《The Snake In My Dreams》Ch. 23


Remus woke up in a bird cage.

He looked at his hands, finding that he was fucking tiny. He fluttered his fairy wings, moving to the bars of the cage.


Fairy wings???

Remus spun around, trying to get a good look at them.

His outfit seemed to be different too. Like it was made out of leaves.

He looked down at his feet, and found too cotton walls on the tips of his shoes.

Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.

He heard footsteps coming towards him, and whipped his head towards the source.

It was Janus, looking at him in mild curiosity.

"Hey there, little guy." Janus cooed.

Remus rolled his eyes. Is this what Janus feels like on a daily basis?

"Why am I in a cage?"

At least, that's what he wanted to say.

Instead, a bunch of bell sounds came out of his mouth. Remus startled, bringing a hand to his throat. Did he swallow a bell again?

"Aren't you cute?" Janus chuckled, reaching a finger into the cage to pet him.

Remus wasn't sure if it was reflex, or the Imagination forcing him, but he summoned a knife and stabbed it into Janus' finger.

Janus hissed, yanking his hand away.

Remus smirked. That'll teach him!

Janus pulled the knife out, and Remus watched in horrific realization that his knife was the size of a splinter to Janus.

"You're a fiesty little thing, aren't you?" Janus smirked at him, raising a brow.

Remus cussed him out in bell, flipping him off.

Janus looked bewildered, before bursting into laughter. "Did I offend you?" Janus chuckled. "Sorry. I'll try to watch what I say."

Remus wasn't even sure why he was so angry, anyways. He could tell his face was bright red with anger.


Janus chuckled at him. "You're very cute."

Remus' face burned brighter, but now for a completely different reason. He glared at Janus, pouting.

"My name is Janus." He told Remus. "What's your name, little fairy?"

Remus shot him the most sarcastic look he could muster.

Janus facepalmed. "Right, I can't understand you." Janus thought for a bit, before grabbing a piece of paper and a pencil.

He broke off the lead of the pencil, and tore a corner off a page.

He gave them both to Remus, watching him expectantly.

Remus grabbed them, (hating how the pencil lead was the size of his hand) and began writing his name down.

When he was done, he proudly handed the paper to Janus.

Janus had to squint to read, which pissed Remus off.

"Re...mus? Remus?" He glanced at Remus for confirmation. Remus gave him a nod. Janus grinned. "Nice to meet you, Remus."

Remus gave Janus a bow, which earned him a laugh.

"You took quite a tumble last night, Remus." Janus hummed. "You're lucky I found you before some predator did. You wouldn't like the seeing the stomach of a hawk, would you?"

Remus nodded violently. He would love that! Janus rose a brow.

"You're very peculiar." Janus observed. "Where do you stay?"

Remus didn't fucking know. He supposes he could come up with whatever.

He made a house symbol with his hands.

"In a cottage?"

Remus nodded. He made the same symbol a few more times.

"Oh, in a village." Janus nodded. "So there are more of you?"

Remus shrugged. He made that up on the spot.

Janus seemed to have misinterpreted his shrug as a yes, because he rubbed his chin in thought.

Janus glanced at him. "I bet you're wondering why I have scales on my face?"


He wasn't.

Janus told him anyways.

"My brother is a witch. He was experimenting with some potions when we were 9, and I payed the price." Janus snorted. "He's been trying to make it up to me ever since."

Remus really wanted to know who this brother was. He tried to ask, but the stupid bell sounds came out instead.

He let out a groan in frustration, which just sounded like violent bell sounds.

Janus chuckled at his suffering, earning a glare.

The next second, the bird cage disappeared, along with the rest of the scene.

Remus fell on his ass, the cage no longer there to support him.

Remus sunk out.


He rose up in his room.

As if on cue, a knock on the door was heard.

Remus answered it.

"Hey Ree," Janus greeted him. "I just wanted to thank you for--" He paused. "What the fuck are you wearing?"

Remus looked down, finding that he was in his fairy clothes still. He flushed, slamming the door in Janus' face.

A moment later, he opened the door again in his normal clothes. "Sorry about that!" He exclaimed, putting on a grin.

"...right." Janus said. "Anyways, I just wanted to thank you for last night. I don't really remember what happened, but I appreciate that you helped me."

Ah yes, last night. Probably the best night of Remus' life.

"It was nothing, Jan-Jan. I'm just glad to see that you're feeling better!" Remus chirped.

"Yeah," Janus nodded, then winced. "I have this killer hangover, though."

Remus snapped. "No, you don't."

"The fuck you mean I don't? I can feel--" Janus stopped, bringing a hand to his head. "What...?"

Remus smirked. "So, is that all you needed?"

"Yeah. Thanks again, Ree!" Janus smiled, walking away.

"No, Jan-Jan." Remus sighed. "Thank you."

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