《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 9_The School Trip


Yin:" Just making sure but are you two going to the school trip?"

They both looked at me and then to each other.

Kurumi:" No, it sounds boring"

Miyuki:" Me too, i don't like following someone i don't know"

Yin stared at them blankly and then started speaking again.

Yin:" I see, then i also won't be going then"

They then started leaving the classroom and started walking home together.

When they arrived they quickly discussed on how they're going spend the days next week.

Yin:" So... Does anyone have plans for next week?"

Miyuki:" I have none"

Kurumi:" I also don't have one"

Yin:" But Kuru-chan, what about your search for that captive spirit?"

Kurumi:" Ahh I already have that under control"

Yin raises his eyebrow and asks her

Yin:" How exactly are you managing it if you're here?!"

Kurumi:" I have my ways, though i'd like it if i can get some sort of help from a certain someone..."

She glances at Yin and he just shrugged it off.

Yin:" Nope, I don't like doing search work so i won't do it."

Kurumi:" ara~ is that so...?"

Yin:" Yes, anyways back to our previous topic"

Miyuki:" Why not just spy on them? I mean isn't that what you've always done until now?"

Yin thought for a bit and answered her

Yin:" I know but on Okinawa? That place sounds boring to me"

Miyuki:(*sigh)" then what else is there to do?"

Kurumi:" hmm~ why not wait, maybe something unexpected might happen in this year's school trip"

Yin thought about the possibility and can actually make some reasonable excuse that might happen.

Yin:" Okay, let's just wait then but since we have some free time tomorrow you guys wanna hang out?"

Miyuki:" Nope. I want to laze around all day tomorrow so no"

Kurumi:" Ara~ i also won't be able to go because of personal business "

Yin sighed as he looks at them

Yin:" Okay i guess tomorrow we are taking a rest"

They all went back to their rooms and slept for the night.


Adviser:" Everyone I'm sad to say that we won't be going to Okinawa in our school trip... "

Everyone (except Yin) :" E-ehh!? "

Rs:" T-then sensei, where is it going to be held?"

Adviser:"I'm glad you ask, well everyone instead of going to Okinawa were going to Arubi island."

Shido:" But sensei, isn't it a bit too sudden to change location?"

Adviser:" Yes it is however this trip is sponsored by a travel agency and all our cost and travel expenses are being covered by them"

The class erupted in cheers and started thinking of what they would do.


There are however some who were cautious about this sudden and unexpected change.

Yin:(mind)" I'll have to make sure that I don't go with them"

He decided that he is definitely not going in this school trip since it's super suspicious.

After their adviser went out Yin followed her and ran quickly so he can catch up on her.

Yin:" SENSEI!! "

Adviser:" Oh! Miya-san. What is it? Do you need something? "

Yin:" ah no it's just i can't come to the school trip today and i just wanted to inform you about it"

Adviser:" E e, naze? Nanika mondai wa arimasu ka?"

Yin:" Yes actually i don't feel too good, i think i may have a fever so i cane here to say that i cannot go to the school trip"

Yin lied. He actually can't get sick unless he wants to.

Adviser:" I see, then what about Tokisaki-san and Sato-san? "

Yin:" They also said that they won't be coming to the trip"

Adviser:" I see, well i hope you get well soon Miya-san"

Yin just waved her goodbye and went home to prepare the things that he needs


When he got home he informed the two of what happened before departure.

Yin:" Who wants to come with me?"

Both Miyuki and Kurumi stared at him for a while and then spoke up

Miyuki:" I'll go with you!"

Kurumi:" I'll pass"

Yin:" Okay then Kuru-chan, can you take care of things here for a little while? You're not coming with us after all. "

Kurumi nodded and pats her head.

Yin teleported to the island and activated his invisibility that also affects Miyuki.

He sensed fluctuations of spirit power on one side of the island.

Miyuki:" Yin, do you feel that?"

Yin:" Yes and they're close by. Let's go"

Yin flew to the location and Miyuki followed after him.

When they arrived they noticed someone on the side of the road.

Miyuki:" Is that Shido and Tohka?"

Yin:(*sigh)" Yeah, it looks like Tohka passed out"

They both looked up to see two spirits fighting each other.


Yin:" Sure looks like it"

He then suddenly turned around and noticed someone watching them from afar

Miyuki:" Something wrong? "

He kept his gaze on a fixated location in the sky and answered her

Yin:" They're being watched"

Miyuki:" Ehh?! "

Yin:" I think this time, we should act more cautious."

Miyuki:" Is it them? The DEM?! "

Yin:" Yeah I'm pretty sure it's them, anyway lets just ignore them... For now"

Then suddenly a strong gust of wind can be felt with two figures still fighting.

Miyuki:" Aren't you going to stop them? "

Yin:" No, the playboy is here so i will not intervene"


Both of them continued watching them and Miyuki brought out a snack

Yin:" Where did that come from? "

Miyuki:" I snatched it from someone "

He looked confused but decided to just ignore it and stared at their battle

Miyuki:" So... Who do you think is going to win? "

Yin:" No one"

Miyuki:" ehh... That's boring"

Yin:" Just watch them"

Miyuki sighed and returned to watching their fight


After the two fighting spirits landed on the road the strong winds also disappeared and the sky slowly returned back to normal.

???:" Not bad, Yuzuru. I suppose i can say, as expected of my other half. However, that will come to an end today."

Yuzuru:"Rebuttal. I'm the one with the upper hand in this, our 100th battle, not you Kaguya."

Kaguya:" Ha, you prattle. Why don't you admit that I am the most suitable spirit to be Yamai? "

Yuzuru:" Negative. I'm the one who will survive. The name Yamai doesn't suit you"

Kaguya:" What useless struggling. My future devil sight can see it already. I see a vision of you stabbed and pierced through with my Sturm Lanze!"

Yuzuru:" Point. Your devil sight has never been correct "

Kaguya:(*gasp)" Sh- Shut up! It has to been right before! And don't make fun of me! "

While they were arguing, Shido was staring at them.

Yin:(*sigh)" This... Is so dumb"

Miyuki:" Wow you don't have to be so harsh about it"

With Shido talking to Reine using an ear piece

Reine:" Shin, can you hear me? "

Shido:" Reine-san? "

Reine:" Yeah. I finally got through. Where in the world are you right now?"

Shido:"That's... "

As he was about to continue he looked at the spirits in front of him still arguing.

Yuzuru:" Demand. I ask that you, Kaguya, provide an explanation of the Sturm Lanze. "

Kaguya:" Ha, there's nothing that can bind my Sturm Lanze to reason. Tangible yet intangible. Visible yet invisible. Only specializing in the concept of stabbing and piercing... "

Yuzuru:" Summary. In other words, it is useless. "

Kaguya:" That's not true! And it is too meaningful! You're just stupid for not understanding! "

Yuzuru:" Scorn. Sturm Lanze, LOL, Ha."

Kaguya:" D- Don't laugh! T- To compensate for making me angry, you must pay with that body of yours!"

As she finishes her sentence she summoned a gust of wind and her twin did the same.

Shido:" kugh. We'll be caught up in their fight at this rate!"

He said as he looked at Tohka behind him still passed out.

Kaguya:" Sink into the darkness!"

Yuzuru:" Charge. Hiya-!"

They both charge at each other and then collided but soon stopped as they heard someone shout

Shido:" Wait!"

They both looked at him surprised

Kaguya:" A human?"

Yuzuru:"Wonder. I cannot suppress my surprise"

Shido:"uh... No..."

Kaguya:" What is your intention in bringing an interruption to our sacred duel? Depending on your answer, my...uh... Schatten Lanze will stab and pierce you"

Yuzuru:"Point. The name is different than earlier."

Kaguya:" Who care? Be quiet, Yuzuru!"

Yuzuru:" Doubt. I do not understand why i must be quiet"

Kaguya:" Urgh. At this rate. I will never be satisfied"

Then thought of something while she was looking at Shido.

Meanwhile Yin and Miyuki were having fun eating snacks that Miyuki grabbed from someone she doesn't know.

Yin:" pfft hahaha. The playboy is being played by two ladies"

Miyuki:" Well this was unexpected."

Yin:" Well, anyway let's just enjoy this show. We don't often see this kind of development"

Miyuki:" So let me ask you, why aren't you helping him?"

Yin:" Why should I? I don't gain anything if i helped him and he is very annoying"

Miyuki:"Yeah yeah, hey look they're leaving... And they're clinging... To him"

Yin:" Just ignore that."


They both followed them and saw every student outside the building.

Yin finally spotted someone suspicious and decided to inform Miyuki about it.

Yin:"Miyuki, I want you to be very careful with that woman(points at the camerawoman)"

Miyuki:" Is that a DEM member?"

Yin:" That's a high possibility"

Miyuki:" But do we really have to be cautious about them? I mean i can definitely beat them on my own"

Yin:" Yes we have to. Remember this well Miyuki, never underestimate your enemy. Its true that we are stronger than normal spirits but we don't know anything about DEM's weapons and experiment. "

Miyuki:" We can just ask Kurumi about it though"

Yin:" True... Anyway lets keep an eye on her for a while"

Miyuki:" Yeah, i want to see how they fight spirits anyways so this is a perfect chance"

Yin:(*sigh)" Yareyare "

Yin and Miyuki left Shido and the other spirits then went to spy on the blond haired woman.

They followed her going to the forest with some weird machine that looked like a weapons.

Miyuki wanted to fight her but Yin stopped her because he thinks that this lady is planning something.

Yin:" I think i get what's going on here"

Miyuki tilted her head in confusion and ask him.

Miyuki:"What is?"

Yin:" They're aiming for Tohka"

Miyuki:" How can you be sure? Her powers are sealed and she shouldn't have been able to use it"

Yin:" Someone probably informed her when Tohka was first seen in the city"

Miyuki:" Wait what?!"

Yin:" You see, Tohka created a spacequake when she arrived here and that was also the same time she met Shido."

Miyuki:" Doesn't that basically mean that we have been discovered along with her!?"

Yin:" I doubt that. Well, even if they do find out about it they won't win against me"

Miyuki:" Where did your." Don't underestimate your opponent" go?"

Yin:" Who knows..."

Miyuki just stared at him and looked away still thinking.

Miyuki:(how did he even get this information)

While they were talking they completely forgot the suspicious lady and lost sight of her.


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