stared down at the clear liquid in my cup. Did this really have the power to shut my brain off, if only for a little while, so I could enjoy the party? "What if I like it too much and become an alcoholic?"
"No worries," Romeo said, patting my shoulder. "I'll tie you down to bed and you'll sweat it out cold turkey."
"Doesn't that only work for drugs?" I asked, squinting up at him.
He shrugged. "No idea. The only drug I'm addicted to is Dino."
"Yeah. He's the best flavor of my Flintstone vitamins."
I snorted. "But they all taste like chalk."
"Okay, stop," Indy demanded. Her brow creased, gaze bouncing between us like we were from an alien planet. "I need a break from--" She motioned to Romeo and me with a grimace. "--whatever this is. Day, when I get back, that cup better be empty."
She left the kitchen, leaving Romeo and me alone. Well, aside from the dude snoring under the kitchen table. I took another sip of my drink. Already, I was growing used to the burn.
Romeo watched with a furrowed brow and head tilted puppy dog style.
"Enjoying the view?" I teased, raising the cup to my lips once more.
"You're really going to drink that?" He asked. "Because you don't have to just because Indy said so."
"I know I don't have to." My words sounded sharper than I intended them to. I pushed away the need to defend my sister and gave him a reassuring smile. "It's actually good. Like peach cobbler."
He stared at me for a long moment. "Have you ever had peach cobbler?"
"Not since Thanksgiving when I was eleven," I told him, remembering the night. "Me and Indy stole a pan of it and hid in my room to eat the whole thing. We should've stopped halfway through when we'd gotten full, but Indy said we couldn't leave any evidence."
From the deep frown on Romeo's face, I assumed he knew where I was going. I spared him and left out the projectile vomiting that happened later.
"Anyway, I haven't eaten it since. But this," I said, holding up my cup. "Reminds me of it. Kinda. Once the burning stops. You should try it."
I pushed the cup to his lips and he allowed me to give him a sip. Our eyes were locked in what would've been the world's most awkward staring contest. But the moment felt...warm? Was the alcohol taking effect already?
He broke eye contact first, turning away and coughing. "That doesn't taste like peach cobbler. It barely tastes like peaches."
"Don't listen to him," I said to clear liquid in my cup. "He doesn't know what he's talking about."
"This is going to be entertaining," he said, lips thinning as he held back a laugh. "Don't worry, I will be documenting every moment of Drunk Daya."
I pointed at him, poking the tip of his nose. "Not drunk, loose."
"Famous last words."
When Indy came back, she refilled my cup and her own. Romeo had his phone out snapping pictures or taking a video. I didn't know which. Either way, I made faces at the camera while Indy fussed with my dress.
She tugged the back of it, pulling it in to show off my waist and securing it with a rubber band. Then she moved to front and began undoing buttons.
"Whoa." Romeo said, lowering his phone and covering his eyes. "You know I'm still here, right?"
"Yeah, and what are even doing?" I shooed my sister's hands away from my boobs and she huffed in frustration.
"If we're going to make this the best night of your life," she said, adjusting the front of my dress so I was showing more cleavage than I was used to. "You're going to have to do things you normally wouldn't. Like kiss someone. You still haven't, have you?"
Blood rushed to my cheeks. "Not having my first kiss yet is normal."
She gave me a look. "No, it's not normal for some as gorgeous as you not having your first kiss yet. Even Rome had his first kiss."
My gaze snapped to him. He wasn't denying it. This was news to me. "Who?" His eyes widened at my question. Indy cut him off before he could answer.
"Doesn't matter," she said, waving a hand through the air. "What matters is finding you some cute guy to hook up with."
She grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the kitchen. With my free hand, I pulled Romeo by his sleeve so he'd follow.
The room wasn't as a crowded as it was earlier. Some people must've gone home. The living room was dim, bathed in purple light from light bulbs Indy put in.
Mostly, people stood around in groups and talked. Indy didn't care, though. She started swaying to the music, perfectly fine dancing alone if no one was willing to join her.
And no one joined her. I knew she was enjoying herself either way, but I didn't want her to have to dance alone. Also, if I danced, too, maybe she'd forget the whole hooking up thing. I downed my second drink of the night and headed to the dance floor.
The alcohol hadn't hit me yet because I was very aware of the eyes on me. Definitely not out of my head or loose, like I was promised. And when a guy came up to us, busting out moves I couldn't keep up with, I was practically frozen in place.
He didn't deter Indy, though. She was able to keep up with his wild moves.
My sister started something when she came out to dance, though. She was like a magnet. People were drawn her to. To watch her or imitate her. Soon, more people started to dance.
The space of the small living room was crowded with dancing bodies. That made it easier for me to get lost in the music. I was dancing and singing along to songs I didn't realize I knew the words to. My sister was right beside me, grinning. Proud because I was finally doing and not thinking. I smiled back in thanks.
My feet hurt. I didn't remember when or where I kicked my shoes off, but my sock covered feet were dragging over the carpet as I tried to find a place to sit. The couch was full, but I spotted Romeo sitting in the recliner, on his phone.
"Romeo, O Romeo," I said, dropping into his lap. "Where fart fly thou said Romeo."
"Fart fly?" he repeated, lips pressed together as he tried to keep a straight face. "I don't think that's the line."
I shrugged, resting my head on his shoulder. He smelled like lavender and mint. He must've been using the body spray I got him for his birthday last month. That made me smile.
"What are you smiling about?" He asked, poking my knee.
"Nothing," I replied, poking his chest. "I'm not telling you that you smell nice." I smacked a hand over my mouth. "Wait. Did you hear that?"
Laughter rumbled through him. Every one of his vibrations sent me deeper into the pit of embarrassment. "Drunk Daya has arrived."
"Not drunk!" I corrected. "Just feeling like...spaghetti and sunshine."
His brows pulled together, another laugh tugging at his lips. "What?"
"Who did you kiss?" That question had been burning at the back of my mind since Indy brought it up. Indy knowing about his first kiss before me made my skin prickly.
We shared things like that. At least I thought we did. Or at least we would have if either of us had any experience when it came to dating. Well, apparently, I was the only one in our little group without any.
Romeo shifted beneath me, his shoulders lifting in a shrug. "It happened a while ago. I don't even remember her name."
He was lying. That burned more than the alcohol I drank. He couldn't even meet my eye. Maybe it was better if I didn't know.
It didn't sit right with me, some random girl sharing a moment like that with my best-non-blood-related-friend.
The song blasting through speakers changed to one I loved and, sore feet be damned, I felt like dancing. I rose from Romeo's lap, pulling him along with me. "Come on, I haven't seen you bust out the running man yet."
Romeo could make even the most tightly wound person laugh. He didn't take himself too seriously. His dad-level dance moves proved that. My cheeks hurt from laughing as we danced, not caring if we looked ridiculous or who watched.
It felt like we'd been dancing for hours when Indy found us in the crowd.
"Day!" My sister was behind me, her chin on my shoulder and a wide smile on her face. "I'm ready to make good on my promise."
I met her gaze. The spark of bad decisions danced in her dark eyes. Every part of me screamed to run away. Indy knew it, too, because she held me in a death grip.
"Relax, sis." She took my shoulders and turned me to face her. "I'll make it as painless as possible."
Before I could stop her, she was calling for attention. She lowered the music and everyone focused on her.
"Who wants to play a game?" There was a scattered response. Agreements and nervous glances. But people were listening. "Seven Minutes in Heaven. The rules are simple."
She grabbed a deck of cards from the cabinet of the entertainment center, where they kept board games and such. Aunt Brandy collected cards and had dozens of decks. So, when Indy started ripping cards in half, I didn't let out a shocked gasp like some people.
One half of the cards went into an empty chip bowl she found on the table. She walked around the room with the other halves. Hearts and diamonds to the girls, spades and clubs to the boys.
"If you want to play, pick a card," she said, making her rounds. People were still on the fence about the game, most holding off on grabbing a card until one of their friends took one. "If your card is pulled, you will be blind folded and guided to the coat closet to wait for your partner."
When my sister got to me. Her smile said, "take a card, don't take a card--it's up to you". Her eyes demanded I take a card or face her wrath. I grabbed one and she moved on to Romeo, who shook his head. She attempted the same do-it-or-die look she used on me, but he stood strong.
"Once the first player is safely in the closet, I'll pull another card and whoever I pull has to join the person in the closet."
People glanced at each other, whispering excitedly and looking around at the selection of people they could possible be thrown into a closet with.
"The last rule," Indy said, handing out the last couple of cards, "consent is sexy and no means no."
She grabbed the bowl of cards and shook it up. She winked at me and my stomach dropped several stories. Maybe this was a bad idea. She wouldn't rig the game, would she?
"And our first player is..." She took her time, pulling a card from the bowl, glancing at it and leaving everyone in suspense as she looked around the room with a smirk. "Seven of..."
I had a seven. Romeo saw that, too. He leaned down to whisper something to me, stopping when Indy called out the suit. Diamonds. Seven of diamonds. I had hearts.
A girl with chocolate curls and a face full of freckles stepped forward with her half of the seven of diamonds card. Indy used a sleep mask to cover her eyes and guided her to the coat closet around the corner.
When she came back, she pulled another card and the game began. Indy set the timer on her phone. Some people pretended like they weren't trying to hear what was happening in that closet. Others went back to talking with their friends.
My sister came over as I was putting my shoes back on, that trouble making grin still on her face. "What card did you get? I forgot."
I held it close to my chest. "Why so you can cheat?"
"Me? A Cheater?" She tried to sound offended, but she was smiling the Cheshire cat.
"I don't think you should be playing," Romeo said. That was his first time speaking since Indy brought up the game.
My sister crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at him. In her boots, she was the same height as him. "Why not?"
"She's drunk."
"I'm not!" I said at the same time Indy exclaimed, "She's not!"
"She had two cups of peach schnapps," my sister pointed out. "She's fine."
"Yes, she's fine," I repeated, hoping to coax a laugh out Romeo. Nothing.
He turned to me, hands in his pockets, face void of its usual amusement. "You're not sober and I think going into a closet with a stranger is a bad idea."
That annoyed me. He annoyed me. I shouldn't go into closets with strangers, but he can kiss girls he can't even remember the name of? "You're annoying me," I said out loud.
His eyes went wide, lips parting slightly in shock. Indy failed to keep her laughter contained, biting hard on her lip to hold herself together.
Romeo recovered, shaking head. "Got it." He walked away, disappearing through the crowd.
"That was awkward," Indy said, letting her laughter out.
My heart was beatingso fast in my chest as I watched Romeo leave. Why was he being so annoying? "I want another drink."
"Nope," she said, shaking her head. "I think you've had enough for the night."
"Mean." My pouting didn't work on her like hers worked on me.
Three rounds of Seven Minutes in Heaven happened before my sister held up the seven of hearts. I stared down at my half of the card, willing it to change to any other number.
"She has it!" Some random person who was now my mortal enemy called out, pushing me forward.
My sister's eyes lit up. Her clown like grin was the last thing I saw before she slid the eye mask over my head and the world went dark.
She steered me to the closet by my shoulders. "Obviously, you don't have to do anything you don't want to," she told me when we stopped. From the smell of mothballs, I figured we were in the closet. "But I think you should take advantage of the opportunity. It'll be awkward for you both, so you don't have to be embarrassed, okay?"
I nodded, not trusting my voice to come out with exposing me for the nervous mess I was.
The closet door shut and everything went quiet. Just the sound of my breathing and the thumping of my heart as I stood there. Alone. In a closet. Waiting for a random guy to meet me.
What the hell was I thinking? I should've listened to Romeo. He didn't come back to the living room after he walked out. Was he even still at the party?
The door opened just then and my heart lodged itself in my throat. I fought the urge to pull the blindfold off as the stranger positioned himself in front of me. The door shut. Then silence.
There wasn't much room in that closet. I could feel the heat of them. And they were tall. Or, at least, their presence was tall.
I should say something. Or he should say something.
He cleared his throat and I flinched at the sound. "Um, hi."
"Hi?" I didn't mean for it to sound like a question, but I was trying to place the voice. I didn't recognize it. But it was hard to hear over the rapid beating of my heart. "I mean, hi."
Why did I feel the need to correct myself? I lifted my hands to pick at my nail polish, just to give myself something to do other than have heart palpitations. In doing so, I touched him. What part of him, I didn't know.
Whatever I touched was soft. Maybe his shirt. Unless he was wearing sweat. Oh my god, what if I touched his-- "Sorry," I blurted out, clasping my hands behind my back.
My palms were sweating and my neck was on fire, the burn slowly raising to my face.
"It's cool." And it sounded like he meant it. Almost like he found my reaction funny. That calmed me only the slightest bit.
Indy was right. The situation was awkward for us both. I didn't have to be embarrassed. "So...come here often?"
He chuckled. The sound was nice. I relaxed even more, allowing myself to breathe. Then it hit me. The smell.
I didn't pay attention to it before, because I had other things to panic about. But now it was all I could think about. It smelled like someone desperately needed deodorant. A whole one. Maybe two.
Thankfully, it was dark in that closet because I'm sure I did a horrible job at hiding the disgust on my face.
I wasn't judging him. It was unusually hot inside the house. Maybe he was dancing his ass off like I'd been doing and sweating buckets. I probably didn't smell like roses either.
"Did you...want to do anything?" He asked, his voice hesitant and unsure. When I didn't answer, he quickly added, "Or we can talk. Or stay silent. Whatever. It's up to you."
Consent was important, I knew that, but I would've preferred it if he'd just kissed me. When given options, I overthink them to death. We only had seven minutes. By the time I made a decision I'd be over.
Indy's words from early wormed their way into my head.
It's not normal for some as gorgeous you not having your first kiss yet.
Obviously, not having my first kiss at seventeen wasn't that big of a deal. But it wasn't like I hadn't dreamed of it numerous times. Or re-read my favorite kiss scenes in books over and over again, wondering when it would finally happen to me.
I wanted to be kissed. Now seemed as good a time as any. In a closet. With a boy who smelled like the entire football team after a big game.
I nodded, then realized the closet was pitch black and he wouldn't see it or know what it meant.
"We can...kiss. If you want to."
There were way too many seconds of silence before I felt his fingers on my collarbone. "Sorry," he said hurriedly, pulling his hand away. "I can't see shit."
His hand still hovered in front of my chest. Doing the boldest thing I'd ever done in my life, I took his hand. It was a big, rough and the cold metal of rings surprised me.
Heart threatening to jump out of my chest, I placed his hand on my cheek. He raised his other hand to my other cheek. He inched closer, his breath fanning my face. It gave me even more faith about his hygiene habits because his breath was minty.
His thumb brushed against the corn of my mouth. Maybe so he'd know where to go and not miss. I both wanted him to stop and to hurry up and kiss me. "You sure?" He asked in a low whisperer.
My reply came out in one breathy word. "Yes."
Then the door opened.
"Times up!" I'd never hated the sound of my sister's voice more.
The guy dropped his hands from my face and I felt him leave. Indy pulled the eye mask off me, the hall light burning my eyes.
"Soo...." she sang, eyebrows dancing.
"I need to lie down." I slipped past her to get up the stairs.
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