《The Manager's Little Brother》III.


Momoi and [Male Name] quietly pave their way back to the Sendai Stadium where the Finals of Spring Volleyball Tournament is being held not until the pinkette questioned her ex-boyfriend. "[Nickname]-chan are you interested in volleyball?"

[Male Name] looked at Momoi as if the girl triggered him. "I'm not interested in other sports besides my specialty which is basketball." He answered her question firmly before looking back to the direction they are walking.

"Really? Then why are you watching?"

[Male Name] gritted his teeth because Momoi keep asking him such questions he doesn't want to answer. "........"

Momoi stared at him, waiting the answer she needed but get nothing. "Okay.." she dropped her head in defeat. Next time she would make sure not to question him about volleyball since she will just make herself look dumb since it was very obvious that he doesn't want to talk about the said sports even though he didn't tell it to her.

"I'm hungry, I will treat you"

Before Momoi can speak [Male Name] grabbed her hand and drag her to the nearest fast food he saw.


After a few minutes of waiting, the foods arrives. They were eating quietly when Momoi spoke up about the upcoming street basketball match. "Ah! About the street basketball!"

"What about street basketball?" [Male Name] chewed the burger he's holding while looking at his ex-girlfriend with a curious stare.

"Riko-san's father wanted a vengeance after those American guys treated Imayoshi-san's team like a trash."

"And?" He ushered Momoi to continue her story.

Momoi let out a frustrated sigh and shake her head afterwards. "That's all, so are you going to play?"

[Male Name] gave her nothing but a shrug. He has been asked about the street basketball before by the Generation of Miracles and until now he is still a bit hesitant whether he would join or not. "I don't know.."


​​"You should play, they are really underestimating us!" Momoi's hand shot out into [Male Name]'s arm and tighten her grip as she beg him to change his mind while it's still early. "Also, they mentioned that you are all monkeys". Instead of getting offended by what Momoi had told him, he just bursted out a loud laugh. Well what those thugs have said are nonsense as hell and just who the fuck do they think they are?

"I'll think about it." He said to her.

"Text or call me if you'll play okay? So I can inform the rest about the it." said Momoi.

"So (Nickname)-chan, how was school?" Momoi ask.

"It's great, I guess" He answered her, staring at the people walking by outside.

"Don't tell me, you replace me with someone else, I won't allow it" Momoi whine to [Male Name] as she on clinging to him.

"I don't" He said now staring at her, looking around the cafe, he saw some girls looking at his way and when they saw [Male Name] looking at them they giggle.

Momoi look at him and saw that he is still on his jersey jacket and jogging pants. She look up at him to say something however she stop when she see him is looking somewhere.

Momoi follow where [Male Name] is looking and saw four girls giggling while looking at him, she frown and look at him again. "(Nickname)-chan, why are you still wearing your jersey jacket, don't tell me you have a practice or a game today?"

[Male Name] turn his attention to Momoi when he hear her talk and answer her. "We have a practice match today".

"What school?" Momoi ask him curious where the practice match will be held.

"Aobajosai I think? I don't know the name of the school" he said to her, trying to remember what name of school that Rakuzan are going to face.


"Aobajosai huh? They are famous at volleyball but not in basketball, but their basketball team is good too" Momoi explain as the [Hair color] haired listen to her.

"Really? I am thinking of skipping todays practice match though" [Male Name] mumble while he rest his chin to his hand.

"Eh? Why?" Momoi ask, looking at him with disbelief. "Don't tell me you'll skip because the team you're going to face is weak".

He stared at Momoi a few seconds before sighing deeply, he knew she won't stop about underestimating their opponent. "Fine, I won't".

"That's good to he--" Momoi was cut off when he continue.

"But that doesn't mean I'll play in the match" he finished.

"You should play, you know? I don't see you play anymore " Momoi said to him with a frown on her face.

He sigh again. "Fine".

"Really?" Momoi ask with a hopeful eyes.


After eating [Male name] place the money at the table and both of them leave. Momoi drag him toward the gymnasium, where the high school volleyball tournament being held at, when the both of them came, Momoi push him toward the opened door.

"Come on faster (Nickname)-chan, we're not going to see anything if you're this slow" Momoi complained, and successfully push him in.

"Eh? they are in the 5th set already?" Momoi exclaim. She cross her arms and look away at [Male Name]. "This is your fault being slow".

"Tch" the [Hair color] haired male click his tongue, holding her wrist, dragging her to an empty seat beside the guy with dark spiked-up hair.

Momoi sat beside the guy as [Male Name] sat beside her. Momoi look at the dark spiked-up hair and to the guy wearing a glasses.

They were familiar to Momoi then it click. 'This guys are from Aobajosai, according to my research, this is the captain and the ace of their volleyball team. The Ace Iwaizumi Hajime and the captain Oikawa toru'.

Momoi broke out to her thought when he hears the buzzer and look down to see that the Karasuno team win the game.

Momoi look besides him where [Male Name] is to say something but stop when she saw the look you had.

Glaring dagger at the Karasuno team. "Tch!" he click his tongue when he saw Kiyoko looking at him with a smile.

"(Nickname)-chan, are you okay?" Momoi ask the said male besides him, worried why he is irritated.

[Male Name] look at Momoi to see her looking at him with concern. He sigh "I'm fine don't worry, let's just go" He said and hold her hand.

The both of them walk out at the gymnasium and waited for Kiyoko and her team to walk out. When he saw her and her team, he quickly go to her while dragging Momoi with him.

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