《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 22_Drak Secret?(2)


There in a spirit world lies a person with white hair, red eyes and has a kitsune mask on his head facing sideways.

This guy is the alter ego of Yin or in other words, his inverted self whom he separated from himself and locked away because of an incident that happened in the past.

Though most inverted spirits have a negative personality, his alter self is actually quite normal just like the unaltered self.

However, the inverse of Yin is much more.... talkative and quite a battle maniac and also only cares about Yin and himself.

The reason for this is because he values Yin as a brother and for how he attained his appearances was also because Yin gave him one.

Currently, his power is restrained and he cannot utilize his full power unlike Yin who has full access to it.

Though he does use demon kings, he prefers using his own strength without relying on other powers

While the man was thinking of how to erase his boredom he suddenly felt a gate open behind him.

This person, was Yin.

Yin walked closer to the man and now they're about 10 meters away from each other.

He looked at Yin and raised an eyebrow not knowing why he is here.

But before he could continue, he thought of entertaining himself before actually going to business.

???:" Yin, fight me!"

Yin:" No!"

???:" Whatever i'm coming for you anyway"

The man said and launched himself towards Yin, hitting him directly on the gut.

???:" Heh you let your guard dow—urk"

He wasn't able to finish as Yin threw a punch to his stomach and kicks him in the head.

Yin:" Guard down? I let you hit me on purpose you know!"

The inverse stood up and spits out some blood.

???:" Tsk! What a show off"

Yin:" Oh! What's wrong? Too weak to fight back?"

???:" Hahaha no, you've gotten weak that it kind of surprised me"

Yin:" Really now? Then lets put that to the test!"

???:" Then bring it on! Use [Kafziel] and fight me like a warrior!"

Yin:" I think that would be unfair"

Yin dashed and threw a punch but was blocked by the man with one hand.

Yin tried to get away but was met with a kick to the face knocking him back.

???:" See!? I can stop you're punches even though my power is sealed."

???:" Come on Yin! Bring it out!"

Yin sighs and closes both of his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes the surrounding, no, the whole world was in a suspended state which made Yin's foe smile knowing that he finally used it again


Shouts the man excitedly as he entered a fighting stance.

Yin:" The angel who resides in the realm of time. Come! Our fight in this suspended world has begun!"

Just as he finished saying this, his right eye starts to change into that of a clock.

Yin:" Let's continue"

???:" Yeah! LET'S!!!"

Both of them dashed forward and clashed creating a big explosion that sent both of them flying.

Yin summoned two swords that had different colours

One of them has the colour red while the other one is purple and these also have different properties.

???:"Well this is new"

His inverse said and tried to summon a weapon but it didn't work because of the chained bracelets that he is wearing.

???:" Tsk this damn thing"


Yin:" Are you sure you should be looking away?!"

The inverse heard Yin's and looked up and was met with two blades rushing to his neck.

Luckily, he was able to block it using the bracelets that he is wearing.

???:".... I guess this could work"

Yin:" Heh, clever move"

The inverse smiled and fought back by using his fist but everything he does is getting blocked by Yin without much effort.

???:" Tsk i hate this bracelet"

Yin almost severed his neck but luckily he used the bracelets to defend against the slash which sent him flying.

Yin made the swords disappear because he is quite bored with the fight.

His clock eye also returned back to normal and the world began moving again to its normal state.

Yin:(*mind*)" I'm done"

Just as the inverse was about hit Yin's face, he stopped because he noticed that he isn't going to fight back.

Yin:" I forfeit"

???:" Tsk, you didn't even go all out"

Yin:" First of all i didn't come here to fight"

The inverse looked at him like he was analyzing him however, he can't seem to find any lies in his words

???:" Hmm..."

???:" So? To what do i owe the pleasure of meeting you again?"


???:" What are you staring at Yin? Did you finally change your mind about keeping me locked up in these place?"

The guy said while he stares at Yin with the look of expectation

Yin:" No, i just wanted to see if you were still here"

The inverse got disappointed and summoned a chair to sit on.

???:" Oh! What a shame, and here i was, hoping that i would finally be free from this boring place"

???:" But well, i guess i almost did escape this place if it weren't for you"

Yin:" I see..... So that time....you were the one trying to break free"

???:" I guess you could say that"

???:" Now then, take these things off of me?"

He revealed two bracelets that are worn in each of his wrist.

Yin:" You know that i can't let you roam the world freely like before"

???:" Yeah yeah i know, well then. What's your next move? Planning to destroy the city that you reside in?"

Yin looked at the man seriously and declared.

Yin:" I'm not doing any of those things again"

???:" Heh, i guess that's true.....So you told those girls a fake story to hide the truth from them"

Yin:" What about it?"

???:" Oh nothing~ it's just kind of sad how you acted so cool and majestic in front of others while in truth—....."

Yin's power exploded which created a large crater beneath them.

Yin:" !"

???:" Hahaha okay fine i get it though i still wonder"

???:" Why not just tell them the truth? After all, it was US who destroyed that place"

???:" We are one and the same and yet you have the audacity to cast me aside"

???:" You have the memories of what happened while i was in control so tell me, why didn't you tell them the truth about you... No, about us!? "


???:" The silent treatment huh.... Even though we share the same memory, we both have different personalities."

???:" Even you're name Yin tells everything about who you really are"

Yin:" Stop acting like you know everything about me"

???:" Oh! But i do know about you... I'm probably the only one in this world who knows you. "


???:" By the way, you don't seem to be at your peak.... Did you....become weak over the past few years?"

Yin:" That's none of your business! "

Yin:" I don't care what you think about me but i won't let you destroy the things that i have under my protection "

???:" You? Protecting things? Hah! Do you know why your name is Yin?"


???:" Yin....a man who has a dark and cold gaze just like how i once remembered when i was still in the outside world with you."

The inverse remembered the look that Yin gave to those people that he mercilessly killed without remorse nor regret.

His sharp gaze that will make someone feel like there is soul is being observed.

His nature, cold as ice with his power unleashed unrestrained which can plunge the world into chaos

Yin:" That was self defense!"

???:" Self defense? That was not even close to self defense that was more like a massacre "

???:" So.... Let's do it again! You liked it too didn't you? You have always wanted to create a war but your hesitation held you back"

???:" But if you free me, i can start a war and let you enjoy the thrill of it. What do you say? Yin the silent shadow?"

Yin:" I.....am no longer the Yin that you know."

Yin:" I already abandoned that life of mine and now, i'm just a spirit who is trying to help other spirits from getting harmed"

???:" ........is that so..."

???:" Then i guess i just have....."

The inverse suddenly appeared in front of Yin and tried grabbing him by the head but he was unsuccessful because Yin moved away from him.

???:"....Find a way to bring back the old and destroy the new"

Yin:" Heh! I'd like to see you try. "

Yin turned his back on him and created a gate that leads to an unknown place but before he could enter, he heard his inverseb self warning him

???:" Wait! I have to tell you something"

Yin:" Hm?"

???:" Someone has been watching you ever since you came in contact with those other organizations especially....with that blue haired boy."

Yin:"Yeah I know and i can take care of them both...myself"

???:" You've definitely become more careless haven't you"

Yin:".... Get to the point!"

???:(*Sigh)" I'm not worried about those two weaklings."

???:" I'm talking about the third party. She's been watching everything and even tried to mess with you...us after the fight with Tenka"

Yin:" Oh! You mean that... Wait! How do you know all of this?"

???:" We are two minds in one body...if you didn't separate me from you."

???:" I have my ways and also....didn't you find it odd that after that boy sealed Tohka, more and more spirits are starting to appear in one place?"

Yin:" .... I see, so what you're saying is that spirit is trying to get rid of me but for what purpose?"

???:" Haha even I don't know what she's thinking!"

Yin gave him a sharp and menacing gaze however, it didn't work and it only made him more amused at how carefree he is.

???:"Well, if i had to guess it probably has something to do with that hoy.

Yin:(*sigh)"I figured as much. Anyway, i'm leaving"

???:" Oi oi, at least get these things off of me before leaving....and also take me with you..."

Yin:" No, even if you beg i won't do it....maybe someday i will change my mind"

???:" Ehh! Well whatever, i can just turn this place into oblivion and get out of here"

Yin:" You won't be able to get out of this place so there is no point in doing that"

???:" Whaaat?! But being lonely is much more painful than getting hurt you know"

Yin:" I don't care and also you won't be able to get out of this place with that.....thing on your wrist"

???:(*grin)" we'll see about that"

And thus, Yin stepped into the gate, back to earth leaving the guy alone in solitude.

???:" I shall return and make you remember...."

He looked to where Yin was standing before he disappeared into the gate.

???:" Who you really are'

???:" Yin"

The inverse smiled and went to sleep because of boredom.

???:(*sigh)" If i can just sell my boredom i'm pretty sure i can make a living out of it"

???:" Also, this isn't the abyss seal. He should've just said that this is the spirit world."

The inverse complained for a while but went to sleep after a while.


I know that he is part of me but it kinda pisses me off on how he talks too much.

Like come on, at least greet me like a normal person would.

What kind of normal person would just pick a fight after not seeing each other for a long time.

Not like we're normal to begin with.


I went ahead and used teleportation and appeared in front of our house when i suddenly heard an explosion on the sky.

I looked up and saw what looked like a creature, no, an angel and Shido is fighting it with Tohka and the others ny his side.

Looking at the winged entity closely i saw a girl or more like a spirit trapped in a cage.

Yin:(*Sigh)" Just as i was finished with my problem another one pops up."

Yin:" Where the heck even are those two. I can't even find them"

Kurumi and Miyuki were not inside the house so the only thing that comes to mind is that they are out there looking over the fight.

And knowing Kurumi's behaviour,I can easily guess that she is watching the fight nearby.

As for Miyuki.... I have no idea what she is up to or where has gone but i do hope she don't cause me too much trouble.

Yin:(*sigh)" Time to save another spirit i suppose."

I said as i activated and came in between the fight.

Upon looking closely on the person inside the cage, i realized that it was the girl who was stalking Shido and I when we were having our dates.

And for some reason, i felt Kurumi's power close by so i looked down and saw her looking up smiling in amusement before disappearing into the shadows.

Yin:" She can still move?....oh i almost forgot that she's the spirit of time and shadows"

I freed the girl, picked her up bridal style and went down to the ground before deactivating the .

After deactivation, the girl looked around and was shocked to see me carrying her like a princess.

???:" W-Wha!! Who?!"

She said confused and was trying to break free but it was futile.

Yin:" The name's Yin by the way, mind if i can have yours?"

Mayuri:" M-Mayuri..."

Upon closer inspection, she is definitely the girl that was stalking me before.

Yin:" You're that girl aren't you..."

Mayuri:" What? What are you talking about!?"

Mayuri:" Never mind that, i have to help them!"

Yin:" And how exactly are you going to do that?"

Yin:" Right now you are in no state to fight nor are you strong enough to fight your.....own power"

Mayuri looks quite shock that i know that the entity that Shido is fighting is her angel.

Mayuri:" It doesn't matter what happens to me....after this is all over.... I'll just disappear because i've fulfilled my purpose"

She looked sad after saying that she will disappear which made me frown.

I tried thinking of a way to try and save her from disappearing and i finally got an idea.

I haven't used it for a long time but i know that i can do it so i asked her a question to which might determine her fate.

Yin:"Say, Do you want live?"


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