《Friendly Sex {{ GeorgeNotFound }}》TEN: irl


Whilst Astrid sat in a call, George sat in his own. A regular night for him; Dream, Sapnap and himself talking intermittently all night long.

This night, however, they weren't alone. Instead, they were joined by the rest of the 'crew boys' Karl and Quackity also in the call, the conversations flowing a little more continuously.

They often did this, each doing their own thing such as liking questionable fan art on Twitter in Dreams case or studying in Quackitys.

"I didn't know Wilbur streamed tonight" Sapnap spoke offhandedly, clearly also scrolling on Twitter.

"Yeah, with Niki and her roommates" Karl commented back in a soft voice, it sounded distant as if he was leaning back in his chair.

George focused back in on the conversation, he knew Astrid had been streaming with Wilbur and her roommates, he always knew when she streamed from the Twitter and twitch notification, but he had only caught the first bit of it before being dragged into a call by his best friends.

"Niki has roommates?" Quackity questioned, putting down his pen and leaning back, only him George and Karl had their cameras on, Sapnap complaining about the effort it'd take to put his on and claiming to not want to 'leave Dream out'.

"Mm," Sapnap hummed, "you know Sophie and Astrid?" Though he didn't seem too bothered whether the others knew them or not.

"Ah, yeah didn't know they lived together though" Quackity nodded, his eyes flickering across the screen.

"Who?" Dream seemed to focus back in on the conversation, clearly tired despite not being the one up in a different time zone six hours later than the others.

"Sophie Moore and AstridinSpace," Sapnap told him, George staying quiet at the mention of their names.

He remembered Sophie well from their first meeting, remembered how he had hardly talked to Astrid that night as Sophie had trapped him into conversation after conversation. Not that he didn't like Sophie, in fact, he thought she was a lovely girl, but he would have much rather spent his time talking to the other girl.


Dream hummed along, the call going silent for a few moments, only the clicking of his mouse and Quackitys pen scratching the paper to be heard.

"Wait, she's hot, what the hell" he laughed, clearly having searched her name.

Again, George stayed silent, he kept his face neutral knowing his camera would show all of his emotions.

"Who?" Karl spoke, sitting up further in his chair, a smile on his face happy for an actual conversation rather than the scattered silence they'd been sitting in for hours.

"Astrid" Dream spoke slowly, clearly still scrolling, "she's funny too"

George smiled, it only they knew.

"Wait George, didn't you go out to eat with them a few months ago?" Dream questioned, somehow he always seemed to know about anything George did, "with Wilbur?"

"Uhh" he stuttered, sliding up in his seat and tucking in, "yeah, yeah I think... we didn't talk much"

"You dropped the ball on that one" Sapnap laughed, obviously both of them were trailing her socials.

George didn't even notice at first, his leg shaking and fist balling. Not until his fingernails cut crescent moons into his palm.

He didn't know it bothered him so much, if he could help it they'd never even meet Astrid, and he knew for sure they definitely wouldn't get anywhere near enough close to her to do something about their attraction. Anyway, it didn't matter because they'd never know her like he did.

They'd never see her eyes rolling back as they kissed her neck, never feel her waist as she shuddered under them. They'd never hear her little moans as they held onto her in such a personal moment.

His mind seemed to get the best of him, only brought back by Karl and Quackity waving their hands on their screens to catch his attention, even Sapnap turned on his despite his pleas of it being 'broken'.


"George!" Dream screamed, finally getting his full attention as his face contorted, pulling the headphones from his ears as they all laughed.


"You zoned out on us, what were you thinking about?" Sapnap had sat back now, accepting that his camera would stay on.

"Your mother" he replied, a smirk on his lips as the others laughed, all accept Sapnap who began defending his mother, repeating the words 'it's not funny' over and over.

"You should ask Wilbur to set up a meetup, maybe you can actually make some friends in your own country" Dream teased him, a smirk obvious in his tone.

"We've already got one set up" he mumbled back, rubbing his eyes, desperate for sleep but wanting, even more, to stay up just to be in their presence.

"Great," Sapnap spoke, by his tone George knew a jokey insult was coming next, "maybe you can finally get some bitches"

The others 'ohhh'ed at the youngest boy's joke.

"Oh like you?" He shot back to the boy, who didn't find it as funny when it was on him.

"Admit it George you're bitchless"

"I mean I'm not" he spoke before he could think, they probably wouldn't have caught it if his eyes didn't widen at his own words.

"Wait, what!" Dreams wheezing laugh cut through the call like a bullet, all of the boys shouting things of the same nature.

"There's no way!" Sapnap shouted above them all, even Quackity had pushed his work away to join in on the suddenly riveting conversation.

"What's so hard to believe about that?" George questioned, all why shaking his head to give off the illusion he was just joking around, trying to cover his tracks.

"You're always inside, asleep or talking to us," Karl told him, "you just wouldn't have the time"

In all honestly, he didn't, he was stressed over editing, streaming, youtube, and brand deals. Everything was so much, but when she was around he didn't think about any of that, it's like it didn't even exist around her.

"How do you know I'm actually asleep?" He smirked before lifting up his shoulders and hands in an 'I don't know' pose, pouting out his bottom lip to make a funny face before laughing.

It was true, some of the times he told them he was going to sleep, he'd actually be greeting the blond at his door.

But they didn't need to know that.


Written: 23rd May 2022

Published:26th May 2022

This chapter is ehh but at least I'm writing again :* i'm off to a concert tomorrow and I am so very excited, also i've officially finished my first year of uni

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