《The Manager's Little Brother》II.


"We will now begin the Japanese National High School volleyball tournament, Miyagi prefecture qualifiers, boy's finals."

"Miyagi Prefectural Karasuno High School" after the announcer said that, people cheers for the Karasuno High.

"Versus Shiratorizawa Academy," people cheers but much louder than the cheers on Karasuno.

"We will now introduce the Karasuno High School starting line-up."

"#1, Sawamura Daichi."

"#3, Azumane Asashi."

"#5, Tanaka Ryunosuke."

"#9, Kageyama Tobio."

"#10, Hinata Shoyo."

"#11, Tsukishima kei"

"#4, Libero, Nishinoya Yū"

"Coach, Takeda Ittetsu." He bow down when the announcer mention his name.

The Karasuno's students all cheers for their school.

"Next, we will introduce The shiratorizawa Academy starting line-up."

"#1, Ushijima Wakatoshi."

"#4, Ohira Leon."

"#5, Tendo Satori."

"#8, Goshiki Tsutomu."

"#10, Shirabu Kenjiro."

"#12, Kawanishi Taichi."

"#14, Libero, Yamagata Hayato."

"Coach, Washijo Tanji." He wave when he hear his name being called.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please cheer on both teams and wish them the best." The announcer said.

"Let's see how strong your team really is, nee-san" [Male name] mumble. Then he saw the two captain shake hands and the game start.

"Hmmm.. is this the first time of Karasuno, playing in finals?" He ask himself then look at the team line up. "Eh? I heard that the number 10 (Hinata) in Karasuno is always in the front line." He said, then lean back with an amuse smile. "But it's a good choice though, because they need to stop that Ushijima guy, I heard that he's quite good".

He heard the referee whistle for Sawamura to serve. Sawamura who heard the whistle of the referee throw the ball upward as he hit the ball making it over the net. Goshiki who receive it easily and pass the ball to Shirabu, who set it to Ushijima. Ushijima ready himself and jump to spike, he look to the left where he wanr to spike but when he saw the three blocker blocking the left so he decide to spike it straight. Nishinoya try to receive it but failed.


"Nice kill, Ushijima!" People cheered to Ushijima

[Male name] look at Ushijima amused. 'Left hander never failed to amuse me' he thought remembering a certain guy as he continue to watch.

Taichi walk to the back while holding the ball, when he's on the service place he hold the ball for a second before bouncing it. When the referee whistle he throw the ball upward and hit the ball making it over the net. Daichi was about to receive it but stop as he think it will be out. It was in, another point to Shiratorizawa.

Taichi bounce the ball again and hitting it when he heard the referee whistle, making it over the net, karasuno no. 5 and 3 called that they got it but stop and look at each other, then the ball bounce between them.

"What a disgrace" [Male name] mumble. "If Sei-chan is their captain, I'm sure he will sub them out or worse triple their training" [Male name] shiver when he remember what Seijuro made him do, when he skipped practice without a reason. Seijuro tripled his training and make him run in the rain.

He look at the score board:

[Male name] look at the two teams. 'They need to regroup immediately, if they want to win' he thought.

Then a guy with a light gray hair with a jersey no. 2 start shouting at his team, after the shouting, Taichi walk at the service line and wait for the whistle of the referee.

When Taichi hear it, he throw the ball upward and hit it making it over the net, However this time Sawamura receive it, making the ball to Kageyama, who set it toTsukishima, who spike it. Goshiki receive it, making the ball to the side luckily Ohira manage to set it at Ushijima and Ushijima spike it. Nishinoya didn't get it making Shiratorizawa score once again.


[Male name] look at the libero of Karasuno, who is talking to his teammates. 'Hmmm.. Maybe they are planning something?' He thought.


Kiyoko look at where his brother is sitting, just to see him stand up and walk out the gymnasium. 'He must find our team weak that's why he leaves' she sigh deeply. 'So this is it, huh?, this is how my relationship with my brother ends' She thought sadly and look at the game and saw that Shiratorizawa score again.

Then they heard a buzzer sound, signaling that it's a technical time out. All the team go to their coach.

"Blocking all comes down to timing! If they get through the top, it'll be difficult to prepare to receive, as well, you need to touch the ball, even if you can't stop it! Make Ushijima feel that there's a wall." Ukai said to the team.

"Right!" The team answer.

After that they hear the buzzer again signaling that the technical time out is now over.


A while ago [Male name] is still watching the game, even though that the team of his elder sister is losing, his phone rang suddenly.

[Male name] took out his phone and look at it. Momoi is calling him, he sigh, standing up to go outside for him to hear Momoi clearly, when he was finally out, he answer his phone.


Momoi whine to him.

"Eh? Sorry I forgot, where are you?"

Momoi said.

"Wait there, I'll pick you up" He said, then hung up the phone and began to walk where the bus stop is. 'I totally forgot about Sa-kun, when she heard about me going to Miyagi to watch Kiyoko's team to play, she pester me everyday, and I didn't agree with her, but when Dai-chan called me and start pestering me too, to make Sa-kun (Satsuki) come with me, and of course for them to stop, I finally agree' he thought.

When he arrive at the bus stop, he quickly spotted Momoi and walk towards her. When he was near her, she turn around as her eyes met a familiar [Eye color] eyes, she ran to him and hug him.

"Let's go" Momoi said, then cling to [Male Name] arm as the both of them start to walk towards the gymnasium.

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