《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 21_Dark Secret?(1)


Yin is currently in Miku's house, waiting for her to finish dressing up because they promised to have a date today.

Yin looked at the sky and saw a large invisible sphere floating in the sky just above the city.

He didn't analyze it because he's too lazy to do that kind of stuff and he prioritizes Miku's time.

A few minutes later, Miku finally finished dressing up and they went to the city.

Miku:" Like what you see?"

Yin:" Yeah, you look stunning as always"

She blushed from Yin's compliment and looked away.

After calming down they talked about how they are going to spend the day together.

She was a bit anxious about people seeing her with him but Yin asks her something she didn't quite expect.

Yin:" Are you saying that I'm embarrassing you in front of other people?"

Her eyes widened and instantly denied his claims

Miku:" No, of course not. I was just thinking that it would be nice if no one intervenes today"

Yin slightly got the idea of what she was trying to say, took action and made them look like an ordinary couple to the eyes of the common folk

Not really ordinary since both of them still look stunning.

Miku:" Is this really going to work?"

Yin:" Yeah, i made this special spell just for us so don't worry too much about it."

Miku:" W-Well if you say so"

Yin:" So, where do you want to go first?"

Miku:" Hmm... Why don't we grab something to eat first"

Yin:" alright, do you know of a good place to eat?"

Miku:" Yup! Just follow me!"

She said excitedly and went in grab Yin's hand so that they can hold hands.

With this, they made their way to the city and found the restaurant that she recommends.

Yin:" This place looks grand"

Miku:" Right! I knew you'd like it here"

They enjoyed their time together talking about idle stuff and avoiding anything personal while eating the food.

Miku:" Come to think of it, i haven't exactly get to know more about you Yin, have i"

Yin:" Well, you know my name so that's one"

Miku:" I'm not talking about your name. I'm talking about you personally"

Yin:" Oh? You want to know more about me?"

Miku:" Yup, is that bad?"

Yin:" No, i didn't say it was bad. I just thought that if you knew who i really am you might change your perception of me"

Miku:" Is your past really that tragic that you'd think of things like these?"

Yin:" Hmm~ I don't really know what most people would call a tragic past but for me...... I don't feel anything that can bind me to the past.....i think"

He murmured the last part

Miku:" That's....quite amazing"

Yin:" No, i don't think it's that amazing to be perfectly honest with you"

Miku:" Eh? Really?"

Yin:" Not being able to think about the past is.... Not really a good thing"

Miku:" How so? "

Yin:" Without the past, one cannot exist in the present and in the future. And not thinking about the past means that we can't find the mistakes that we've made before"


Yin:" One cannot solve past mistakes if they didn't know what the cause of it."

Miku:" I see.... I guess that's true. Hey darling! Do you think.... I can trust.... That man? "

Yin:" That man? "

Miku:" You know.... Shido itsuka"

Yin:"..... It's not me you should be asking about that"

Miku:" Then who am i supposed to ask? "

Yin:" I don't know.... Why don't you ask yourself"

Miku:" Huh? "

Yin:" You cannot judge someone based on someone else's opinion because what you might hear from them is a lie. You only have yourself to rely and depend on"

Yin:" Besides....seeing is believing....and only you yourself have the answer to that question. ... "

Miku:" I... I see.... Oh! By the way, where should we go next?"

Yin:" You decide on that, I don't really mind where you want to go.... And i'm not the type of person that likes to enter shops on a daily basis...What do you have in mind?"

Miku:" Well.... Let me think...um...."

Yin:" Come to think of it, i haven't had the chance to ask this of you earlier"


Yin:" How was your day yesterday? Remember when you said you had rehearsals? I wanna know if you're okay"

Miku:" Oh! About that.... It's all good nothing to worry yourself about."

Miku:" By the way, i plan on having some time off the stage for a bit and i was thinking it might be good to do it in a pool resort"

Yin:" Sounds good to me. You've been working non-stop these past few days after all. I think you deserve it"

Miku:" Really! Then it's settled"

Yin:" Let's talk about your little vacation after we're done doing our date"

Their food has arrived just as they finished talking.

They ate their food and made some idle chatter which made the atmosphere around look peaceful.

After they finished eating, they paid the bill and walked out of the restaurant.

Yin:" So? Where do we go next?"

Miku:" Let's see....."


Miku:" Ah! Let's go shopping!"

Yin:" Heh, sure. Let's just hope you don't buy everything you see"

Miku:" Hehe, we'll see"

They went to the city and bought a lot of stuff.

Specifically, Miku buying most of the stores items without caring about the cost and what other people thinks.

Yin:(mind)"I- Is she even going to be able to wear all of these?"

He thought while carrying some shopping bags mostly full of clothes.

Their day went on with Miku buying all of the stuff that she sees.

Now, they are waiting for the workers to finish putting Miku's stuff into the truck.

Miku:" Ah~ i haven't had that much fun in a long time!"

Yin:" Well, that's good to know"

Miku:" Hey darling! "

Yin:" Hm? "

Miku:" Can i....go on a date with you again? "

Yin:" Yes you can"

Miku's mood brightens as she hugged him tightly while Yin is patting her head gently.

They were enjoying each others company until Yin looked back and saw a figure with blond hair staring right to them.


Miku:" Something wrong? "

Miku asks as she looked to where Yin was staring at however, she didn't see anyone there.


Yin:" It's nothing, it looks like they finished doing their work. Let's go"

Yin escorted Miku back to her house and said their goodbyes.

After doing that, Yin teleported on top of a high building and looked up into the sky, only to see an invisible sphere floating above the city.

Yin:"I wonder.... Are you two somehow connected?"

He thought to himself while looking at the invisible sphere.


???:"...... Is he....a spirit?"

The girl that observed Yin said as she looked unto the sky.

???:' .... I wonder if he's.....nice..."


Kurumi was stalking the girl from the shadows.

Although she did have the intention of talking to her, she can't bring herself to do it because she doesn't know what kind of power she wields.

Kurumi:" hm, perhaps i should continue watching over her... I might find something interesting if i keep following her after all.."

She thought as she went into the shadows without the blond girl noticing her presence.


The next day, Yin told Miyuki and Kurumi that he will be leaving but will come back in a few days because he has private matters to do.

Miyuki:" Can i come with you?"

Yin:" You can't...."

Miyuki:" Eh!? Why?"

Kurumi:" Ara~ didn't you hear him Miyu? He said 'private matters' which means it's personal"

Miyuki:" Yeah i know that Kuru but i still want to come.."

Yin:" I will only repeat this once and i won't say it again so listen carefully "

Yin:" The place I'm going to is very dangerous and only ...... Two people can enter there and one of them is me."

Yin:" I can't tell you anymore than this or i might stir up some trouble if i do."

Miyuki:" Then..... Can you at least tell us the name of the place you're going to?"

Yin contemplated on whether he should tell them or not but because of how soft hearted he is when it comes to Miyuki, he told her what the place is called.

Yin:"Abyss seal"

Miyuki:" ! "

Kurumi:" ! "

Yin:" That's all that i can tell you"

With this they both understood that if Yin insisted on them not going with him.

It can only mean that not only is the place a dangerous place but also the person that he is going to meet.

But this also brought questions into them.

Who is he going to meet? How strong are they? Are they a friend of Yin's? Are they also a spirit? Are they related? Etc.

This questions came to both of them and it made their curiousity stronger.

They also wanted to meet Yin's acquaintance however, since Yin said not to go with him they may not know of what his acquaintance look like.

Miyuki:" Then...what does the other person look like Yin?"


Yin:".... That's..."

Both of them listened intently on how he is going to describe them and one can see from the looks that they are showing that their expectations were quite high.

However, Yin didn't give them the answer that they wanted.

Yin:"... A secret!"

He said putting his index finger in front of his lips.

The two girls looked disappointed after hearing his answer.

Miyuki:" That's no fun!"

Kurumi:(*mind)" I can only guess that the other person is not a nice person"

Yin:" Yeah yeah whatever, anyways.... I have to go! See you in a few days!"

He said as he flies away from the house but then, Yin's eyes suddenly turned into a sharp gaze that even Miyuki and Kurumi noticed.

Miyuki:" Hey Kuru..."

Kurumi:"Yes Miyu?"

Miyuki:" Did you notice how his behaviour became strange after he left"

Kurumi:" In fact i have, which causes me great concern as well...."

Miyuki:" I will follow him"

Kurumi:" No! You can't! If you did, he might be mad at you"

Miyuki:" Muu~.... Then what are we supposed to do?"

Kurumi:" We can only wait for him"

Miyuki:" ......"

Kurumi:" Oh! That's right i almost forgot"

Miyuki:" Hmm?"

Kurumi:" Do you wanna join me?"

Miyuki:" Join? What are you up to this time?"

Kurumi:" Ara~ don't be so alarmed"

Miyuki:" I'm not, I'm just asking"

Kurumi:" Hehe, well I've been watching a strange girl that's been following Shido-san for a while"

Miyuki:" Oh! You mean that"

Miyuki:" Sure, I haven't been going out with anyone except Yin after all."

Kurumi:" Ara~ you're quite attached to him aren't you Miyu"

Miyuki:" Y-Yeah so what?! It's not that bad of a thing is it?"

Kurumi chuckled at Miyuki for being flustered about a single comment about her attachment to Yin.

Kurumi:" Oh please, i haven't said anything about it being good or bad did I?"

Miyuki:" Y-You!...(*sigh) Whatever, so where are we going?"

Kurumi:" Just follow my lead"

Miyuki nods and they went out to find the blond haired girl.



In a ship floating on top of the city, the crew members noticed Yin going out of the city.

R.m 1:"Commander! We found Yin"

Kotori:" Hm?! Show it to the screen and zoom it in"

The crew member showed a picture of Yin, flying out of the city.

Kotori:" Strange..."

Finding him before was already a difficult task but now that they found him quite unexpectedly.

R.m 1:" What should we do commander?"

R.m 3:" Should we follow him?"

Kotori:" No, right now our main priority is Shido's date with the other girls."

Kotori:" If he were to discover us following him, he's definitely not gonna like it and will likely destroy our ship"

Reine:" Also, seeing as he's out in the open like this might mean that he is trying to lure us out"

Kotori:" Right! And we should be extra cautious when dealing with him especially after seeing the way he fights his foes"

Everyone gulped after hearing their commander's reminder of Yin's battle during the 'rescue mission' of Tohka.

Kotori:" By the way, do we have the location of the fox spirit?"

Reine:" You mean the girl named Miyuki?"

Kotori:" Yes, Shido said that she had not been to school for a few days and that even Kai wouldn't tell him anything"

Reine:" Kai......"

R.m 1:" No ma'am! We're still looking for her together with Nightmare"

Kotori let out a disappointed sigh as she looked to the monitor observing Shido's date



Miyuki and Kurumi were watching Shido's date from afar while also observing the blond girl who was always right behind Shido

Miyuki:(*sneeze)" Achoo!........"

Kurumi:" Hm? A cold?"

Miyuki:" No, someone's probably talking about me"

Kurumi:" Is that so...."

Just as they were talking, Shido and his date were moving to another place with the blond haired girl following them.

Kurumi and Miyuki saw this and also followed them.


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