《Friendly Sex {{ GeorgeNotFound }}》SEVENTEEN: irl


It wasn't unusual that Astrid woke up to shouting, in a house of three girls who would rather scream across the house than walk three seconds to ask a question, it was a daily routine at this point.

It was, however, unusual for Niki and Sophie both to be shouting in her room at the same time just to wake her up.

"We're leaving in twenty minutes!" Niki shouted in a rush, her accent thicker than ever, "get up, get up!"

Astris sat up slowly, her hands rising to her eyes and rubbing them, her mind still foggy.

"What?" A creak to her voice.

"We're leaving," Sophie spoke, throwing a pillow at her head, "for the meet-up, hurry!"

It took her a few seconds to figure out what had happened before she shot up in seconds.

"What? Why didn't you wake me up earlier!" Her hand shot out to pick up her phone, which was meant to have an alarm set, only to find it dead; the charger failing her.

"We did! An hour ago, you even talked to us" Niki told her, a slight laugh to her tone.

The blonde haired girl definitely didn't remember that, but it was no surprise. She'd gotten home at near 6 am, slipping in through the door as quietly as possible and avoiding making any noise at all. Then continued to think about her situation till past 8 am, all to wake up at noon, or she was supposed to anyways.

It was safe to say Astrid was less than happy; her hair uncurled even though she had specifically set her curlers out to do it that morning, her makeup rushed but still nice enough for her to leave on time.

Luckily she had been planning the outfit for a while and knew exactly what she was wearing, otherwise she would have spent the full twenty minutes trying on every piece of clothing in her wardrobe.


"You look happy" Wilbur teased, a glare sent back in his direction before she pulled the blue rimmed sunglasses down over her face.

"Don't start"

"I wasn't," he smiled his usually almost cocky smile, "just making an observation"

"A stupid one" she shot back.

"Not a morning person then?"


"Why are you wearing sunglasses?" A loud voice interrupted their quiet conversation.

They all turned, Wilbur making an over-exaggerated comment - 'who invited you' 'oh shut up you big bitch' - as Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Jack walked towards the group, Tommy and Wilbur squabbling like brothers almost immediately whilst Phil and Kristen looked on like disappointment parents.

Their dynamic made Astrid giggle as she turned to greet the other boys, Jack already wandering towards Niki and Sophie.

"Just George we're waiting for then?" Ranboo commented, Astrid's neck straining just to see him.

"As usual" Tubbo cut in, playfully rolling his eyes with a bright smile.

Astrid had always been fond of Tubbo, and later Ranboo, when the two had met she'd seen him as nearly a younger brother, despite him being the one taking her under his wing due to being in the space for so long.

They got on well, played on and off stream, even had 'South Park' watch nights before he met Ranboo and replaced them with 'The Office' nights.

"Wait Gogys not here" Tommy spoke loudly, again, interrupting their conversation, "then I don't want to be here!"

Astrid could only smile, admiring his dedication to the bit - at least she thought it was a bit, with Tommy one could never really know.

"The reservations at two," Sophie let them know, forever the mum of every situation, "so somebody should call him"

"I can" she spoke before her mind caught up, going into her call app before looking up, noticing their eyes on her, "what?"


"How do you have George's number-"

"And can you give it to me?" Tommy cut Wilbur off, to which the taller clipped the back of his head, brotherly love as they called it.

"He's only given it to like, three people" Wilbur continued without interruption, Astrid kept her face emotionless, trying not to be even more suspicious than she already was.

"Oh-" she started, exiting the app and going to discord instead, "I meant on discord, I don't have his number" a small smile on her face, as she watched all their faces contort, nodding as if it made sense to them.

All except Sophie, her head turned to the side like she knew Astrid was lying but didn't know why. As if she believe her just enough to let it go, but it might be playing on her mind for a few minutes before being breezed passed.

But before she could call him Tommy shouted in excitement, turning they all saw the man in question wandering idly around the corner, with his hands in his hoodie pockets and earbuds in his ears, clearly in no rush.

"Long time no see" Wilbur spoke as he finally reached them.

"Yeah, it's been a while" the shorter boy replied, his eyes lingering on Astrid just that bit longer, knowing he was lying.


Written: 14th July 2022

Published:15th July 2022

Should I try daily updates? I did that with crush culture and I think it worked pretty well :) let me know

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