《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 8_True Nature


Miyuki:"eto... What kind of spirit are you?"

Yin stared directly into Miyuki's eyes and she slightly shivered because of the slight but dense pressure that he was emitting.

Yin:" Why do you want to know?"

He said still emitting his dense pressure.

Miyuki:" W-well, i don't know much about you. I don't know who you really are and you never mention anything related to your past"

Yin:"... That's true, I don't mention it because i don't want to remember it."

Miyuki:" huh?"

Yin:" I have said this to you before right? That spirits have another form that we can turn into. Normally, this can only be obtained if a spirit was experiencing extreme negativity but that doesn't apply to me"

Miyuki:" Eh? What do you mean that doesn't apply to you?!"

Yin:" Just like i stated, i can perfectly control my emotions. There was one time that i lost control over my emotions and it nearly destroyed the world.

Miyuki stared at him with shock written all over her face and thought of why he lost control.

Yin:" Back then i wasn't even in this city. I was wandering the world, exploring the secrets that might be hidden in ruins and other stuff. I even went to the deepest part of this planet out of curiosity, and almost made a catastrophe but i managed to stop that on my own."

Miyuki was listening to him tell about his past stories that he experience.

Kurumi was also there but she was inside the shadows.

Yin noticed her presence but decided to ignore it and Miyuki didn't notice her because she was too focused on his story.

Yin:" I decided to stay on a countryside and stay in that place and make it my home for the time being and adopted a pet cat, she was quite annoying at first but over time i got used to her making trouble for me and i didn't mind it. She would always go outside and hang out with other cats but one day when she went out, she never came back after a day and i got worried."

As he was telling this his hair covered his eyes and made a dark expression.

This made Miyuki and Kurumi who is still in the shadows listening concerned about what was going to happen and Yin continued his story.

Yin:" I looked all over the place, i didn't use my power too much back then because i want to know how it feels to be human, and when i saw her in the forest. I already knew that i was too late. I saw her lifeless body there and saw some guys shooting at it."

Yin:" As i was seeing that horrible treatment my chest started to hurt. I felt like a piece of myself is being torn apart and all i could think of at that moment was revenge. I know it sounds ridiculous but what can i say. I have no one except that cat. I was attached to that cat even if it causes me trouble i never felt the need to hurt it.


Yin:" I felt my anger, sadness and regret overwhelming my entire being and that's when i transformed. I destroyed anything and everything that comes in my way. I even destroyed the place i stayed in."

Miyuki was shocked that Yin had experience something like this. She wanted to comfort him decided not to because she can feel that there is something else.

Kurumi in the shadows was shocked and surprised that the man she liked who is always compose and doesn't react to much have this kind of past.

It made her a little sad to know that Yin had a painful experience the same as her and she can relate to him thinking of revenge.

Yin:" You might be wondering how i was able to return to my current self right?"

Miyuki:" Y-yeah"

She said weakly

Yin:" Well, i returned back to the void and let my power run wild and created shockwaves that if i released it to the world it might potentially destroyed"

Miyuki:" W-wait, you said return does that mean that place is where you were born?"

Kurumi was also curious about this since she wants to know where he came from.

Yin:" Yes that's right. That place is my home and only i can go there and even if i bring someone else with me there they will instantly die because that place is basically a place filled with dense energy of different power."

Yin:" Anyways, my power in my inverse form is way too strong and destructive and i don't think anyone has the power stop me in that form so i calmed myself down and stayed there to better control my emotions and the me you see now is my other self while my inverse is my true self"

Miyuki and Kurumi went silent after hearing Yin's story.

Yin:" oh! I almost forgot, you wanted to know what sort of spirit i am right?!"

Miyuki:" Y-yeah "

Yin:" hmm~ i don't really know what kind of spirit i am but if i had to say i think i would be... The spirit of the void... And my power is more focused on darkness and chaos just in case you want to know"

Miyuki was speechless by what Yin just told her.

Kurumi then decided that it would be the best time to reveal herself to them and ask Yin a question of her own.

Kurumi:" But how did the DEM not notice your existence back then?"

Miyuki looked at Kurumi in surprise as she didn't even notice her presence.

Yin:" I erased my existence in this world for the purpose of not being detected"

All of them were sitting in silence.

Both Kurumi and Miyuki were rather sad about Yin's past that they couldn't speak much about it.


It was getting late and Kurumi is still in their house just drinking some tea and it kind of made her feel relax

Yin noticed that its night time so he speaks up.

Yin:" We should probably rest for today and Kurumi, you can stay here if you want to, we have another room here that's not being used so feel free to stay in for the night"

She nodded and Yin guided her to her room.


It was early in the morning and Yin prepared breakfast for them both to eat and enjoy.

After he finishes cooking the food he came to their room and woke them up.

Yin:" Miyuki, wake up breakfast is ready!"

Miyuki:" Oh~ come on, five more minutes~"

Yin:(*sigh)" We have school today so you better hurry up! Got it!?"

Miyuki:" Yeah yeah~"

Yin then left the room and walked to Kurumi's room. When he opened the door he saw Kurumi still sleeping peacefully.

He noticed Kurumi opened her eyelids slightly and closes it again.

Yin decided to tease her a bit and went close to her ear and whispered.

Yin:" Kuru-chan~, if you don't wake up now i'm going to kiss you~"

Kurumi immediately got up and ran towards the bathroom to wash her face

Yin:" Heh, easy"

He folded the blankets and went back to the kitchen and waited for them to come.

After a few minutes of waiting Kurumi was first to come and sit down.

She was wearing her uniform to which surprises Yin because he didn't know that she actually goes to school.

Yin was still waiting for Miyuki and after a few minutes of waiting he decided to check up on her and she still isn't out of bed.

This made Yin a bit upset and quickly move to her side and flicked her forehead

Miyuki:"Ow! What was that for!?"

Yin:" Hurry up we are going to school!"

Miyuki:" Wha- but what about breakfast!?"

Yin:" I've already made breakfast now hurry up!"

He said to her and she quickly gets herself ready and went to eat breakfast.

Kurumi:(*surprised)" Miyuki, you actually go to school?"

Miyuki:(*surprised)" I'm even more surprised that someone like you is going to school"

They both glared at each other and Yin decided to step in

Yin:" Both of you that's enough! Stop delaying things and hurry up!"

They both looked at Yin and then at each other and then nodded and finished eating.

Yin went out of the house first followed by Kurumi and Miyuki who are still arguing about useless things.

Yin notices that Kurumi's angel was rather calm.

The last time they met was when he noticed her angel's greed for power but now it doesn't seem to be showing much of it.

It actually made Yin a bit happy that Kurumi can now act freely without enduring her angel's hunger.

They went to school like this with Miyuki and Kurumi still arguing as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

When they got to school and went to their classroom, some of their classmates were shocked to see Kurumi walking together with Miyuki and Yin.

The most surprised out of them all were Shido, Tohka and Origami.

Shido was about to go and talk to Kurumi but stopped when Yin glared at him.

The class started normally and Yin just slept the whole class.

The teachers, teaching the class didn't scold him because they don't want their confidence and pride be shattered again by him so they decided to ignore him.

Of course some teachers felt hurt that their class didn't get Yin's attention.

After all of the classes ended everyone didn't leave yet because their adviser had some announcement to make.

Adviser: Alright everyone. May i have your attention now! Please?!"

The class(except the three):" Hai!"

Adviser:" Okay so we will have our school trip starting next week and it is going to be held on Okinawa"

Everyone was overjoyed to hear that there will be a school trip except Yin, Miyuki and Kurumi.

Adviser:" Everyone calm down, today we are going to be grouping you guys so please cooperate"

Everyone made groups of their own and informed their teacher about their members.

Yin, Miyuki and Kurumi however didn't move from their seats and just stared and listened to everyone having plans for the school trip.

Yin:" Hey you two, let's make our own little group and inform our teacher so we can finish our business here"

Miyuki:" I'm fine with it"

Kurumi:" I'm fine with it as well"

Yin:" Good then."

Yin stands up and informs the teacher of their group members.

Adviser:"e-eto are you sure about this Miya-san? Your group is the only one with three members you know."

Yin:" Yes, Since i know these two better than most i can keep watch and supervise them if needed"

Adviser:" O-okay then. Take your seat i will inform you all of the time that we are going to meet"

Yin nodded and went back to his seat.

Everyone also does the same and was informed of the meeting time and place.

After that they all went home while some of them stayed and planned something about the upcoming school trip.

Yin:" Just making sure but are you two going to the school trip?"


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